Legacy Document - Infant Feeding: West Midlands PCT Areas


F.A.O: Other Government Departments / Local Authorities / WM Policy Leads

PCT Contact Details:...... WolverhamptonCity Primary Care Trust

Lead person co-ordinating the project:...... Mrs S McKie

Role:...... Public Health Department

Address:...... Coniston House, Chapel Ash, Wolverhampton, WV3 0XE


Phone:...... 01902 443100

Other key contact involved in infant feeding:

Name:...... Hilary Williams

Role: ...... Infant Nutrition Manager


Phone:...... 01902 443100

Working in partnership with:...... Children’s Centres

Borough-wide Peer Support programme coordinated through the Midwifery Service

Multi-agency training delivered to maternity, health visiting and Children’s centre staff,Peer supporters, volunteers managed through maternity service

Progress towards achieving UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Infant Feeding Minimum Standards

The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) staged approach towards accreditation for services under their awards scheme is a quality assurance framework. This sets minimum standards of care related to infant feeding for all mothers under Maternity, Community Health services and includes Children’s Centres services where applicable.

The BFI staged approach to accreditation for services is as follows:


Certificate of Intent

Certificate of Commitment

Stage 1 Accreditation

Stage 2 Accreditation

Stage 3 Accreditation

Full BFI Accreditation

UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative: ( See Appendix 1 for details)

Acute Trust:

Stage 2...... achieved 25th March 2010

Baby Friendly Audits to monitor service quality

Internal audit by BFI trained auditors...... Ongoing audit from May 2010

PCT / LA: Key Milestones

Stage 1...... Achieved April 2009

Stage 2...... Aiming for stage 2 accreditation in 2011

Progress in delivering proposals to improve breastfeeding services and rates

The Trust has applied for a Baby Friendlyinitiative audit workshop to train12 professionals to support the Nutrition Manager in auditing the PCT and Children’s Centres in line with Achieving BFI stage 2 in 2011.

3 professionals will complete the Train the Trainer course and deliver multi-agency training across the city.

Databases are being set up for number of staff in PCT and Children’s Centres and appropriate training databases.

In April 2010, the Infant feeding coordination post in the Community was filled after a period when there was no-one in post. Since April work has been underway to re-assess action plans and deliver breastfeeding support and service activities accordingly.

Extensive contact has been made with the 18 Children’s Centres in the city to identify champions both strategically as well as operationally, building on previous work undertaken jointly with the Children’s Centres in Wolverhampton.

A training needs analysis is underway within the PCT and Children’s Centres and a training programme developed to reflect the needs of recently employed and newly qualified staff (from July 2010) and an appropriate programme for other staff developed

11 Health Visitor Support Workers have been recruited since April 2010 and are undergoing training of which breastfeeding training is a key part.

City breastfeeding steering group has been developed and has membership from all key agencies in line with BFI recommendations

The PCT breastfeeding policy and a breastfeeding strategy are being developed in line with BFI guidance by the Nutrition Manager

Performance Against 6-8 week Prevalence Indicator:

RAG: Green

Wolverhampton PCT has exceeded target and have shown growth in this target indicator.

 Appendix 1:

Progress towards achieving UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Infant Feeding Minimum Standards

The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) is a staged approach towards accreditation for services. It is an awards scheme / quality assurance framework. This sets minimum standards of care related to infant feeding for all mothers under Maternity Community Health services which also includes Children’s Centres services where designated.

The BFI staged approach to accreditation for services is as follows:


Full BFI Accreditation

Stage 3 Accreditation

Stage 2 Accreditation

Stage 1 Accreditation

Certificate of Commitment

Certificate of Intent

QUARTER 1, 2010/11


Area / Performance % / Local Plan, Target % / RAG Rating: Red R, Amber A, Green G, Grey GR (Data failed validation)
BEN / 40.9 / 39.7 / G
Coventry / 123456 / 28.8 / GR
Dudley / 28.1 / 33.1 / R
HOB / 50.6 / 39.0 / G
Herefordshire / 48.8 / 59.5 / R
North Staffs / 123456 / 23.4 / GR
Sandwell / 123456 / 36.7 / GR
Shropshire / 39.6 / 50.0 / R
Solihull / 41.1 / 46.0 / R
South Birmingham / 45.3 / 42.1 / G
South Staffs / 32.8 / 33.0 / A
Stoke-on-Trent / 30.3 / 30.1 / G
Telford & Wrekin / 26.4 / 29.4 / R
Walsall / 26.3 / 30.8 / R
Warwickshire / 43.0 / 53.4 / R
Wolverhampton / 33.5 / 33.3 / G
Worcester / 39.7 / 58.1 / R


