Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.
To LINK to any article, click on the titles in BLUE
For information on Homeless Assistance Programs and Charities, click here
1. Homeless Statistics for Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States, all data from around the year 2001.
2. PBS, "Home at Last?", NOW series program, first aired on February 2, 2007. The topic was what will most help homeless people reenter the fabric of society.
3. Homelessness at the Open Directory Project
4. Homelessness, Current information on U.S. homelessness written by The Rev. Chuck Currie, former National Coalition for the Homeless board member.
5. Homelessness in Europe FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless is an umbrella of not-for-profit organisations which participate in or contribute to the fight against homelessness in Europe.
6. "Dumped On Skid Row". 60 Minutes. May 17, 2007. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/17/60minutes/main2823079.shtml. Retrieved 2007-05-21.
7. "L.A. charges hospital in dumping of homeless". MSNBC. November 16, 2006. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15752013. Retrieved 2007-05-21.
8. Scherl DJ, Macht LB (September 1979). "Deinstitutionalization in the absence of consensus". Hosp Community Psychiatry 30 (9): 599–604. PMID 223959. http://ps.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=223959.
9. Rochefort DA (Spring 1984). "Origins of the "Third psychiatric revolution": the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963". J Health Polit Policy Law 9 (1): 1–30. doi:10.1215/03616878-9-1-1. PMID 6736594. http://jhppl.dukejournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=6736594.
10. Police probe alleged L.A. homeless dumping: Hospital van reportedly spotted dropping off paraplegic man on Skid Row, MSNBC via Associated Press, February 9, 2007
11. American Bar Association Commission on Homelessness and Poverty - Describes Commission and provides ordering information for Commission publication.
12. Flickr: Homeless - Pictures of and about homeless people from around the world.
13. Health & Human Services: Homeless - Links to studies, publications, US Department of Health and Human Services resources and other web sites.
14. Homeless Assistance Act: US Code : Title 42, Chapter 119 - Federal Legislation creating the Interagency Council on the Homeless and providing for funding for homeless services nationwide.
15. Homeless People's Network Discussion List - An online discussion among homeless and formerly homeless individuals. Discussions and archives may be viewed by all.
16. Homeless Policy Academies - Technical assistance material for policy makers from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. Materials focus on homeless families and people who are "chronically" homeless.
17. Institute for Research on Poverty - Information about the institute, explanations of poverty measures, research, and links. One of two national poverty research centers designated by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
18. National Alliance to End Homelessness - Briefing documents, statistics, legislative tracking, large number of web links, discussion forum, calendar and other resources from this major policy organization.
19. National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) - Links, research, legislative info, and information about this association of national, state, and local education service and advocacy representatives.
20. National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE - National resource center of research and information with links, library, legislation tracking, searchable index related to the education of homeless children and youth.
21. National Center on Family Homelessness - Research, Fact Sheets and links regarding family homelessness.
22. National Coalition for the Homeless - Fact sheets, legislative tracking, reports, policy alerts, library, and links from this advocacy organization.
23. National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty - Fact sheets, legal briefing materials, links, legislative tracking, agency information and other resources from this legal resource center.
24. National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness (NPACH) - News articles about homelessness
25. National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness - Training, publications, bibliographies, referral lists, fact sheets and resource library.
26. National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness - Action guide and other materials aided at students.
27. US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Homelessness - Research, fact sheets, links to government and private organizations and other resources
28. Welfare Information Network - Homelessness - News, a large list of links to publications and research, organizational links and email list serve from the Finance Project.
How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information for each article. Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article database
JSTOR Articles
Very important: If the article does not open; copy and paste the title of the article into JSTOR search box. Always login into JSTOR first, search for article then choose PDF option to view JSTOR articles.
