What to Know for the Final
Sustainability, Economics and Policy
- Garret Hardin/Tragedy of the Commons
- Reduce consumption is the key to sustainability
- Ecosystem Services
- Judicial system uses to protect the environment
- Malthus: need for social regulations
- Environmental Justice
- Sustainable Development
- Environmental Policy = fairness and sustainableuse of resources
- Internal/External Costs
- Precautionary Principle
- Peer Review
- Biophilia
- Conservationist/Preservationist/
- Ecocentric/Biocentric/Anthropocentric
- Maximum Sustainable Yield
- Ecological Footprint
- Overshoot
- Offset
Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution
- Abiotic/Biotic Factors
- Umbrella Species
- Ecological Hotspot
- Habitat Fragmentation
- Introduced species/exotic species
- Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography
- Genetic Diversity, Ecological Diversity, Biological Biodiversity
- Shannon Wiener Index/Sequential Comparison Index
- Food security and biodiversity
- Extirpation and Extinction
- Keystone species
- Habitat disruption is a major cause of decrease of biodiversity
- ICUN red list
- Generalists/Specialists
- r-strategists/k-strategists/Biotic potential
- Global distillation: Pesticide Drift to Poles
- Endocrine disruptors
- Lead Paint problems
- Neurotoxins
- Biomagnification/Bioaccumulation
- LD 50
- Thalidomide/Teratogens
- Carcinogens
- Bisphenol-A
- Allergens and Immune systems
- Amphibian indicators
- Synergistic
- Stockholm convention/POPs
- Heavy metals
- Flame retardant toxicant/PBDE
Freshwater Resources
- Cause of Aral Sea problems
- Gray water
- Groundwater one fifth of freshwater
- Rain shadow (Leeward/Windward)
- Half of rivers polluted
- Great Lakes 20% Freshwater
- Eutrophication
- Water conservation methods
- Largest and second largest users of freshwater
- Positive and negatives of buildiing dams
- Freshwater lake Zones
- Sinkholes/Prevention
- Freshwater consumption is unsustainable
- Hard water
- Ogallala Aquifer
- Turbidity
- Aquifer
Climate Change
- Milankovitch cycles
- Climate Change is natural and Anthropogenic
- % of fuel that actually moves a combustion engine car
- Sources of Methane (Landfills, rice fields, cattle, fastest growing)
- Largest source of anthropogenic GHG
- How GHG warm the atmosphere
- Most of heat is trapped by this GHG
- Deforestation and GHG
- IPCC/UNFCCC/Kyoto Protocol
- Formation of Lithospheric Carbon
- Ice cores go back 750,000 years
- Albedo
- Troposphere
- Solutions to carbon emissions in transportation
- Global cooling and aerosols
Waste Management/Wastewater Treatment
- Landfill construction
- Love Canal and CERCLA Superfund 60%
- Hazardous Waste (Largest source/Largest unregulated source)Deep Well Injection
- RCRA/cradle to grave act
- Industrial ecologist function
- Three steps of municipal Wastewater treatment
- Use of biosolids
- 4.5 pounds per day/1 ton per year