Appendix A
Name / Academic Title at Michigan State University / Project Title, Location, Time period Employed by Project1. Joseph R. Ascroft / Graduate Assistant
Assistant Instructor / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969-67
Nigeria Project Leader, Hdq. 1968-69
2. Efiong B. Attah / Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, Nigeria-1966
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1966-
3. Obomna G. Atuzieogu / --- / Research Assistant, Nigeria – 1966
4. James P. Bebermeyer / Instructor / Associate Project Leader, India 1968
5. Dilip K Bhowmik / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, India 1966-67
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1967
Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969
6. J. Saha Bhowmik / --- / Research Assistant, India 1966-67
7. Tom Corroll / Instructor / Research Associate, Hdq 1966-68
Research Associate, Brazl, 1967
8. Pabitra Chatteyee / --- / Research Assistant, India-1967
9. Tersea Chou / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1966
10. A.K. danda / --- / Field Supervisor, India 1966-68
11. B. E. Davis / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1968
12. Jose Armando de Souza / --- / Research Assistant, Brazil 1966-67
13. Enobong C. Essien / --- / Research Assistant, Nigeria 1967
14. Frederick C. Filegel / Associate Professor / Project Co-Leader, India 1966-67
15. Luiz Fonseca / --- / Consultant, Brazil, 1968
16. Salah Gohar / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969-67
17. Lytton L. Gimaraes / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1967
Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969
18. Allan F. Hershfield / Instructor / Associate Project Leader, Nigeria 1967-68
19. William A. Herzog / Insructor / Associate Project Leader, Brazil – 1966
Project Co-Leader, Brazil, Hdq-1967-68
20. Gerald D. Hursh / Assistant Professor / Associate Project Leader, Nigeria 1965-66
Project Leader, Nigeria-1966-67
21. Joseph Idigo / --- / Research Assistant, Nigeria-1966-67
22. Navin C. Jain / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1965-68
23. J. M. Kapoor / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, India 1966-67
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1968
Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969
24. Robert F. Keith / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1965-67
Assistant Instructor, Hdq-1967
25. Graham B. Kerr / Graduate Assistant / Assistant Project Leader, Nigeria-1965-67
Research Assistant, Hdq-1967-68
26. Joseph Kivlin / Associate Professor / Associate Project Leader, India 1966-67
Project Co-Leader, India 1967-68
27. Jeanne Kuo / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1967-68
28. Mark I. U. Mere / --- / Research Assistant, Nigeria-1967
29. Arthur Neihoff / Professor / Project leader, Nigeria, and Hdq 1966-67
30. Lawrence O. Obibuaku / --- / Research Associate, Nigeria-1967
31. Emmanuel Oraekwu / --- / Research Associate, Nigeria-1966-67
32. B.R. Patel / --- / Research Assistant, India-1967
33. Gustavo M. Quesada / Graduate Assistant / Assistant Project leader, Brazil 1965-67 Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969-69
34. K. S. S. Raju / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, India-1966-67
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1967
Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969
35. L. J. Rao / Graduate Assistant
Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, India-1966-67
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1967-68
Research Assistant, Hdq. 1969
36. J.V. R. Rao / --- / Research Assistant, India-1966-67
37. S. K. Reddy / --- / Field Supervisor, India-1966-67
38. Everett M. Rogers / Associate Professor
Professor / Project Director and Campus Coordinator, Hdq-1965-69
39. Niels G. Roling / Graduate Assistant / Assistant Project Leader, Nigeria 1965-67
