To: James Hartwick, Faculty Senate Chair
From: Angela Harlan, Interim UCC Chair
RE: Transmittal of UCC actions on October 21, 2016
UCC Members CL = CourseLeaf*
George Ferencz, Marshall Anderson, Teri Frame, Victor Barger, Soroush Aslani, Matthew Winden, Jenni Petersen, John Zbikowski, Edward Gimbel (for Paul House), Elizabeth Olson (for David Havas), Zach Oster, Liz Hachten, Carol Elsen, Kate Ksobeich, Angela Harlan (Chair), and Stephanie Douglas. Guest: Jim Mead.
I. Approval of Minutes from the October 7 meeting. Teri Frame and Marshall Anderson moved approval of minutes of area I; motion passed unanimously.
II. Information Only Items (To be Received and Recorded).
A. Special Courses approved since the most recent UCC meeting: Matt Winden and John Zbikowski moved approval of area II. A.; motion passed unanimously.
Course No. / Title / Term / ApprovedManagement Special Study 496 / Negotiation Strategies / Spring 2017 / 10/10/2016
ARTHIST Special Study 496 / Nonwestern Art History / Spring 2017 / 10/06/2016
III. Action Items
A. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication
1. Action from the Department of Communication
1.1 New Minor – CL – Electronic Media Marshall Anderson and Zach Oster moved approval of area III. A.1.1: motion passed unanimously.
1.2 Course Deactivation – CL – COMM 325: Psychology of Communication (GS) Teri Frame and George Ferencz moved approval of area III. A.1.1: motion passed unanimously. Note: Since this course is a requirement for the Communication Minor, the Department should submit a program revision to remove the course.
2. Action from the Department of Theatre & Dance Marshall Anderson and John Zbikowski moved approval of area III. A.2.1.: motion passed unanimously.
2.1 Change in Emphasis – CL – Theatre - Performance (BFA)
B. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1. Action from the Department of Languages & Literatures George Ferencz and Matt Winden moved approval of area III. B.1.1.: motion passed unanimously.
1.1 Change in Minor – CL – FILMMINOR: Film Studies Minor
2. Action from the Department of Social Work Zach Oster and Marshall Anderson moved approval of area III. B.2.1.: motion passed unanimously. Note: First phrase of course description should be updated to read “This course provides an introduction to basic …” or “This course introduces basic …”
2.1 New Course – CL – SOCWORK 250: Statistics for Social Work
C. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
1. Action from the Department of Management The motion was made to withdrawal this proposal by Marshall Anderson and John Zbikowski for the following reasons: a) 25 character abbreviation needs to be more descriptive than MANGEMNT 375; b) Course title should be removed from Prereq section; c) proposer should consult with OESH and Communication; d) syllabus must provide a grading scale, instructor’s name, contact information, etc. – for a list of mandatory syllabus elements, click icon next to Syllabus in CourseLeaf edit mode or see:
1.1 New Course – CL – MANGEMNT 375: Introduction to Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
IV. Other actions, questions or comments?
Angela Harlan announced that the UCC November 4, 2016 meeting will be held in Hyland Hall Room 2306.
V. Motion to be adjourned at 2:47 p.m. moved by Matt Winden and George Ferencz.
Carol Elsen,
University Curriculum Committee
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