1. Reading Research into the Classroom: Homelessness, Poverty, and Children's Literacy Development, Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Victoria J. Risko, The Reading Teacher, Vol. 62, No. 1 (Sep., 2008), pp. 84-86
2. Family Homelessness in New York City: A Case Study, Ralph Nunez, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 116, No. 3 (Autumn, 2001), pp. 367-379
3. The Impact of Homelessness on Children's Literacy Experiences, Elizabeth Noll, Robin Watkins, The Reading Teacher, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Dec., 2003 - Jan., 2004), pp. 362-371
4. Responding to the School Mobility of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness: The McKinney-Vento Act and Beyond, Patricia F. Julianelle, Maria Foscarinis, The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 72, No. 1, Student Mobility: How Some Children Get Left Behind (Winter, 2003), pp. 39-54
5. Public Shelter Admission among Young Adults with Child Welfare Histories by Type of Service and Type of Exit, JungMin Park, Stephen Metraux, Gabriel Brodbar, DennisP. Culhane, The Social Service Review, Vol. 78, No. 2 (June 2004), pp. 284-303
6. Private Lives in Public Places: Loneliness of the Homeless, Ami Rokach, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 72, No. 1 (May, 2005), pp. 99-114
7. I Helped Build That: A Demonstration Employment Training Program for Homeless Youth in Toronto, Canada, Rae Bridgman, American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 103, No. 3 (Sep., 2001), pp. 779-795
8. Homelessness and Hunger, Barrett A. Lee, Meredith J. Greif, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Vol. 49, No. 1 (Mar., 2008), pp. 3-19
9. Street Children, Human Rights, and Public Health: A Critique and Future Directions, Catherine Panter-Brick, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 31 (2002), pp. 147-171
Academic Search Premiere
1. Loftus-Farren, Zoe. "Tent Cities: An Interim Solution To Homelessness And Affordable Housing Shortages In The United States." California Law Review 99.4 (2011): 1037-1081. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=65154638&site=ehost-live
2. Tietz, Jeff. "The FALLEN." Rolling Stone 1160/1161 (2012): 90-114. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=77388191&site=ehost-live
3. DEWARD, SARAH L., and ANGELA M. MOE. "Like A Prison!": Homeless Women's Narratives Of Surviving Shelter." Journal Of Sociology & Social Welfare 37.1 (2010): 115-135. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=48169023&site=ehost-live
4. Hudson, Angela L, and Karabi Nandy. "Comparisons Of Substance Abuse, High-Risk Sexual Behavior And Depressive Symptoms Among Homeless Youth With And Without A History Of Foster Care Placement." Contemporary Nurse: A Journal For The Australian Nursing Profession 42.2 (2012): 178-186. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=83593078&site=ehost-live
5. Anderson, Michelle D. "Special Schools For Homeless Students Bursting At The Seams. (Cover Story)." Education Week 30.28 (2011): 1-25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=60230532&site=ehost-live
6. Jacobs, David E. "Environmental Health Disparities In Housing." American Journal Of Public Health 101.S1 (2011): S115-S122. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=74980799&site=ehost-live
7. Roger Thompson, et al. "Personal And Political?: Exploring The Feminization Of The American Homeless Population." Journal Of Poverty 14.1 (2010): 97-115. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=47906557&site=ehost-live
8. Tucker, Abigail. "A Roof Of One's Own." Smithsonian 43.3 (2012): 14. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=76154192&site=ehost-live
9. Robyn S. Raysor, et al. "Collaborative Initiative To Help End Chronic Homelessness: Introduction." Journal Of Behavioral Health Services & Research 37.2 (2010): 149-166. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=49024413&site=ehost-live
10. Jasmine Knight, et al. "Answering The Call: Facilitating Responsive Services For Students Experiencing Homelessness." Professional School Counseling 14.3 (2011): 191-201. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=58646971&site=ehost-live
11. Heben, Andrew. "Frow Camp To Village." Communities 156 (2012): 24-75. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=79812631&site=ehost-live
12. Sarah A. McGraw, et al. "Supportive Housing Approaches In The Collaborative Initiative To Help End Chronic Homelessness (CICH)." Journal Of Behavioral Health Services & Research 37.2 (2010): 213-225. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=49024416&site=ehost-live
13. Doskoch, P. "Homelessness In Year Before Delivery Linked To Reduced Levels Of Prenatal And Postnatal Care." Perspectives On Sexual & Reproductive Health 43.4 (2011): 266-267. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=69604562&site=ehost-live
14. Alessi, Scott. "Nobody's Home." U.S. Catholic 77.7 (2012): 4. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=77843793&site=ehost-live
15. Park, Jung Min, Angela R. Fertig, and Paul D. Allison. "Physical And Mental Health, Cognitive Development, And Health Care Use By Housing Status Of Low-Income Young Children In 20 American Cities: A Prospective Cohort Study." American Journal Of Public Health 101.S1 (2011): S255-S261. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=74982088&site=ehost-live
16. Lefebvre, Elizabeth. "Headed Home." U.S. Catholic 77.7 (2012): 28-32. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=77843807&site=ehost-live
17. McNaughton Nicholls, Carol, and Iain Atherton. "Housing First: Considering Components For Successful Resettlement Of Homeless People With Multiple Needs." Housing Studies 26.5 (2011): 767-777. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=62596393&site=ehost-live
18. Martell-Otero, Loida I. "Creating A Sacred Space: An Iglesia Evangélica Response To Global Homelessness." Dialog: A Journal Of Theology 49.1 (2010): 9-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=48630347&site=ehost-live
19. Johnson, Teddi Dineley. "University Of Washington Students Raise Awareness Of Homelessness." Nation's Health 40.5 (2010): 17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=51237014&site=ehost-live
General Websites
PATH - Making it Home - ePATH.org
Help homeless moms - BridgeOfHopeInc.org
Homeless Assistance Programs/U.S. Department of Housing and ...