Research Assistant, Hdq-1967-69
40. Prodipto Roy / Visiting Professor / Project Co-Leader, India and Hdq 1965-68
41. Sulata Rudra / Diffusion Research Fellow / Research Assistant, India 1967-68
Diffusion Research Fellow, Hdq-1967
42. Rodolfo N. Salcedo / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1966-68
43. Anant P. Saxena / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1966-68
44. David G. Schmeling / Instructor / Administrator Officer, Hdq 1965-68
45. Lalit K. Sen / Visiting Associate Professor / Associate Project leader, Indiaand Hdqs-1966-68
46. S. K. Shalar / --- / Research Assistant, India 1967
47. Prakash M Shingi / --- / Research Assistant, India 1967
48. J. David Stanfield / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1965-66
Project Co-Leader, Brazil and Hdq-1967-68
49. G. Subbaramaiach / --- / Administrative Assistant, India 1967
50. G. Subharapnam / --- / Research Assistant, India-1966-67
51. S.S. Thorat / --- / Field Supervisor, India 1966-68
52. Anne W. van den ban / --- / Project Consultant, India -1966
53. Jose Madureira Vasconcellow / --- / Research Assistant, Brazil-1967
54. Vicente Vitor / --- / Research Assistant, Brazil-1966-67
55. Gordon C. Whiting / Instructor / Project Leader, Brazil-1965-66
Brazil Project Co-Leader, Hdq-1967
56. John Winterton / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 196-68
57. Dharam P. Yadav / Graduate Assistant / Research Assistant, Hdq. 1965-67
From Roger 1970
Appendix B
Publication List for The Diffusion Project
I. Diffusion Research Reports (published by the Department of Communication, Michigan University).
#1. Everett M. Roger (1964), Bibliography of Research on the Diffusion of Innovations.
#2. Everett M Rogers and Johannes C. M. van Es (1964), Opinion Leadership in Traditional and Modern Columbian Peasant Communities.
#3. Everett M. Rogers (1965), Bibliography on The Diffusion of Innovations.
#4. Everett M. Rogers (1966), Bibliography on The Diffusion of Innovations.
#5. Everett M. Rogers with Ralph Neill (1966), Achievement Motivation Among Colombia Peasants.
#6. Everett M. Rogers (1967), Bibliography on the Diffusion of Innovations.
#6.aEverett M. Rogers (1968), Supplement to the Bibliography on the Diffusion of Innvations
#7. Gordon C. Whiting, William A. Herzog, Guszavo M. Quesada, J. David Stanfield, and Lytton Guimaraes (1967), Innovation in Brazil: Success and Failure of Agriculture Programs in 76 Minas Gerais Communities.
#8. Gerdld D. Hursh, Authur, Niehoof, Neils Roling, and Gramham Kerr (1968), Innovation in Eastern Nigeria: Success and Failure of Agriculture Programs in 71 Villeges.
#9. Frederick C. Fliegel, Prodipto Roy, Lalit K. Sen, and Joseph Kivlin (1968), Agricultural Innovations in India Villages.
#10. William A. Herzog, J. David Stanfield, Gordon Whiting, and Lynne Svenning (1969), Patterns of Diffusion in Rural Brizil.
#11. Joseph R. Ascroft, Gerald D. Hursh, Nelis Roling , and Graham B. Kerr (1969), Patterns of Diffusion in Rural Eastern Nigera.
#12. Prodipto Roy, Frederick C. Fliegel, Joseph E. Kivlin ,an Latlit K. Sen (1968), Patterns of Agricultural Diffusion in Rural India.
#13. J David Stanfield, Luiz Fonseca, William Herzon, and Gordon Whiting (1968), Communication in Brazil: Experiments in Introducing Chage.
#14. Gerald D. Hursh, Allan F. Hershfield, Graham B. Kerr, and Niels G. Roling (1968), Communication in Eastern Hegeria: Experiments in Introducing Change.
#15. Joseph E. Kivlin, Prodipto Roy, Frederick C. Fliegel, and Latlit K. Sen (1968), Communication in India: Experiments in Introducing Change.
#16. Gerald D. Hursh (ed.) (1969), Survey Research in Developing Nations.
#17. Gordon C. Whiting and Lytton Guimaraes (eds.)(1969), Communicacao de Novas Ideas: Pesquisas Aplicaves Ao Brazil (Communication of New Ideas: Research Applied to Brazil), Rio de Janerio, Edicoes Financeiras.
