Optiflex/Point of Use Reference Guide
Login Screen
Patient/Room Screen
To issue an item to a patient:
-Login by scanning your POU barcode.
-Touch the room/patient you are issuing an item to.
-Scan the label of the item you are issuing.
-If you are issuing more than one, you can scan the item again to add additional quantity or touch the item on the screen and a keypad will open to enter the quantity.
-Press the amount issued and then touch ‘Save Adjusted Quantity’ to save the amount and return to the previous screen.
-Continue following this process until you are done issuing items.
-If you need to remove any items that were accidentally scanned, use the “Remove this item” button from the previous screen before you issue it to a patient.
-When complete, touch ‘Done With This Patient’ to return to the Room Screen.
To Credit items to a patient:
-Login by scanning your POU barcode.
-Touch the room/patient you are crediting an item to.
-Touch ‘Review/Credit Patient Issues’ at the bottom.
-Touch the item that needs to be credited and a keypad will open.
-The quantity issued is located in the top right of the screen. If you need to credit less than the full quantity, touch the amount you are returning and then touch ‘Save Credited Quantity’ on the right. If you need to credit the full amount, touch ‘Credit Complete Item’ on the right.
-You will now see the following screen noting the quantity of the item returned in a negative amount.
-If you are done crediting items, touch ‘Return to Issues’ and you will be taken back to the Issue Items screen. Touch ‘Done With This Patient’ to return to the Patient/Room screen.
To charge an item to the floor:
-Login by scanning your POU barcode.
-Touch ‘Floor Charge’ at the bottom of the Room screen.
-Scan item.
-Touch ‘Done With Patient’
Issue Items to an empty room:
-Login by scanning your POU barcode.
-Touch the empty room that a patient will be bedded in.
-Issue items to the room.
-Room will now have a red box around it on the Patient/Room screen. (See 8603-X)
-You can touch this room to review the items.
To Transfer Empty Room Items to a different room:
-Login by scanning your POU barcode.
-Touch the room that has the issued items. It will have a red box around the room.
-Touch “Transfer Empty Room Charges” at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken back to the Patient/Room screen.
-The room that you are transferring from will now have a green box around it.
-Touch the room that the patient was bedded in and confirm the patient should receive these charges or press “Cancel Transfer” at the bottom of the screen.mm
Issue Empty Room Items to Patient once Admitted.
-Once the patient is added through the system to the empty room, they will appear with in the red-boxed room. This means that the patient has not been assigned the items yet.
-Touch the room, confirm the items, and press “Done with Patient” to issue to the patient.
Finding an Item in Optiflex/Point of Use
Login and touch/click the “Floor Issue” button.
Touch/Click the “Find Item” button
At this screen, scan the barcode on the empty bin.
A list of all locations that stock that item will be displayed. You can use the “Page Down” button to see more results.