Oglala Lakota College

Head Start/Early Head Start Program


TITLE: Diaper Changing Policy


To ensure staff use proper diaper changing steps.


Diaper changing will be implemented in a manner that prevents the spread of communicable disease and maintains the diapered child’s skin. When a child enrolls and is not toilet trained, the family and staff will develop a plan to support the child’s development of independent toileting in the school setting.


  1. A designated area will be established specifically for diapering that is not located in or near any food handling areas and allows privacy for the child diapered.
  2. Surfaces of mats will be kept clean, waterproof, and free of cracks, tears and crevices.
  3. All diapers and wipes will be provided by the Early Head Start Program, they will be stored off the diapering surface and out of the reach of the children.
  4. Only Early or Head Start staff and/or the child’s parent will engage in the diapering of the Early or Head Start child. When possible a second staff person should be present or within visibility during the diapering process.
  5. Diaper changing log will be kept for each child and recorded after each diaper change.
  6. Staff will check all children wearing diapers and/or pull ups after breakfast, lunch and before the pm bus run. Each diaper check will be recorded.

Step by Step Instructions for Proper Diapering

  1. Gather all needed supplies (baby wipes, plastic bag for soiled diaper/clothes, disposable gloves) and place near, not on, the changing mat before beginning to diaper. Never leave the child unattended. Keep all supplies used in diapering out of the reach of children.
  2. Place a piece of changing paper (wax paper can be used for this) on mat where child will be changed if the child is not able to self help in a bathroom stall while standing up.
  3. Wash hands and put on disposable gloves.
  4. Avoid any contact with child’s soiled clothing with exception of gloved hands.
  5. When preparing to move the child onto the diapering surface be sure to use proper/safe transferring and lifting procedures to avoid dropping the child or injuring your back. If the child weighs more than 50 pounds another adult should assist in the transferring of a child.
  6. Help the child when possible to remove his/her own clothing, wipe (ONLY USE BABY WIPES) their own genitalia and assist in putting on their diaper, and clean clothing. Be careful when removing child’s soiled diaper/clothing to avoid contamination of other objects and surfaces.
  1. When the child cannot assist you, gently clean the child’s bottom and genitalia with a baby wipe, front to back, only once per wipe repeating with another wipe when necessary. Place soiled wipes and wax paper into the same plastic bag with diaper. Put clean diaper and clothing on child.
  2. Place soiled diaper into proper receptacle as follows: fold disposable diaper inward, reseal with tapes and place in trash can.
  3. Soiled clothing must be placed in a plastic bag, tie off top, put child’s name on bag, store in secure location, in and away from food service areas and out of reach from children. Important: Soiled clothing must be given only to parent or bus monitor to be transported home with child at the end of the day.
  4. Remove and discard gloves after each use diaper changing use.
  5. Handwashing
  • Assure that diapered child washes hands thoroughly before returning to the classroom
  • Staff will need to wash before and after each child diaper change. (see Handwashing policy)
  1. With newly gloved hands, remove any visible soil on mat with a Clorox water mix (see cleaning and disinfection policy) diaper changing tables will be cleaned and disinfected after each use.
  2. Remove and discard gloves.
  3. Wash hands thoroughly.


Diaper Changing Log


Head Start Performance Standards 1304.22

Environmental Health Standards

Revised: 04/18/12

PC Approval: 08/05/10

BOT Approval: 08/26/10