#18. Joseph E. Kivlin (1968), Correlates of Family Planning in Eight India Villages.
#19. S. K.Reddy and Joseph E. Kivlin(1968), Adoption of High Yielding Varieties in Three India Village.
#20. Ajit Kumar Danda and Dipali Gosh Danda (1968), Development and Change in A Bengal Village.
#21. Prodipto Roy (1968), Adoption of Health Practices in Village India.
#22. Lalit K. Sen (1969), Opinion Leadership in India: A Study of Interpersonal Communication in Eight Villages.
#24. Everett M. Rogers, Joseph R. Ascroft, and Neils Roling (eds.) (1970), Diffusion of Innovations in Brazil, Nigeria, and India.
II. Technical reports (published by the Department of Communication, Michigan State University).
1. Gordon C. Whiting (1967), Empathy, Mass Media, and Modernization in Rural Brazil.
2. William A. Herzog, Jr. (1967), Literacy Training and Modernization: A Field Experiment .
3. Dharam P.Yadav (1967), Communication Structure and Innovation Diffusion in Two India Villages.
4. Robert F. Keith (1968), An Investigation of Information and Modernization Among Eastern Nigerian Farmers.
5. Syed A. Rahim(1968), Collective Adoption of Innovations by Village Cooperatives in Pakistan: Diffusion of Innovations in a Development System.
6. Gordon C. Whiting and John Winterton (1968), Methodological Background f the Phase I MUS/AID Brazil Diffusion Project.
7. Gerhard J. Hanneman and Tom W. Carroll (1969), SINDI I: Simulation of Information Diffusion in a Peasant Community.
8. Tom W. Carroll (1969), SINSI II: Simulations of Innovation Diffusion in a Brazilian Rural Township.
9. J, David Stanfield (1968), Interpersonal Trust and Modernization in Rural Brazil.
10. Allan F. Hershfield (1968), Village Leaders and the Modernization of Agriculture Among the Ibos of South East Nigeria.
11. Navin C. Jain (1968), Some Psychological Factors Related to the Effectiveness of India Radio Forms.
12. Lytton Guimaraes (1969), Network Analysis: An Approach to the Study of Communication Systems.
III. Theses and Dissertations (at Michigan State University, unless otherwise note).
1. Joseph R. Ascroft (1969), Modernization and Communication: Controlling Environmental Change, Ph.D.)
2. Ben E. Attah (1968), An Analysis of Polymorphic Opinion Leadership in Biafran (Eastern Nigerian) Communities, M.A.
3. Tom W. Carroll(1969), SINDI 2: Simulation of Innovation Diffusion in a Rural Community of Brazil, Ph.D. (awarded at M.I.T. in Political Science).
4. Bural Edward Davis (1968), System Variables and Agricultural Innovativeness in Eastern Nigeria, Ph.D.
5. Salah A. Gohar (1967), A Synthesis of Correlates of Opinion Leadership, M.A.
6. Lytto Guimaraes (1968), Matrix Multiplication in the Study of Interpersonal Communication, M.A.
7. Gerhard J. Hanneman (1969), Simulation of the Diffusion of Innovations in a Brazilian Village, M.A.
8. Allan F. Hershfield (1968), Village Leaders and the Modernization of Agriculture: A Study of Leaders in 52 Ibo Villages, Ph.D.(awaeded at Indiana University in Government).
9. William A. Herzog, Jr. (1969), The Effects of Literacy Training on Modernization Variables, Ph. D.
10. Yung Chang Ho (1969), Homophily in the Diffusion of Innovations in Brazilian Communities, M.A,
11. Navin C. Jain (1968), Some Social Psychological Factors Related to the Effectiveness of India Radio Forums, Ph.D.
12. Robert F. Keith (1968), Information and Modernization: A Study Among Nigerian Farmers, Ph.D.
13. Graham Kerr (1970), Leadership and Communication in the Collective Adoption Process of Development Associations in Eastern Nigeria, Ph.D.
