Goals for the workshop:
- To learn how UDL addresses challenges of learner variability
- To strategize how to apply UDL theory to practice
9:00-9:40 / Welcome!
- Paper materials: Power Point, graphic organizer, UDL Theory & Practice book
- Digital materials: Social Media (Tweet: #UDL), UDL Connect: XXX (sign in and join the group)
9:40-10:40 / Topic: 3 Core Concepts for UDL: goals, variability, context
Goal: To collaborate and reflect around a design challenge through the 3 core UDL concepts
Exercise: Marshmallow Challenge
10:40-10:50 / Break
10:50-11:45 / Topic: CAST history and introduction to the UDL Guidelines
Goal: To share foundationaltheory and background for UDL
Exercise:UDL and Universal Design (UD)
11:45-1:00 / LUNCH
1:00-1:20 / Topic: Diving Deeper into the UDL Guidelines
Goal:To share strategies to apply the UDL Guidelines to your work
Exercise: Around the World: options for lesson design to support variability:
- Options for Representation: perception, vocabulary, background
- Options for Action & Expression: physical action, expression, executive function
- Options for Engagement: recruit interest, persistence, self-regulation
1:20-2:00 / Topic: The UDL Guidelines: Representation
Goal: To discuss variability and strategies using the UDL Representation Guideline
Exercise: Counting video
2:00-2:40 (break as needed) / Topic: The UDL Guidelines: Action & Expression
Goal: To discuss variability and strategies using the UDL Action & Expression Guideline
Exercises: Write your name exercise, Marshmallow video
2:40-3:00 / Share your ideas and questions
Reflection, Exit ticket
Day 2:
Goals for the workshop:
- To learn how UDL addresses challenges of learner variability
- To strategize how to apply UDL theory to practice
9:00-9:30 / Welcome back!
Review from Day 1, Novice Expert shift
9:30-10:30 / Topic: The UDL Guidelines: Engagement
Goal: To discuss the theory behind the UDL Engagement Guideline
Guest speaker: David Rose, co-founder CAST
10:30-10:40 / Break
10:40-11:45 / Topic: Diving Deeper into the UDL Engagement Guideline
Goal: To apply the UDL ‘lens’ to a classroom example
Exercises: Analyze a classroom video: Math as a Social Activity and Experience a lesson
11:45-12:45 / LUNCH
1:00-2:00 / Topic: Tools and resources for your UDL practice
Goal: To explore and build resources through the UDL framework for you practice
- Option A: Guest speaker: Mindy Johnson, instructional designer and CAST social media
- Option B: Liz Byron shares low tech/no tech resources
- CAST UDL Book Builder:
- National Center on UDL:
- UDL Theory and Practice (online):
2:00-2:05 / Stretch Break
2:05-2:45 / Topic: Next steps for your work
Goal: To share application of UDL theory to your practice
Exercise: UDL Myths and Misconceptions folder pass
2:45-3:00 / Final reflection, evaluation
Thank you! Keep in touch with CAST:
- Continue discussions through CAST social media,#UDL
- Participate in aCAST online course, CAST institute, or free webinar:
- Participate with CAST research
- Build your own UDL learning group or PLC!