Delegate/Exhibitor Registration Form
Company Information
Company Name:Address: / Country:
Contact Name: / Position:
Phone: / Fax:
Mobile: / Email:
Web: / Attending as □Delegate □Exhibitor
Nature of Business
□Association/Non-government Organization□Banks, stock exchanges, insurance and investment companies □Education institutions □Equipment manufacturers and suppliers □Exploration companies □Government □Law, Assessment and Consultants Services □Media, publisher □Mining and smelting companies □Mining rights traders □Technology service providers □Trading companies □Others:______
Mineral and Metals Focus
□Base metals □Coal □Gold □Iron ore□Precious metals □REE□Uranium
Company Business Introduction (Max.30 words)
If you are exploration or mining company and you have mining projects to find cooperation partners or investors, please fill in the following information:
Project Name:Minerals Contained:
Deposit Type:
Ways of Cooperation:
Project Profile:
If you have more projects, please duplicate the above form.
If you are Traders or Mineral Producers, the mineral commodities that you could provide:
Mineral Commodity Name:Amount in ton per year/half year/month:
If you have more commodities, please duplicate the above form.
If you are Investors/Brokers, please fill in the following information:
Minerals that you are interested:Possible investing ways:
Invest amount in USD:
Booth Price
Size / Price / Amount / Booth No. / Total size / Total price6 sqm / RMB30,000
9 sqm / RMB45,000
Special Designed Area / RMB3,000 /sqm / Booth No.:
Equipment Show (N1) / RMB1,500 /sqm / Booth No.:
Panel Booth package includes: 1Table&2chairs/Carpet/Lightelectricity/2 Delegate&2 Exhibitor passes
Delegate Price
Early Bird Rate (before Aug. 20) / Total Price (after Aug. 20) / Amount / Total priceRMB7,000 / RMB8,000
Presentation in additional to booth purchase / RMB30,000 / Topic/Session / Total pricePresentation Only / RMB50,000
Exchange Rate for reference: Please refer to Invoice from the Organizer for the exact payment amount.
1USD=6.2RMB, 1CAD=4.85RMB, 1AUD=4.75RMB, 1EUR=6.55RMB, 1GBP=9.2RMB
Participants Information
Delegate / Position / Tel / Fax / EmailDelegate / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
Delegate / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
Delegate / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
Exhibitor / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
Exhibitor / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
Exhibitor / Position / Tel / Fax / Email
1. Full delegate fee will apply if you miss the early bird time. 2. Delegate package includes: • Delegate • conference/sessions • Conference documentation • lunches • cocktail receptions • coffee breaks 3. Exhibitor package includes: • Exhibitor badge • lunches • cocktail receptions • coffee breaks (Exhibitor badge cannot get access to conferences/sessions). 4. RMB1,000 will apply for each of the additional exhibitor pass. Only one additional exhibitor pass will be allowed for each of 9sqm booth. If morepeople attending the conference, please register as additional delegates. 5. Cancellations will only be refunded, less a 40% administration fee, if a written request is received before Aug. 20. 6. Please duplicate this form if you have more participants. Contact information is essential.Please return this form by email to