14. Krishma Kumar (1970), Ritual Caste Ranking and the Modernization Process in India: A Study of Peasants in Six Villages, M.A.
15. Gustavo M. Quesada (1970), Patron-Dependence, Communication Behavior, and the Modernization Process, Ph.D.
16. Syed A. Rahim (1968), Diffusion of Innovations in a Development System: Study of a Collective Adoption of Innovations by Village Cooperatives in Pakistan, Ph.D.
17. K. S. S. Raju (1969), Factor Analysis of the Sub-Culture of Peasantry and the Communication Behavior of India Peasant Farmers, M.A.
18. Niels Roling (1970), The Evolution of Civilization: A Theoretic Approach to the Diffusion of Innovations with Special Reference to Modernization, Ph.D.
19. Rodolfo Salcedo (1968), A Communication Model of Modernization, Ph.D.
20. Anant P. Saxena (1968), System Effects on Innovativeness Among India Farmers, Ph.D.
21. Gurmeet Singh Sekhon (1968), Differentials in Perceptions of Attributes of Innovations by Professional Advocates and Their Clientele, Ph.D. (awarded at Pennsylvania State University in Rural Sociology).
22. J. David Stanfield (1968), Interpersonal Trust and Modernization in Rural Brazil, Ph.D.
23. Vicente Vitor (1968), Typologies of Change Agents Based on Their Accuracy in Estimating Community Adoption Level of Innovation, M.A.
24. Godorn C. Whiting (1967), Empathy, Mass Media, and Modernization: A Study in Rural Brazil, Ph.D.
25. John Winterton (1969), Paths Toward Modernization in Traditional Brazilian Communities, Ph.D.
26. Dharam P. Yadav (1967), Comparative Analysis of Communication Structure and Innovation Diffusion in Two India Villages, Ph.D.
IV. Journal Articles and Chapters in Books
1. Frederick C. Fliegel (1968), “Community Organization and Acceptance of Change in Rural India,” Rural Society, 34: 167-181
2. Frederick C. Fliegel, John E. Kivlin and G.S. Sehhon (1968), “A Cross-Natonal Comparision of Farmers’ Perceptions of Innovations as Related to Adoption Behavior,” Rutal Sociology, 33: 437-449.
3. S. K. Reddy and Joseph E. Kivlin (1968), “Adoption of High-Yielding Varieties: A Study in Three Indiana Villages”, Behavioral Sciences and Community Development, 2: 121-142.
4. Everett M. Rogers (1969), “Experience with Cross-National Research: The Diffusion Project in Brazil, Nigeria, and India,” in Michigan State University Papers in International and World Affairs, 2:26-41
5. Everett M. Rogers and J. David Stanfield (1968), “Adoption and Diffusion of New Products: Emerging Generalizations and Hypotheses,” in Frank M. Bass and others (eds.), Application of the Sciences in Marketing Management, New York, Wiley.
6. Lalit K. Sen (1968), “Social Psychological Correlates of Adoption of Agricultural Innovations,” Behavioral Sciences and Community Development 2: 45-57.
7. Sudhakar S. Thorat (1968), “Some Salient Characteristics of Sarpanchas and the Success of Failure of Agricultural Innovations in India’s Villages” Behavioral Sciences and Community Development, 2 26-37
8. Sadhakar S. Thorat and Frederick C. Fliegel (1968), “Some Aspects of Adoption of Health and Family Planning Practices in India,” Behavioral Sciences and Community Development, 2 1-13.
V. Monographs
1 Prodipto Roy, Joseph E. Kivlin, Frederick C. Fliegel, and Lalit K. Sen (1968), Two Blades of Grass: A Summary of Two Studies on Agricultural Innovations in India.
2 Prodipto Roy, Frederick B. Waisanen, and Everette M. Rogers (1969), The Impact of Communication on Rural Development: An Investigation in India and Costa Rica.