DMACC 150/153-College AP US HISTORY
Mrs. Canada Snyder
Welcome to a new school year and to Central Academy!!! I am very excited and happy your child will be with me this year! I look forward to working together in your child’s success! A description of the class is provided below, along with expectations and the homework policy. Please read over the following information with your student.
This course is a two semester college-level study of US history from political, economic, and social perspectives. This College AP course is designed to give students grounding in US history and the ability to answer major interpretive questions that derive from the study of periods and themes. The first semester covers pre-discovery through Reconstruction or 1491-1877, while second semester continues with Reconstruction through the 2000s. The two semesters meet the state requirement for US history. In addition, students are prepared to take the Advanced Placement examination in US history. Students will earn 8 college credits for the completion of this course; please expect college level work for and from your students. The 2017 APUSH test is Friday, May 5. 2017.
Materials Needed: Planner, 3-ring binder preferably 1.5”, 9 tab dividers, paper, blue/black pens, pencils, 3-5 plastic page protectors (optional)
Formal Assignments: (many informal ones will assist with pieces of evidence)
1. Readings and quizzes from each textbook chapter
2. Chapter presentations-partner/group work, chosen by student
3. Top 40 Events Quiz
4. Written work in the format of: Document Based Questions (DBQ’s), long essays, short answer essay
SRG Grades: This is the FIRST AP class at Central Academy to convert to SRG. Please be patient as I work through this system for the first time. Students will receive a letter grade each semester. I will “post” grades as often as possible but please feel free to have your student contact me with questions.
Missing Work: I will mark “M” in the gradebook if your student is missing an assignment the day it is due. If students are absent, I will mark an “A” for absent. Late work is greatly frowned upon as the information and skills build throughout the year due to the compaction/accelerationof the class. Since this is a college course, students are expected to complete assignments on time. If there is an extenuating circumstance or issue with completing homework, please have your student contact me immediately to discuss. It is expected the student emails me with questions or concerns regarding homework or grades. If your student is absent, he can email me for the missing work. Students have one week from the date of absence to make up any missed work including tests or quizzes. Please put the responsibility on your student to email me with questions or concerns.
Computer access: We have a class website ( where I post readings, assignments and announcements. Some assignments will need to be typed. There is a student printer at Central now, but it will not be an accepted reason to be late to class. Plan ahead.
Remind: Remind is a free web-based application that allows teachers to text reminders to students. Parents can also be included on the reminders if you wish. In order for you or your student to participate, you can:
Send a text message to 81010
a. if your student has my class on A days enter @g4a2e in the message line
b. or if your student has my class on B days enter @ hbdf2g in the message line.