Date :
Time :
Points :
Fee :
Level : / Thursday, 24 September 2015
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
1.5 CPD points
Free of charge
Elementary / Language :
Venue :
Remarks : / Cantonese
The Law Society Club House, 3/F, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
This sharing session is open to the Law Society Members
Course objective:
This sharing session aims to share with solicitors and “solicitor-mediators” thoughts on and observations from mediation practice and to provide a platform for interactive discussion.
About the course:
The sharing session will cover the following issues:
·  Mediation and Chinese culture
·  The lawyers’ role in mediation
·  The Mediators in mediation
·  Recent cases development
·  Recent development
About the presenter:
Mr. Yeung Sai Man (Simon Yeung)
Accredited General and Family Mediator, Solicitor
Mr. Yeung Sai Man (Simon Yeung) has been a practising solicitor and mediator. He was initially admitted in England and Wales and has started his legal career as a solicitor in Hong Kong since 1991. He became an accredited general mediator in 2000 and thereafter as a family mediator in 2002. He has mediated cases involving a wide range of legal area. He has acted as speaker, facilitator, coach and assistant trainer for mediation courses, seminars and workshops. He is currently an assessor for the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited Stage 2 Mediator Assessment (general) and Adjunct Associate Professor. He is a mediator on both general and family panels of HKMAAL, HKIAC and the Law Society of Hong Kong.
Enrolment Conditions:
1.  The course is open to Members of the Law Society. Enrolments will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
2.  If a registrant has registered for a course which is free of charge, and he is not able to attend the course after his registration is accepted by the Academy, he must give written notice to the Academy at least one clear working day before the course is due to be held. Otherwise, he may not be given priority when he registers for the Academy future free courses.
3.  Only those who have been allocated a seat will receive a confirmation email from the Academy. Those who have not received a confirmation email from the Academy before the date of the course shall treat their registrations for the free course unsuccessful.
4.  Please click here for the CPD Attendance Policy which applies to those who wish to claim CPD points from the Law Society of Hong Kong.
5.  Please click here for the Bad Weather Policy.
6.  The Hong Kong Academy of Law reserves the right to alter the contents, speakers(s) or otherwise of this course, or cancel this course.
Enrolment Slip:
Re: Mediation – Thoughts and Observations, Thursday, 24 September 2015 (092415P)
To: Hong Kong Academy of Law, 3rd Floor, Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, HK
(Attention: Ms. Goldie Ng / Ms. Hailey Luk - Tel: 2846 0585 / 2846 0587; Fax: 2846 8801)

Name: Mr./Ms.

(full name as on identity card or practising certificate or trainee solicitor contract)

Occupation: I am (please tick as appropriate)

a Solicitor a Trainee Solicitor

(others, please specify) :

Solicitor No: Year of admission: Trainee: First/Second year (if applicable)

(if applicable) (if applicable)

Company/Firm: Position:


Tel: Fax: Email:

I have read and accepted the Enrolment Conditions attached to the course flyer.

Signature: Date: