“Education for Mastery”


Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

This information is prepared to acquaint you with the physical education program at Hyde Park Middle School. It is designed to provide the answers to questions regarding the policies and procedures of our daily activities.

This one-semester course focuses on the physical, mental, social and emotional development of the individual in cooperative and competitive settings. The student is provided with experiences in psychomotor skills, movement and lifetime health-related fitness knowledge, skills and values. The goals of this course are accomplished through participation in movement experiences and application of movement principles found in team sports, individual/dual sports, physical fitness, movement and lifetime recreational activities. Rules, strategies and safety are emphasized in relation to active participation and development of knowledgeable spectators. Self-esteem is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum.

Course Description:

The course includes the introduction and development of a variety of skills for physical activities. These activities include team sports and leisure time games. The development of cardiovascular fitness will be stressed during the school year with the use of exercise and running activities. The following units will be taught at Hyde Park MS: speedball, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, soccer, kickball, physical fitness, track & field and badminton. Each of these units will be preceded by rules and skill instruction. Each of these units will be followed by a skill test and a written test. In addition, any time a written assignment is given, spelling, vocabulary, and grammar will be an integral part of the grade. All of the units taught are subject to change according to facility assignments, assemblies, construction, and weather changes throughout the school year.

Course Goals:

1. To develop an understanding of physical education department rules and regulations.

2. To develop and maintain efficient and effective motor skills in a wide range of activities.

3. To develop and maintain an optimal level of physical fitness and wellness.

4. To develop fundamental knowledge, skills and benefits of physical activity.

5. To become knowledgeable about various playing areas, equipment, positions, strategies and safety requirements.

6. To develop knowledge of the rules, terminology and scoring of the various sports and activities from the viewpoint of the participant as well as the spectator.

7. To develop confidence and a positive self-image through participation in physical activity.

8. To develop an appreciation for the enjoyment and the necessity of physical activity throughout life.

9. To develop an understanding of character, ethics and manners as appropriate for this course.

Required Materials

Physical education uniforms are required and may be purchased the first few weeks of school during the physical education class from your teacher. This is a gray shirt and black shorts, each carrying the Hyde Park physical education logo. Athletic shoes and socks are not issued by the school but are required. Along with the uniform, any student who wishes to use a locker and keep the uniform in it for the entire semester is required to pay a lock fee ($5.00) for the use of a school issued lock or may use their own lock.

Cold Weather Uniforms:

During cold weather, students may wear long-sleeve sweatshirts, jackets, sweatpants and gloves if necessary. However, these items must be worn over the regular physical education uniform. Sunglasses and baseball caps are not allowed in the physical education setting. Students who wear the clothes that were worn to school under their P.E. uniform will be given a non-dress. No dark soled shoes will be allowed in the gymnasium due to the fact that they may leave a mark on the gym floor. Students who do not dress out in the appropriate attire will receive a non-dress violation and lose their points for the day. A student who is not dressed is expected to stay with the class at all times and complete assigned work at teacher discretion in order for the learning objectives to be met.


A consistent point system will be used throughout the school year. Each student may earn 10 points per day, 5 for dressing out correctly in the proper P.E. uniform and 5 points for participating properly, showing good sportsmanship and ample effort.

Participation = 5 points per day

Dress = 5 points per day

Run Days = 20 points per day (5 of which are dress out)

On run days, the students’ grades will be determined by a specified time in conjunction with the students’ displayed effort. Lack of participation will result in loss of points at the teacher’s discretion. In addition, a student may be given an assignment worth up to 50 points if they have been assigned to detention or if they are on a medical excuse. A cumulative final will be administered at the completion of each semester.

Grading Scale Quarter Grades Semester Grades

90 – 100% = A Assessments 65% Quarter 1/3 45%

80 – 89% = B Homework /Classwork 20% Quarter 2/4 45%

70 – 79% = C Projects/Major Assignments 15% Final Exam 10%

60 – 69% = D

59% or less = F

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Make-up Procedures:

Students may be excused from participation with proper written authorization. A parent/guardian may excuse a student for up to two school days without the doctor’s authorization. Student will receive 0 points for those days and will be required to complete the make up work. If your child is absent due to a school function (field trip, etc.) the child will be required to complete the make up work for each day of absence. If your child is sick, or out of town, regardless of an excused or unexcused absence, a 0 will be given. There is a student responsibility to request the make up work and turn it in within 3 days from returning to school. I will not accept the late make up work unless I have the prior agreement with the student. Make up work can be obtained from my website: www.myccsd.net/yycampbell.

Pre-arranged Absences and Extended Medical Absences/EXCUSES:

A written excuse from a parent can only be used for two days. For any length of time after the two days, a doctor’s excuse must be presented to the student’s physical education teacher. Doctor’s notes must state what the student cannot do and the length of time of the restriction. If the student needs to be excused for an extended period of time, a schedule change will be done. STUDENTS ARE STILL EXPECTED TO DRESS OUT WITH AN EXCUSED NOTE UNLESS IT IS PHYSICALLY impossible. A note from the parent is required each day a student is to be excused from participation in physical education because of illness or injury. If the student’s condition is serious enough to prevent him/her from participation for more than two consecutive school days, a note from the student’s physician will be necessary beginning on the 3rd day of nonparticipation. Failure to obtain a note from a physician on the 3rd day will result in the student losing their 10 class points each day that they continue not to participate.

