December, 2014

College of Professional Studies

Dean’s Student Conference Travel Award

The Dean of the College of Professional Studies invites applications for the Student Conference Travel Award. These are competitive awards that support the research and scholarship of undergraduate and graduate students from the College of Professional Studies. Students can receive up to $300 for Midwest travel, $500 for West, South and East Coast travel and up to $900 for international travel to offset costs associated with travel for students’ presentations or exhibitions at professional conferences/events. Students may receive one travel award during a fiscal year, which runs from July 1 – June 30, based on the start date of the conference.

Award Application Procedure: The application must be complete and submitted at least one month (30 days) prior to the date of the conference. No awards will be granted retroactively. Applications will be reviewed by the Conference Travel Award Committee at least once a month. The application should be completed by the student and signed by his/her Department Head. Incomplete applications will not be considered for funding.

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

1.  Be registered for the term in which they are planning to attend the conference. For summer conferences, students must be registered for the upcoming fall semester and have been registered for the previous spring semester.

2.  The student is in good academic standing in a College of Professional Studies degree granting program.

3.  The student has been accepted to present a poster or paper at a conference.

Award and Reimbursement: The Conference Travel Award Committee will notify the applicant of its award status before the conference is held. The awards may be used for transportation, lodging, meals, registration and poster printing.* After attending the conference, recipients must submit original receipts along with a descriptive summary of the reimbursable expenses within 15 days of travel. There is no guarantee that late receipt submissions will be reimbursed/awarded. The Dean’s Student Conference Travel Award will be processed as an award. Department payment, if any, will be processed through the department.

*To keep costs down we request that you take advantage of early registration discounts, search out the least expensive transportation options and shop around for lodging rates that are reasonably priced.


Full Name: /







Street Address


Apartment/Unit #





ZIP Code

Phone: / () /
/ Student ID:
Major: /


Applicant must include a brief statement of intent (with relevant details of the trip), abstract of the paper or poster they are presenting, a copy of the conference program, and a copy of the confirmation of presentation (letter or e-mail is acceptable) with the applicant’s name clearly listed as a presenter, as soon as it is available.
Event: / Date of Event:
Location: / Type of Presentation:
Title of Presentation:
Are you receiving other sources of funding to attend this conference? / YES / NO
If yes, please indicate sources:


I certify that the information provided on this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I have read the application procedures and information regarding award reimbursement.
Signature of Department Head / / Signature of Applicant
Print Name / / Print Name
Date / / Date


By campus mail: By regular mail: By email:

Conference Travel Award Committee Conference Travel Award Committee Dean Sue Mattison

College of Professional Studies College of Professional Studies

Rose Hall 305 Rose Hall, Suite 305

2420 Nicolet Drive

Green Bay, WI 54311-7001

To be completed by the CPS Operations Manager:

Applicant #: / External Funding: / Awarded Funding:
Award FY: / Funding Code: / ___-______-__ / Funding Code: / ___-______-__
Amount: / $______/ Amount: / $______