Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2016
Present: Julie Bustamante, Brenda Aguirre, Maria Martinez, Lizbeth Lopez, Gloria Zavaleta, Yesenia Beltran, Virginia Bravo-Sampat, Sharon Grant-Guerra, Bryanna Covambias, Leslie Jaramillo, Nohemi Alvarez, Esparanza Garcia, Raquel Garcia, Amanda RamirezNext meeting: 16 April 2016 tentative
Welcome and introductions-
Treasury report-Current bank balance $5,216.14
February expenses:
$95.73 on 2/5/16 at Costco (need receipt please and cost center)
$34.81 on 2/2/16 at McFaddens (need receipt please with cost center)
I still also need receipts from January with cost center - i.e. explanation of what the cost was associated with.
Coca Cola Muevete Grant-partnering with Girl Scouts in the Kansas City, KS area. Looking at Mondays in April. The leaders will get back with us to set dates.
Incentives for the girls to complete sessions is to pay the annual dues for them and maybe for the leaders gift cards for their help.
Mattie Rhodes partnership-The goal of this is a minute clinic type facility. Talks are in infancy stage as to
the set up, time and days involved. Also discussed is the possibility of
nursing students potentially signing up and maybe getting paid. There is a
nurse practitioner but would need help with follow ups, labs, etc. Other
potential services were vaccinations but more involved steps to make
sure this can happen. We will be many meetings for this and will keep the
group aware.
Increasing membership/retention- Nurses Night at the K. Game is Tuesday, May 3rd at 7 pm. This is
also a T-shirt Tuesday. It will be packed so if you want a tshirt be sure to get
there early. NAHN has purchased 20 tickets in advance and has more on
hold. All money needs to be turned in to Maithe or Julie on or before the
25th of March. Cost of the ticket is $22. This is the list I have signed up:
Virginia Bravo (2), Sharon Guerra (5), Raquel Garcia (2), Nohemi (10 & will
confirm #), Maria Martinez (1). If anyone else wants to sign up please just
let me know so I can get the amount of extra tickets needed. We will have
our group named as one of the groups present around the 3rd inning.
ACA education session at Operation- Nohemi discussed this project and the education sessions
up. Dates are Feb. 27th, 9am-1pm at Catholic Charities VITA
event and 10am-3pm at Citizenship Clinic at Sam Rogers with
Jessica Piedra. A sign up sheet was passed around to help with this
project. This is a way to get people to sign up and educate them
on having medical insurance.
2016 NAHN KC Board- Anyone interested in a leadership position on our board please let one of the
Maria or Nohemi know.
Announcements- NAHN Annual Conference, July 12-15, 2016
Hyatt Regency Chicago
151 East Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
Job opportunities-
- St. Mary’s in Leavenworth has a position of Student Coordinator open. Full time, Monday thru Friday, BSN and bilingual preferred. Focus on recruiting Hispanic students in Wyandotte County to attend the university for nursing school. Salary starts at 53,000 and the benefit of going back to school for free. Please contact Sharon Guerra at (913) 940-8740, .
2. Cerner is looking for a BSN and bilingual nurse to work with the First Hand Foundation. The group
works within four counties primarily with charter schools with possible expansion to KCKS schools.
Candidate will work out of the northland complex and earn 60,000-85,000/year. This position involves
going to schools as community outreach. Candidates will work with Cerner power chart system.
Please contact Jan (816) 517-7945