(UMH #202)
July 16, 2013
MUNCIE, IN 47304
(765) 282-2322 / EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE
gathering of all indiana conference clergy
disciple – fast track leader training for disciple 1
webinar for capital funds campaign
dave ramsey financial peace university
clergy spouse retreat
guidelines for confronting a church shooter
2013 parish nurse training available through indiana conference
the lion & lamb festival
united theological seminary announces preaching retreat in august
oklahoma tornado response
Diversity and Professional boundaries training workshop schedule
united methodist men to met for national gathering in july
2013 Local pastor’s license to preach school
Five Regional finance and administration training sites
course of study school 2012-2013
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2012-2013 educational opportunities

gathering of all indiana conference clergy

The Gathering of all Indiana Conference Clergy will be November 5, 2013, from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm at Castleton UMC, 7160 Shadeland Station Way, Indianapolis. Lunch will be provided. This is a REQUIRED meeting for all full-time pastors and part-time pastors are encouraged to attend if available.

Disciple—Fast track leader training for disciple 1

Susan Wilke Fuquay, Trainer
August 2, 2013 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m., St. Luke’s UMC, 100 W 86th Street, Room N101/102, Indianapolis, IN – 317-846-3404 –
$125 for first participant from your church (this person will receive all Fast Track materials including the DVD and the Weekly Review Material)
$50 for each additional participant (will receive all Fast Tract materials except the DVD and Weekly Review Material)
A light breakfast and box lunch will be provided
For more information about what Disciple I Fast Track is or to obtain the registration form, email

webinar for capital funds campaign

Thursday, July 25th, 2013, 6:30CDT
Is Your Church Ready for a Capital Funds Campaign?
Does your church have the need for capital improvements that can't be met with funds from your operating income? Join us as GBOD's Executive Director of Fund Development, Scott Gilpin, offers key indicators for churches to determine whether they are ready to conduct a successful Capital Campaign. The webinar is free and you can click here to register

dave ramsey financial peace university

There will be a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course offered at Portland Trinity United Methodist Church, 323 S Meridian Street, Portland, Indiana. The classes will be on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. beginning on August 27th and ending on October 22nd. Classes will last approximately 90 minutes. A preview class will be held on August the 13th at 6:30 p.m. or you may call Ed Armantrout at (765) 749-4354 for additional information.

clergy spouse retreat

Clergy Spouse Retreat
September 20-22, 2013 Holiday Inn Indianapolis North
All clergy spouses of every age and gender and in every stage of ministry are invited to attend this weekend retreat. Churches, please consider sponsoring your clergy spouse's registration fee. This is a wonderful time of worship and fellowship with clergy spouses from all over the state.
Online registration is open now - click here to register!

guidelines for conFronting a church shooter

WASHINGTON (UMNS) -- Religion News Service reports that for the first time, the federal government has issued written guidelines for houses of worship confronted with a homicidal person armed with a gun. Beyond seeking shelter and waiting for police to arrive, as many did in Newtown, Conn., the new rules also advises adults in congregations to fight back -- as a last resort -- in a bid to stop the shooter. The new federal doctrine is "run, hide or fight." Read RNS story. -- See guidelines.

2013 Parish Nurse training available through Indiana Conference

Have you thought about combining your faith and your nursing knowledge?
The answer is PARISH NURSING also known as Congregational Faith-Based Nursing.(FCN)
What is Parish Nursing?
Congregations have been promoting health and wholeness for centuries through the early work of deaconesses with worship, music, sharing and caring. The parish nurse assists members of the congregation to become more aware of their health and move toward a fuller sense of wholeness. Like a community nurse, the parish nurse:
  • Assesses the client base,
  • Determines its health needs and
  • Creates and promotes selected educational and screening programs to best serve the population while integrating a faith focus.

What do parish nurses do?

Parish nursing practice derives its professional authority from the statutes and regulations of the State Board of Nursing and Standards of Parish Nursing Practice. Parish Nurses are registered nurses who work within a congregation to promote the mind, body, and spirit connection related to health. A parish nurse acts as a:
  • Health Educator,
  • Personal Health Counselor,
  • A liaison with community organizations and
  • Facilitator/coordinator of volunteers and support groups.

What are the benefits of parish nursing to the community?