Area / Performance % / Local Plan, Target % / RAG Rating: Red R, Amber A, Green G
BEN / 98.3 / 95.0 / G
Coventry / 78.7 / 95.0 / R
Dudley / 95.5 / 91.0 / G
HOB / 91.4 / 84.9 / G
Herefordshire / 95.8 / 95.6 / G
North Staffs / 89.6 / 91.0 / R
Sandwell / 49.5 / 95.1 / R
Shropshire / 95.4 / 95.0 / G
Solihull / 96.7 / 94.4 / G
South Birmingham / 98.3 / 95.0 / G
South Staffs / 93.0 / 95.0 / A
Stoke-on-Trent / 93.4 / 92.1 / G
Telford & Wrekin / 90.5 / 95.0 / A
Walsall / 92.6 / 93.2 / A
Warwickshire / 99.3 / 91.6 / G
Wolverhampton / 97.9 / 91.3 / G
Worcester / 95.8 / 95.0 / G

QUARTER 2, 2010/11


Area / Performance % / Local Plan, Target % / RAG Rating: Red R, Amber A, Green G, Grey GR (Data failed validation)
BEN / 45.1% / 40.7% / G
Coventry / 37.1% / 29.6% / G
Dudley / 26.6% / 33.9% / R
HOB / Not valid data / 39.5% / GR
Herefordshire / 48.1% / 59.5% / R
North Staffs / Not valid data / 24.0% / GR
Sandwell / Not valid data / 36.7% / GR
Shropshire / 40.2% / 50.0% / R
Solihull / 39.7% / 46.4% / R
South Birmingham / 46.5% / 42.1% / G
South Staffs / 33.7% / 33.0% / G
Stoke-on-Trent / 30.1% / 31.3% / A
Telford & Wrekin / 35.7% / 29.5% / G
Walsall / 25.3% / 31.9% / R
Warwickshire / 41.8% / 56.3% / R
Wolverhampton / 36.6% / 33.6% / G
Worcester / 43.6% / 58.1% / R


Area / Performance % / Local Plan, Target % / RAG Rating: Red R, Amber A, Green G
BEN / 95.5% / 95.0% / G
Coventry / 93.7% / 95.0% / A
Dudley / 98.1% / 92.0% / G
HOB / 92.6% / 86.3% / G
Herefordshire / 99.9% / 95.6% / G
North Staffs / 98.3% / 91.9% / G
Sandwell / 93.7% / 95.1% / A
Shropshire / 100.0% / 95.0% / G
Solihull / 93.9% / 94.4% / A
South Birmingham / 93.3% / 95.0% / A
South Staffs / 98.9% / 95.0% / G
Stoke-on-Trent / 97.3% / 93.2% / G
Telford & Wrekin / 99.7% / 95.0% / G
Walsall / 95.2% / 94.4% / G
Warwickshire / 98.9% / 93.0% / G
Wolverhampton / 95.0% / 92.6% / G
Worcester / 96.2% / 95.0% / G

Data Quality for Qtr 2

PCTs failing validation at 2010/11 Q2 for 6-8 week breastfeeding

PCT with less than the required level of coverage (90%) (Quarter actual, year to date or forecast outturn):

Heart of Birmingham Teaching PCT (5MX, West Midlands HA)

Sandwell PCT (5PF, West Midlands HA)

North Staffordshire PCT (5PH, West Midlands HA)

Submitted by Caroline Mansell

Regional Infant Feeding Co-ordinator

September 2010

DHWM Legacy Document J:GOWM/OPMS/Legacy Docs/Wolverhampton 0.2 Dec 2010