A student whose injury or illness prevents their active participation in physical education may be asked to assist the instructor during the class period or they may be given a written assignment as an opportunity to earn their 10 daily points.


Classroom Rules Students are expected to display appropriate behavior at all times which includes:

·  Showing respect to instructors, classmates, other faculty and staff;

·  Refraining from vulgarity, profanity, and other offensive language or behavior;

·  Proper care of all equipment.

As teachers, we have the right to teach, and other students have the right to learn. Therefore anything done to disrupt this process will be considered a discipline problem and will be handled accordingly.

Profanity will not be tolerated!

The students shall be:

Respectful toward the teacher, other students, and all equipment and facilities used during the class.

Responsible for getting to class on time, being dressed appropriately, and being ready to learn.

Tardy Policy

Students are required to come to class on time. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in the locker room when the tardy bell rings. Students are required to dress out within 5-7 minutes and remain with their class at all times. We will be taking role call at our assigned area for the various units we are in. Leaving the locker room area without permission is unacceptable and will result in a Dean’s Referral.

Locker Room Policy

Students have to use the restroom prior to going outside or to the gym. No student will be allowed to use the restroom once we have left the locker room unless there is an emergency. Your child may only use her PE locker for her PE class. Nothing may remain in your child's locker after class unless she has her own personal lock. If your child brings a personal lock from home she will have her own locker for the semester. Please advise your child to lock up all personal belongings when leaving the locker area, even if it is only to enter the bathroom area. If your student’s backpack will not fit into the locker, please have them remove all expensive personal belongings (cell phones, cash, etc.) and place them into the locked locker.


The physical education staff will take all precautions to prevent property loss during physical education class. It is understood, however, that neither the physical education staff, nor Hyde Park Middle School is liable for any property loss which might occur during the physical education class. The student is instructed not to bring valuables, such as jewelry and money, to their physical education class. It is also the student’s responsibility to make sure their locker is locked at all times.

Electronic Devices:

Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be allowed in class.


Gum is not allowed in the locker room or other activity areas. A student’s citizenship grade will be affected if they are found chewing gum, and disciplinary action may be taken. Students are not allowed to possess food or drinks (other than bottled water) in the classroom and PE setting, including the locker area. Those who bring in such items will be told to throw them away immediately.

Student will NOT be allowed to participate in contact sports, such as basketball, speedball, soccer etc. with any type of jewelry on. This includes watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings,piercings, or any other item that may possibly pose a danger to the player or the other players. Any student attempting to participate in the game with any of the aforementioned items will be asked to remove them before entering the playing field. If they cannot or will not remove the item, they will not participate and receive 0 point for this activity. The only exceptions to this rulewill bereligious/medical medals. Religious medals must be taped to the body and worn under the uniform. Hair ties or "ponytail holders" may be worn if they are of a soft material.


Severe class disruption, such as fighting, destroying property or insubordination will result in removal from class and Dean’s Referral. All other violations will follow the progressive discipline referral.

The progressive discipline referral is as follows:

1st Offense-Conference with Student

2nd Offense-Parent Phone Contact

3rd Offense-Parent Contact (Phone Conference or Teacher/Parent Conference)

4th Offense-Counselor Referral

5th Offense-Deans Office


1st Non-Dress – Verbal Warning

2nd Non-Dress – Parent Notification

3rd Non-Dress – Required Dean’s Referral (Call to parent by the dean)

4th Non-Dress – Required Parent Conference (RPC) (Parent comes in)


Three main qualities comprise citizenship at Hyde Park. They are RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT and INTEGRITY. Students demonstrate responsibility when they participate in their own learning. They are also expected to be prepared with their PE uniforms daily and follow school rules. Students demonstrate respect when they display respect for themselves and others, respect for the learning process and respect for the environment and materials that are presented to them. Students demonstrate integrity when they are honest, helpful and show pride in work and behavior. Any major infraction of one or more of these qualities of citizenship that leads to a Dean’s referral may result in a “U” for citizenship


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school for further information at (702) 799-4260 (Girls P.E. – Ext. 4054). My e-mail is .

Grades will be available every Friday on Parent link.

If your child needs help for any reason (injury or bully situation, etc.) please have her talk to me or Ms. Ayoub. We cannot help your child if she does not communicate.

Thank you for your support in helping us to create a quality, safe learning environment.

Please sign this PE Course Expectation Sheet as acknowledgement of receipt by ______. Student will be required to keep their Course Expectations Sheet in their binder for future reference.

I have read the expectations above and understand what will be expected of me.

Student’s Name (Printed) Student’s Signature

I have read the student expectations above and I understand what will be expected of my child. I will see that my child does come to school each day and does the assignments as required.