  • A parish nurse is able to reach a very diverse population by maintaining a relationship with the church and community.
  • A parish nurse provides a credible source of health education.
  • Increases access to health screenings, such as blood pressure, cholesterol and weight loss.
  • Inspires a healthy partnership between the faith and secular communities.
The Indiana United Methodist Conference Parish Nursing & Health Ministries Committee will pay 100 percent tuition for RNs who are employed or retired, (and hold an active license) if you are approved and accepted into The Parish Nursing Primary Health Ministry Course core curriculum developed through the International Parish Nurse Resource Center. The University of Indianapolis offers the course on campus. You must be a RN with at least three years experience. Dates for upcoming classes are: Friday, August 9 & Saturday August 10, Friday, August 23 & Saturday, August 24, and Friday, September 6 & Saturday, September7. TIMES: Friday classes are from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday Classes are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are limited funds
**You must attend all six classes. More information and application packet, contact: Sherry McIntyre RN, Parish Nurse Coordinator at 1-317-894-0902 or by email to . Information and application form are available online at
APPLICATIONS, letter from pastor and photo copy of Nursing License MUST BE COMPLETED and RETURNED TO:
Sherry McIntyre, 315 Woodland West Drive, Greenfield, Indiana 46140, NO LATER THAN JULY 24, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013 8:30am-3:30pm
Place: Old Bethel UMC 7995 E 21st Indianapolis
“Religion & Health—How to Pull Together”
Keynote: Dr. Scott Morris, M.D., M.Div.
Founder & CEO of the Church Health Center Memphis
Indiana Republican Senator Patricia Miller
Chairman of Senate Committee on Health & Provider
Services. Serves as the Executive Director
For the Confessing Movement in the UMC
Gary Varvel, Political Cartoonist
His work is nationally syndicated
Who Should Attend: Parish Nurses (FCN), Health Ministers,
Pastors & Laity & Anyone interested
MORE INFORMATION: Sherry McIntyre @ 317-894-0902 or
SPONSORED BY Health Ministries/Parish Nurse (FCN) Ministries of IUMC

The lion & lamb festival

The Lion & Lamb Festival
  • Aug. 31-Sept. 1
  • Praise Park in Fort Wayne
  • The festival is open to all ages and more information can be found at
  • Briand Durand is the point person for this event.

united theological seminary announces preaching retreat in august

DAYTON, OH -- United Theological Seminary will host its Annual Preaching Retreat: Preaching Biblical Narrative from Tuesday, Aug. 13 to Thursday, Aug. 15. Dr. Richard Eslinger and Dr. Joni Sancken will be the instructors for "Preaching Biblical Narrative," which will run from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday; 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday; and 9 a.m. to noon Thursday in the Pohly Meeting Center at United Theological Seminary, 4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH, 45426. For information or to register, visit United's website or contact Georgia Alexander at 937-529-2201 or at .

oklahoma tornado response

Our hearts are moved by the devastation in Moore, Oklahoma and the images we see on TV. Our United Methodist Church is already responding through UMCOR and your gifts through the One Great Hour of Sharing make this possible and also assure that 100% of money given to respond to this event go to this event. You can give through your local church or online at UMCOR.org.
The Oklahoma Conference shares the following which is true of all disasters:
How you can help
  • Pray for those affected and those serving in tornado-damaged areas.
  • Donate funds. You may donate through your local church.
  • Do NOT deploy as groups or individuals to the affected areas at this time. Prepare to register for a Volunteers In Mission team when the call goes out for in-person help.
  • Do NOT collect clothing or other supplies at this time. If specific needs are requested, that will be shared with you.
We will send out information on how to volunteer when they are ready to receive volunteer teams.
When disaster strikes, the local church usually provides the first response. This basic understanding - that disaster response is local - helps form a foundation for UMCOR's national training and response. First and foremost, UMCOR is a resource for the local response.
Take the following steps now to prepare your church to respond when a disaster strikes where you are:
  1. Develop a disaster plan that fits with your church’s mission. Click here to Use the attached Blank Church_Disaster_Action_Plan by as a template.
  2. Connect the church to outside resources and to the community’s emergency plans.
  3. Identify types of disasters likely to impact the church community and the needs that may arise.
  4. Assess the church’s resources to meet those needs.
  5. Identify the church’s role in disaster readiness and response.
  6. Create a plan to manage volunteers.
  7. Assign responsibilities.
  8. Develop a system of communication.
Please send the following information via e-mail to John A. Young @ . John is our District Disaster Response Coordinator
  1. UM churches that are already Red Cross shelters or are willing to become shelters.
  2. Persons in the district trained to be members of Early Response Teams.
  3. Persons in the district who are interested in training for Early Response Teams.
  4. UM's who live in the district who are HAM radio operators
  5. UM's who are police or fire chaplains, Red Cross staff or volunteers, already involved in disaster response with other agencies.
  6. UM churches that are willing to house Volunteer in Mission Teams helping to rebuild
Thank you for your help in helping us prepare to respond effectively and efficiently to any disasters that may come to our district.

Diversity and professional boundaries training workshop schedule

All sessions are from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. local time
Tuesday, July 23St. Mark’s UMCBloomington
Wednesday, July 24Wesley UMCJeffersonville
Thursday, July 25Central UMCEvansville
Monday, Sept. 9Trinity UMCElkhart
Saturday, Sept. 14St. Luke’s UMCKokomo
Friday, Sept. 20St. Joseph UMCFt. Wayne
Saturday, Sept. 21Grace UMCSouth Bend
Tuesday, Sept. 24First UMCHammond
Saturday, Oct. 19Wesley UMCJeffersonville
Tuesday, Oct. 22First UMCSeymour
Wednesday, Oct. 23St. Mark’s UMCBloomington
Thursday, Oct. 24Central UMCEvansville
Monday, Oct. 28Castleton UMCIndianapolis
Registration for this event is $35.00. To register please go to Your clergy continuing education grant funds are available for this training. Go to inumc.org/cegrants for the application. The Boundaries and Diversity training will count towards fulfilling your yearly CE requirement. Childcare can be arranged at most sites if we know of a need beforehand. Please email with your childcare needs at least a month prior to the session.

new pastor orientation september 7

New Pastor Orientation will be held on September 7 at St. Mark’s UMC in Carmel, IN from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDST. This event is required for all clergy in their first appointment and or new to the Indiana Conference. This does include Supply Pastors and OF’s. To register click on this link New Pastor Orientation registration

join bishop mike on a 2014 wesley heritage tour

Join Bishop Mike Coyner and the Indiana Conference for nine exciting and educational days in 2014 on The Wesley Heritage Tour. The dates are July 23-31, 2014. Brochures will be available soon. For more information please contact Bishop's Trip Coordinator Norm Nellis at .

united methodist men to meet for national gathering in july

  • July 12-14, 2013 at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn.
  • Keynoter for the event, held once every four years, include: Don Davis, former NFL football player now serving as regional director of the NFL Players Association; David Delk, president of Orlando, Fla.-based Man in the Mirror Ministries;
  • Price for the registration and meals at the three-day event was set at $239 for people who register before March 1 and $299 after that date. Housing costs vary.
  • More details on this event can be found by clicking here.

2013 local pastor’s license to preach school

2013 Local Pastor's Resident License School
The 2013 Indiana Conference Resident Local Pastor License School will be held August 18-30, 2013 at Freeland Hotel, which is on the grounds of the Epworth Forest Conference Center, North Webster, Indiana. The Resident Local Pastor School experience provides an opportunity to learn with other students about the basics of ministry, to interact with and share ministry practice with the faculty and students, and to be creative in worship leadership, preaching, and teaching exercises.
License to Preach School is for certified candidates seeking licensing as a Local Pastor.
The RESIDENTIAL License to Preach School meets for two (2) continuous weeks. This session will be at a new location - Epworth Forest, 8580 E. Wesley Lane, North Webster, Indiana.
Download RESIDENTIAL Brochure and Registration Form
Contact: Rev. James D Butler; Ph: 317-481-8680 or email

Updated regional finance and administrator training events

The Indiana Conference will hold a Regional Finance and Administrator Training Events Oct. 5 at Richmond and Nov. 9 at Huntington. The regional events are for local church trustees, financial officers and administrators and will feature an hour-long session featuring a keynote presentation by Jane Dall Wilson of the law firm Faegre Baker Daniels, about “Protecting Your Church’s Ministry,” plus five 50-minute breakout sessions for trustees, treasurers and church administrators.
For more information or questions and problems with registration, please contact Lisa Timmerman toll-free at 877-781-6706 or .

course of study school 2012-2013

An Extension School of Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary
The Indiana Conference Extension Course of Study School is a non-residential United Methodist School (for part-time local pastors only) offering the approved curriculum of the Division of Ordained Ministry of the United Methodist Church.
All classes are held at the University of Indianapolis, 1400 East Hanna Avenue, Indianapolis. Click here for additional information, brochure and registration.

pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account

Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.

vital congregation goals

Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.
REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.


Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at .


Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day, providing bags of groceries and cleaning supplies for those in need, fourth Wednesday of each month. Sunday evening meals provided by local churches. Contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545. Clothing made available to community 1st Wednesday of each month. Following is a list of items needed in each bag If you or your church would like to donate bags of groceries or cleaning supplies for Community Day.
Food List for Community Day
2 small cans of tuna
1 18-oz jar of peanut butter
1 jar of jelly
2 cans of vegetables (any kind)
1 box cereal (any kind)
1 can applesauce or other fruit
2 cans of soup
1 box spaghetti
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 box of corn bread mix
Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies
1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap
Laundry detergent (small bottle or box)
Dish detergent (16 oz)
Facial tissue (1 box)
Toilet paper (4 rolls)
Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.
Muncie Center Chapel UMC – Holy Land Trip – Muncie Center Chapel UMC is taking a group to the Holy Land December 9, 2013 for a 12-day excursion. We are just in the beginning stages of putting this trip together...if anyone is interested in joining us, please call Joyce Clements at 288-9490 for any questions you may have or want to add your name to the list.
Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers NEW 2013 Trips: August 7, Cincy Reds vs. Houston @Great AM Ball Park; September 11, Church Basement Ladies IV at Lacomedia; September 14-17, Mackinac Island & Grand Hotel; October 16, Parke County Covered Bridge Festival; November 6-22, Panama Canal Cruise on Celebrity Infinity; December 6-8, Chicago Lights & Delights. High Street Travelers is sponsored by and a mission of High Street United Methodist Church, 219 S High Street, Muncie, Coordinator – Deb Heeter, . Contact High Street UMC at 765/747-8500.
Muncie Union Chapel UMC - Union Chapel Church in Muncie will be taking a bus load of men to the "Iron Sharpens Iron" men's conference on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the Madison Park Church of God in Anderson, Indiana. Men from all churches are invited. The conference is 8:30 a.m. to 4:55 p.m. Union Chapel will furnish lunch. The cost is $39. For more information you may go to . For registration or questions, please call Loyal Cutforth at 765-358-4785.
New Burlington UMC – New Burlington United Methodist Monthly Breakfast, July 20, 7:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Come join us for all you can eat breakfast. Adults are $5, children 12 & under are $3 and Senior Citizens are $3. We will also accept paper and aluminum for recycling. All proceeds go to support local mission projects. 8080 S CR 475 E, Muncie
Christmas in July
Come and enjoy Christmas in July at New Burlington UMC on July 27th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Get a head start on your Christmas shopping! There will be crafts, food and door prizes. Booth space is available - call 744.0509 for more information. New Burlington is located at 8080 S CR 475 E, Muncie (West side of Prairie Creek Reservoir).
Annual Scrapbooking Day
Come and join us for a fun day of scrapbooking on July 20th from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. It is $15 for adults and $5 for children. Lunch will be provided. All proceeds will benefit the United Methodist Imagine No Malaria fund. Every 60 seconds in Africa, malaria takes a life. Almost 90% of malaria's victims are pregnant women and children. Just $10 allows a net to be delivered to a person along
with life-saving instructions on how to use it. The Imagine No Malaria organization not only provides nets but also provides education, medical treatment to those already infected and other prevention measures such as insuring safe drinking water and improving sanitation. Not a scrapbooker? Feel free to donate to the cause. New Burlington UMC, 8080 S CR 475 E, Muncie
Redkey UMC – Just a reminder that the "Veterans Gift Card Project," a ministry of Dunkirk Mt. Tabor and Redkey UM Churches, is alive and well. Our card count for 2013 is presently at 3,199 five-dollar fast food meal cards. As a tangible way of saying thank you to our American Heroes, these cards will be distributed to veterans throughout Indiana.
It would be ever so helpful if your church could find a way to be involved. Maybe your church could do a love offering or a class could make this a project or any other way that works.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Randy Davis by mail at P.O. Box 545, Redkey, IN 47373; by phone at 765-730-4979; email at ; or on Facebook at McRandy Davis. Our website is Please know that I am more than willing to come and share how God has worked in and through this Project to feed the homeless, the hungry, the forgotten as well as the comfortable and those with few struggles.
Pastor Randy Davis