

To Kill a Mockingbird- Study Questions

Chapter One

1.  What happened to Jem when he was thirteen?

2.  How much older is Jem compared to his sister, the narrator?

3.  What is the name of the children’s father?

4.  Why does Atticus go to Montgomery and his brother to Boston?

5.  Where does Atticus practice law?

6.  What was special or odd about the father’s two clients?

7.  How does the narrator show how hot Maycomb can become?

8.  Who is Calpurnia and how does she treat the narrator?

9.  Why does Jem sometimes go off by himself behind the car-house?

10.  When Jem is ten, what are the summer-time boundaries for the children?

11.  What is the narrator’s name?

12.  What is the full name and nickname of the boy the two children meet at Miss

Rachel Haverford’s?

13.  What movies has the boy seen?

14.  Why does Scout call the boy “a pocket Merlin”?

15.  Why is the Radley place looked at with suspicion?

16.  Why is Boo Radley not sent to the state industrial school?

17.  According to rumour, what did Boo do when he was thirty-three?

18.  Briefly describe Mr. Radley.

19.  When Mr. Radley dies, what comment does Calpurnia make?

20.  Who takes old Mr. Radley’s place?

21.  Briefly summarize Jem’s description of Boo Radley?

22.  What dare or bargain does Dill make Jem?

23.  After Jem runs to the house, what happens?

Chapter Two

1.  Describe Scout’s first teacher.

2.  Why does the teacher tell Scout not to let her father teach her anymore?

3.  What, according to Jem, is the name for Miss Caroline’s method of teaching?

4.  How did Scout learn to write?

5.  Describe Calpurnia as a teacher.

6.  How does Scout explain Walter Cunningham’s lack of a lunch and his refusal to take a quarter from the teacher?

7.  How does Mr. Cunningham pay Atticus for some legal work?

8.  Why specifically does the teacher become angry with Scout?

Chapter Three

1.  Why does Scout rub Walter’s nose in the dirt after school?

2.  Why can Walter not pass the first grade?

3.  What does his conversation with Walter say about Atticus?

4.  Why is Calpurnia furious with Scout? What is her point?

5.  What suddenly terrifies Miss Caroline at school?

6.  Who proves to be a born gentleman?

7.  What is the name of the dirty boy? What does he say that makes Miss Caroline cry?

8.  Why does Calpurnia make crackling bread and later kiss Scout?

9.  How does Atticus explain to Scout a way of getting along in school and with other people?

10.  Why does Atticus think it is just as well that the Ewells do not attend school?

11.  Why does any land-owner not begrudge the game Bob Ewell poaches?

12.  What compromise does Atticus make with Scout? How does Scout normally

seal a bargain?

13.  The last three words of this chapter are crucial. Write them down.