BAMS Drama
Troupe #89161
To parents of BAMS Drama Club Troupe #89161:
Attached you’ll find the order forms for our Fall Fundraiser. We are able to piggyback onto a BAHS fundraiser and thus, cut down on our costs. We are selling Krispy Kreme Glazed Donuts and Krispy Kreme Coffee (House, Decaf & Dark Roast).
For those current 7th & 8th grade students, who were in BAMS Drama last year (2015-16), you need to sell 15 boxes/bags of items to help off-set your cost to the ITS conference for this December. A description of the ITS conference was previously provided. If not attending ITS, your fundraising goal is the same as new BAMS Drama members.
For those new BAMS Drama Club members (current 6th grade and new 7th & 8th grade students), you can sell as many as you can with no fixed quota. The money you fundraise here will go into the club’s account to help off-set cost for the ITS conference for next year (Dec 2017) and cost for the play production for this year (March 2017). Whatever you can sell is most appreciative. We encourage that you set a goal of 10 items per student. The order form is attached to this letter.
We can sell now through Tuesday 10-25-16. I will pick up all order forms AND money on Halloween (10-31-16) in front of the BAMS theatre between 7am-8am.
Delivery, as the order form notes, is on Nov 14th. I will sort them and store them on the BAMS stage. We have an all cast meeting that afternoon and thus, students can take them with them at end of meeting or before they leave for school that day if not attending meeting. If alternate pick up times for the fundraiser is needed, please email me ASAP.
Don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions.
We appreciate your support and look forward to fun ‘drama-filled’ school year.
Ed Fitzgerald
Drama Director
BAMS Troupe #89161