To: Parents and Guardians of Kailua Intermediate School Students

From: C. Craig, Vice Principal

Date: August 3, 2014

Re: School Safety Procedures

I would like to welcome all of you to the new 2014-2015 school year. As we begin I would like to remind you of some ways you can help keep our campus safe and orderly. While we not anticipate emergency situations we need to be prepared. The first line of defense is to make surethat your child’s emergency contact information is accurate and up to date.

If there is an emergency situation, please know that the school has an emergency plan in place. Although your first reaction will be to call or come to the school, please follow the tips listed below:

  1. DO NOTcall or rush to the school. Phone lines and staff are needed for emergency response efforts.
  2. DO NOTcall your child. Staff and students are discouraged from using cell phones for safety reasons.
  3. Tune in to local TV/Radio stations for official school news alerts.
  4. Rely only on official communication from school or public safety officials.
  5. Listen for official information regarding reunification with your child. Students will be released ONLY to parents/guardians who are documented as emergency contacts and who present a picture ID such as a driver’s license, military ID, or passport.
  6. Go to the DOE website: for emergency updates.

Safety Terms and Procedures:

  1. Lockdown: A lockdown takes place if an internal or external threat is identified at the school. All school doors are locked and students are confined to the classrooms. No entry into or out of the school will be allowed until an “all clear” announcement is made.
  2. Shelter in Place: Students take refuge in designated areas to protect them from hazardous materials or severe weather. No entry into or out of the school will be allowed until an “all clear” announcement is made.
  3. Evacuation: Certain emergencies may require students and staff to evacuate the school. Evacuations are conducted when it is no longer safe to remain on campus. All schools have evacuation sites and conduct drills at least annually. In the event the emergency continues and students are unable to return to campus, parent or guardian reunification procedures will take place.
  4. Reunification Plan: Once the administrator or designeemakes the decision to implement this plan, information will be provided to the respective news media detailing when and where students are to be picked up. Notification will also include an explanation of the crisis and the current status of the situation. There will be a vehicular traffic plan so please follow the instructions of faculty and staff. Students will be released ONLY to parents/guardians who are documented as emergency contacts and who present a picture ID such as a driver’s license, military ID, or passport.