Supportive Housing Program -Single Room Occupancy -Shelter Plus Care Program
Homeless Assistance Programs - MHALA
Facing Homelessness - Los Angeles | The Actors Fund
Beyond Shelter: Los Angeles Programs, Housing First for Homeless ...
Homeless Los Angeles California: Shelters and Resources
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority: LAHSA
Homeless Programs and Services - Department of Public Social ...
Homeless Assistance Programs
Homeless Education Program | Pupil Services - Los Angeles
What to Do If You Need Help - National Coalition for the Homeless
Homeless Assistance Programs and Charities
- Barrett Foundation - Albuquerque, New Mexico nonprofit providing emergency shelter, housing and supportive services to women with children and women with chronic mental illness through Barrett House, Casa Milagro, Casa Verdi and Bridges programs. Includes events, programs, donation needs, newsletter and information about Barrett House Attic thrift shop.
- Bethlehem House Transitional Living Center - Conway, Arkansas nonprofit providing shelter and support services to homeless individuals and families. Includes program information and needs list.
- Beyond Shelter - Los Angeles, California nonprofit providing permanent housing and support services for homeless families with children and technical support for supportive housing developments. Includes program descriptions, list of workshops and publications, links and how to help.
- Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) - Nonprofit headquartered in Berkeley, California providing shelter, housing, health care, adult education, job training and placement, urban gardening institute and community organizing. Visually impaired accessible site includes information on programs, donating, web tutorial, and links.
- Casa de los Niños - Focused on the prevention and intervention of child abuse in Tucson, Arizona, through shelter care for children aged infant to 11 years old and services for families and abused, neglected or homeless children. Includes information on programs and events, links, parenting tips, and bibliography of resources.
- Comic Relief - Official site of the American non-profit organization formed to help the nation's homeless. Features details of local projects and television shows.
- Common Ground Community - New York City nonprofit creating and managing affordable, supportive housing and employment programs for homeless, disabled, elderly and low income people. Includes program descriptions, news and how to help.
- Doe Fund, Inc. - New York nonprofit organization helping formerly homeless men and women achieve independence and self-sufficiency. Includes program descriptions, volunteer opportunities, news, success stories and events.
- Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) - Seattle, Washington nonprofit providing emergency shelter, clinical services and permanent supportive housing designed for disabled and vulnerable homeless adults. Includes programs, how to help and job listings.
- Family Emergency Shelter Coalition (FESCO) - Coalition of churches and community members providing shelter, meals and support services to families in the Hayward, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo and San Leandro, California area. Includes donation wish list, volunteer opportunities and newsletters.
- Frontyard Youth Services - A collection of services that work together to address the physical, emotional and social needs of young people aged up to 25 years who are homeless or at risk in the Melbourne, Australia area.
- Horizons for Homeless Children - Nonprofit serving homeless children and their families by providing full-time child care in two Community Children's Centers, and building and maintaining playrooms in family shelters throughout Massachusetts. Includes information on programs, homelessness, helping, employment and events.
- Interfaith Shelter Network - San Diego County based collaboration of religious, social service, and government entities providing shelter hosted rotating congregations and transitional housing for homeless victims of domestic violence and their families.