DATE: January 21, 2015
TO: Parents of Environmental and Natural Resources I Students
FROM: Madalyn Batts, Instructor
SUBJECT: Course Description
I am extremely excited to have the opportunity to teach and work with your child during the new semester. I am positive there will be many accomplishments and gains throughout the year. My philosophy of teaching is to work with students individually while showing them the practical side of agriculture in general. I hope this class will allow them to gain a better appreciation for this field and develop skills and knowledge that will allow them to survive and grow in today’s society.
The course in which your child is enrolled is best described as an introduction to environmental studies, which includes topics of instruction in renewable and non-renewable natural resources, history of the environment, personal development, water and air quality, waste management, land use regulations, soils, meteorology, fisheries, forestry, and wildlife habitat. Skills in biology and algebra are reinforced in this class. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are agriscience projects, field trips, shadowing, and supervised agricultural experience. Supervised agricultural experience programs and FFA leadership activities are integral components of the course.
This course will be taught in a method that is likely different than anything your child has experienced before. Once students have mastered the desired competencies for the course we will move into our hands-on and practical application portion of the course. During this portion students should demonstrate an understanding of the skills and theories taught in class. As such students should expect to spend a good deal of class time outside working.
All students in this course are members of Knightdale Academy of Environmental Studies. As such, participation in field trips, seminars, and other outside of class activities sponsored by KAES is expected. The KAES experience will culminate in an internship during the student’s senior year at KHS. Everything we do in this class will help to prepare the student for the process of finding and eventually successfully completing an internship.
The National FFA Organization is an important component of this course. The FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Since the FFA is vital to the enhanced education your student will receive through this course it is strongly encouraged that your child joins the FFA. Dues will be $20, this will include membership and a t-shirt. I would encourage you and your child to visit the National FFA ( and NC FFA ( websites to learn more about the FFA.
Another component of the Agricultural Education Program is the Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). SAE is an outside of class project where students reinforce concepts learned in the classroom. There are several types of SAE, ranging from exploratory to entrepreneurship where students could actually start their own business. All agriculture students at Knightdale will be required to have an SAE. Shortly after the start of class you and your child will be receiving more information on their Supervised Agricultural Experience.
While students are encouraged to join the FFA you are invited (and encouraged) to join our FFA Alumni. The role of the FFA Alumni is to support activities for the local chapter. This support often comes in the way of fundraising and community relation’s development. Although it is called “Alumni” you do not have to have been a member of the FFA while in high school. The FFA Alumni is more a booster organization, much like band or athletic boosters. The FFA Alumni meets one evening per month. Annual dues are just $20.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns! My telephone number at the school is 919-217-5350, or you can email me at . To stay current on course information please check my website, I look forward to working with you and your child throughout the school year.
Best wishes for a successful academic year!
100 Bryan Chalk Lane, Knightdale, NC 27545
Telephone: 919-217-5350 / Fax: 919-217-5356 /