Autumn Term Newsletter 2012
Welcome back
A warm welcome to all our new reception children and their parents/carers. We are also pleased to welcome Maia to class 2 and Owen to class 4.
Coming Events
Book Fair
Come and walk our Labyrinth just like the one shown below at Norwich Cathedral.
/ 12/9/12 / Swimming lessons for Class 4 begin.
13/9/12 / Key Stage 2 Football after school club 3.30 – 4.30.
15/9/12 / PTA Orienteering around the village. Please see poster in display cabinet outside school.
18/9/12 / Tennis taster sessions for all children in school.
21/9/12 / Amy from ‘Just Different’ will visit school.
24/9/12 / After school tennis club begins, sign up forms will be sent home.
24/9/12 / Year 6 representatives to attend Bungay High School meeting.
01/10/12 / RE Day in school for each class. Work will be displayed in the church.
07/10/12 / 11.00 Harvest Festival Service in the Church
16/10/12 / 9.00 – 10.30 Parents/carers are invited to join us for a craft activity, walk the Labyrinth and visit the Book Fair.
22/10/12 / Interim reports will be sent home.
25/10/12 / 2.30 Merit Assembly in school. Please stay and view classroom displays.
26/10/12 / School closes for half term.
Health and safety issues:
Please could we remind you that siblings are the responsibility of parents/carers whilst on the school premises? Please ensure that children do not use the wooden gym trail and tyre park after school. Our risk assessments state that they are only used during school times with a supervising adult.
Collecting children from school:
Children will be collected from the hall in severe weather conditions and parents and carers will enter through the hall doors just past the gate. On such occasions to ease congestion parents will leave from the hall and a member of staff will announce any important information that may be on the digital screen as you leave.
During the summer break the PTA commissioned a Labyrinth. It is the same design as the Labyrinth at Norwich Cathedral and they suggest the Labyrinth can be used in the following ways.
Ten reasons for you to come and walk the Norwich Cathedral Labyrinth
- To give thanks
- To solve a problem
- To take time out
- To dream
- To seek guidance
- To resolve a conflict
- To grieve a loss
- To release a fear
- To pray and be with God
- Or just for fun!
New home school diaries have been introduced across the school. The first 8 pages contain useful information relating to school. There will no longer be the need for separate reading logs and spelling books. The diaries will be regularly checked and signed weekly by a member of staff. Please could you ensure you sign the diaries at the weekend and check them regularly for any messages or date reminders. The diaries will be used to aid communication between home and school; they can be used for you to send messages to the class teacher when you are unable to come into school to talk to them.
Please continue to check the digital sign board in the lobby and your children’s book bags for letters, events and dates.
Dates for your diary can also be found on the school web site:
You can also access your child’s virtual learning environment via the website using the following user name and passwords.
Class 1dolphin1
Class2 penguin1
Class3 tiger3
Class4 panther4
We really appreciate your ideas and comments. Please use the parents’/carers’ suggestion box in the foyer.
Many thanks for your continued support.