To Our Great Conservative Leaders:

I am reading Dr Ben Carson’s book The Big Picture. It is in the library section of our web site Please consider checking out this book along with Dr. Carson’s other books from your local library. He is an exceptionally good writer, devout Christian, outstanding neurosurgeon and potential political leader. He spends a great deal of time in prayer before every brain operation that he leads. He has performed miraculous operations with God’s help.

One night in September, at the Boise Riverside Hotel, I listened to a great speaker named Tom Fitton. Tom is head of Judicial Watch (JW), a conservative legal non-partisan organization of lawyers headquartered in Washington D.C. JW is designed to keep the legislators operating within the Constitution and federal and state laws. They have a list of all the laws already broken by our President, Attorney General and this administration. Over 100 violations of law are listed on their web site making this the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

For the reasons listed above and the eight minute video on our web site (Editor’s note: the Dennis Prager video is on the Message Board web page, about ¾ of the way down; or go to we are planning to do the following:

1.Set up a virtual Conservative Education Center on our web site.

A.We have nearly 600,000 hits on the website.

B.Education via internet is strongly recommended by Dr William Bennett

C.Students will be educated by

a.Reading recommended books

b.Watching recommended videos

Dr William Bennett in his book Is College Worth It? states “You can receive a very good education from the internet; no need to go into debt by $50,000 to $100,000.” Further, Dr. Ben Carson, Dennis Prager, Hillsdale College and others recommend the same procedure. All it takes is the personal initiative to read the great books about the men who built America such as our Founding Fathers, or Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller and our military and their leaders. The recommended books and videos are available at the Main and branch libraries in Boise. “The public library has become the University of the 21st century” per the Director of the Boise Public Library.

2.We ask that this kind of effort be duplicated across the nation.

A.This letter is sent to all conservative leaders listed on our web site

B.150 recommended books are listed on our website

C.There are several thousand other goods books available.

D.We need leaders to collaborate with their local public libraries. If you are interested, study our website and then contact Chuck Seldon at P:208-954-2788.

Public libraries provide “information access” beyond their own walls, tapping into cooperative collections from other locations as well. It is this kind of effort which can reach and educate the next generations regarding what makes America a great nation. Our youth need to know that America has unique Christian roots and leaders who are worthy of study and emulation. We need to see where God has blessed America and we need to recognize that his blessing is conditional…”if the people who are called by His name will humble themselves and call on His name…he will heal this land!” Without such knowledge, humility and renewed will, we will not make it.

Remember, “All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing!” In the words of Dr. Ben Carson’s mother to Ben when he was a small boy. “We are going to turn off the TV and you are going to read the great books.”

In conclusion, make use of these free resources available to educate yourself. The computers and internet access at your public library are free. The Board of Our Godly American Heritage are available should you need guidance on books, courses and options. Many of our Board members are qualified teachers even at the college graduate level. The Board is cooperating with the Western Association of Christian Schools and Colleges International for accreditation. So, for little expense and some effort, you can avail yourself a fine education and raise your awareness to become part of the solution and not be part of the problem. We at the Center for Conservative Studies in Idaho wish to help you succeed in changing our country. Perhaps then we will see God again heal and bless America!

We look forward to hearing from you. Charles Seldon

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive them their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

PS. I am finishing this letter with some very important things that my Board members and I have realized these last two years of 2012 and 2013. We must begin reading our history. It has been said by many great people that “If we do not learn from history we will end up repeating the mistakes of history.”

One of the books of history I am reading now is the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Edwin Robertson. From the book and the statement by Charleton Heston I have realized that “Political Correctness is Tyranny with Manners.” The Tea Party Boise has shortened Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s warning to all of Germany in World War II, down to a motto that they have put on a political pin. The pin simply states “Silence is Consent” and the Tea Party Boise gives this pin out to wake up Americans.Abraham Lincoln said during the Civil War “If our government is corrupt we must revolt and change it.”

One of our new board members is Chad Inman . He is President of Tea Party Boise and his bio will be posted on our web site. He is working hard to wake up Americans. The tea party website is or check out their Facebook page Gem State Tea Party (GSTP); TeaPartyBoise,Inc.and MP2(Motivating People to be More Productive)

Please do as the Bible tells us “Study to show thy self approved unto God” Remember our rights are “Inalienable Rights”and that means they come from God.


Dr. Charles Seldon