Guidelines are enclosed to help you with your application. Please read them and then complete this form in BLACK ink or type.
Please note that only the information given in this application form will be considered in determining whether or not you will be called for interview. Please address specifically all the criteria detailed in the person specification.
CVs will not be considered.
1. Job Details
- Personal Details
First names:
(please underline the name by which you wish to be known)
Surname/Family name:
Home telephone:
Work telephone:May we contact you at work? Yes / No (please circle)
Do you hold a current UK driving licence? Yes / No / Not applicable to this post (please circle)
Do you need a work permit before you can be employed in this country? Yes / No
(if yes, please give details)
I declare that the information I have given in my application is correct and complete. False or misleading statements may be sufficient grounds for cancelling any agreements made, or for disciplinary action to be commenced.
I understand that any information I provide will be held securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act and kept for no longer than 12 months for recruitment purposes only. Only those persons who need access for the recruitment process will see the information and it will not be shared with any other party.
To ensure equal opportunity for all candidates,
this sheet will be detached from your application prior to short-listing.
4.Present or Last EmployerEmployer’s name and address:
Post held:
Dates (from and to): Hours worked per week:
If left, please state reason for leaving:
Please give a brief description of your duties and responsibilities:
5.Previous Employment and Experience
Please give details of your employment history over the last 15 years starting with the most recent first. All gaps in employment must be accounted for.
Dates (month-year, EmployerDuties UndertakenReason for Leaving
from-to) and hours
worked per week
Please continue on a separate sheet if required.
Please give details of any relevant skills or experience gained outside employment, for example voluntary work:
Please continue on a separate sheet if required.
6.Qualifications / Training
Please give details of any relevant qualifications obtained.
Please give details of training courses or other learning opportunities undertaken which are relevant to the job.
Training/Learning Opportunity:Date
If the post requires specific qualifications you will be asked to provide documentary evidence. All qualifications that are key to the role will be checked for authenticity.
Please give details of two referees, one of whom should be your current or most recent employer, who can comment on your suitability for this post. If you were known by a different name, please state this.
No references will be sought until the job is offered to the successful candidate.
Referee 1
Tel No:
Fax No:
In what capacity does this person know you? / Referee 2
Tel No:
Fax No:
In what capacity does this person know you?
8. Supporting Information
Important Note: This section will be used to shortlist candidates. To assist us in selecting the most suitable candidate, and to give yourself the best opportunity of success, please show how you meet the criteria by illustrating with examples against each criteria from work, voluntary or life experiences. Failure to do this may result in you not being selected for interview.
Essential Criteria
- Experience of working with young people and understanding of the issues that affect them
- Level 2 qualification in youth work
- Excellent communication skills and the ability to relate to young people and adults in a positive way
- Ability and willingness to liaise with service providers to deliver projects, activities and services
- Personal integrity, reliability and ability to work within confidentiality guidelines
- Willingness and ability to work unsocial hours including regular evenings and weekends
- Understanding and commitment to the safeguarding of children and young people
- To have an understanding of health and safety issues
- Ability to work effectively as part of a team as well as to work on own initiative
- Good presentation and interpersonal skills
- Energy, drive and enthusiasm
- Commitment to equal opportunities and diversity with particular reference to a willingness to challenge discriminatory behaviour and language
- Able to be in sympathy with the Aims & Purposes of the YMCA
- Experience of YMCA work
The YMCA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to the active promotion of equal opportunity, both in the provision of services and as an employer of paid and unpaid workers.
To help us monitor our equal opportunity & diversity policy in recruitment and selection procedures, you are requested to complete the following questionnaire. The questions we ask are to help us assess our diversity as an employer.
The information you provide does not form part of the selection procedure, it is used only for monitoring purposes. This sheet will be separated from your application form before short-listing and all information provided will remain confidential. If you prefer not to answer any of the questions please leave them blank.
Gender: male female
Age Range:
Up to 25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and over
Would you describe yourself as having a disability?Yes No
What is your marital status?
Never married and never registered as a same-sex civil partner Married
Separated but still legally married Divorced Widowed
In a registered same-sex civil partnership
Separated but still legally in a same-sex civil partnership
Formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved
Surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership
What, if any, are your religious beliefs?
No Religion
Christian (including C of E, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations)
Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh
Other ……………………………………….. (please write in)
Where did you see this vacancy advertised? ………………………………………………..
Please choose ONE section from A to E ticking the appropriate box to indicate your ethnicity
English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background, please write in ………………………..
BMixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed / Multiple Ethnic background, please write in ………………………..
CAsian / Asian British
Any other Asian background, please write in ………………………..
DBlack / African / Caribbean / Black British
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please write in …………………..
EOther Ethnic Group
Any other ethnic group, please write in ……………………………
I understand that this information may be stored and processed as part of the YMCA’s monitoring of equal opportunities. All information provided will remain confidential and will not form part of the recruitment procedure.
I give my consent for my details to be used for this purpose.
Signature…………………………………Date …………………..