31 May 2016
To Members of Community Services Committee
Dear Councillor,
The next meeting of the Community Services Committee meeting will be held onMonday 6th June at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, 3, New Street, Daventry.
Yours sincerely
Deborah Jewell
Town Clerk
The press and public are cordially invited to be present.
Please switch mobile phones and electronic recording devices to silent.
Polite request: If you wish to film or record the meeting, please advise the Clerk in advance so that any necessary arrangements can be made to avoid disrupting the meeting and/or the view of the meeting by other members of the public. Any recordings made are your responsibility.
Audio recording notice: Please note, this meeting may be recorded - at the start of the meeting the Chairman will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being recorded. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during this recording will be retained for a period of 12 months.
Open Forum.
CS1606.1Apologies for Non Attendance
CS1606.2Declaration of Interests. Members to declare any interests they consider relevant to specific items identified in this agenda.
CS1606.3Minutes. To approve and sign as correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on3rd May 2016.
CS1606.4Committee Budget.
(i)To review income and expenditure up to 31st May 2016 and make any comments thereon (Appendix 1)
CS1606.5Motorcycle Festival. To note schedule of events taking place at the Motorcycle Festival being held in Daventry Town on Saturday 11th June 2016.
CS1606.6Daventry Arts Festival.To receive an update on programme of events for the Arts Festival being held in Daventry Town from 18th-26th June 2016.
CS1606.7Daventry Subways. To review survey on subways, in Daventry Townand consider further action, if any.
CS1606.8Daventry Market. To consider appointment of members to advise, review and report on transfer of Daventry Market from Daventry District Council to Daventry Town Council.
CS1606.9Northamptonshire Highways - Grit bins. To note removal of grit bins on Prospect Way/Bentley Way and South March and consider funding replacement bins.
CS1606.10Correspondence. To receive any correspondence received and make decisions thereon:
CS1606.11Date of Next Meeting. Monday 4th July2016 6:30pm
Committee Members: Cllrs Mike Arnold,Craig Golden,Zeshan Hussain, Maureen Luke, Peter Luke, Wendy Randall (Vice-Chair), Glenda Simmonds, Lynne Taylor (Chair), Karen Tweedale Julie Wesleyand Mark Wesley