March 4, 2014


TO: District 8 County Extension Agents

FROM: Donald W. Kelm

District Extension Administrator

Laura A. Huebinger

Extension Program Specialist

4-H Youth Development

subject: 2014 District 8 4-H Roundup

District 4-H Roundup: / Educational Presentations
Public Speaking
Horse Quiz Bowl
Beef Quiz Bowl
Invitational Swine Quiz Bowl
Event Date: / Saturday, April 12, 2014
Location: / View the map with the locations!
Meridian High School & Meridian Elementary School
500 CR 2515
Meridian, TX 76665
First Baptist Church
207 N. Hill Street
Meridian, Texas 76665
Meridian Civic Center
309 West River Street
Meridian, Texas 76665
(this address will not show up in Google Maps or on a GPS unit)
Entry Deadline: / Monday, March 31, 2014
Submit entries and judges through the attached Excel spreadsheet
Late Entries: / Late entries will be permitted with an additional $20 late fee per 4-H member 48 hours after the regular contest deadline. No additional entries will be accepted after the late deadline.
Schedule: / 8:00am Agent Committee & Council Officers Arrive
8:00-8:15am Judges/Superintendents Check-in
8:30am Judges/Superintendents Orientation
9:00-9:30am Contestant Check-in in Contest Rooms
9:30am Contests Begin
(Educational Presentations, Share-The-Fun, Public Speaking)
10:00am Quiz Bowl Contestant Check-in
10:30am Quiz Bowls Begin
Awards will be immediately following judging in each contest room.
Resources: / General Roundup:
Educational Presentations & Public Speaking:
Quiz Bowls:
Reminders: / ·  Entries and judges names will be submitted through the attached Excel spreadsheet.
o  Be sure to complete both worksheets (Entries & Judges Names).
·  At Texas 4-H Roundup, ALL the Share-The-Fun contest categories will be conducted on THURSDAY. 4-H members may only participate in one Share-The-Fun category each year. If a 4-H member participates in any Share-The-Fun category, he/she may NOT participate in any other Thursday Roundup contest. See the Share-The-Fun guidelines for more details.
·  Senior Contest Categories with Single Entries
o  Again this year, Senior 4-H members in the following contest categories have the option to participate at District 8 4-H Roundup if they are the only entry at the District level. These contestants are still highly encouraged to attend and compete at District 8 4-H Roundup to improve their skills and to gain feedback from judges. The contests eligible are as follows: Educational Presentations, Public Speaking, Share-The-Fun, Beef Quiz Bowl, and Horse Quiz Bowl.
Changes in Categories: / ·  The Computer Educational Presentation category has been discontinued.
·  A new rule has been implemented that will allow some Senior 4-H members the chance to return to participate again in events at Texas 4-H Roundup where they previously placed first. See the Texas 4-H Roundup Guide (pages 9-10) for more details.
Auxiliary Aids or Special Accommodations: / If you have any participants requiring auxiliary aids or special accommodations, please let us know at the time entry materials are due.


Agent Specific Responsibilities, Notes & Reminders

Volunteers: / In addition to utilizing County Extension Agents, we will need the help of at least three knowledgeable volunteers or other resource persons from each county as judges for the contests.
·  By March 31, 2014, please send the name of three (3) volunteer leaders planning to attend Roundup that can serve as a judge on the attached Excel spreadsheet.
·  Additional information will be sent to volunteers and contest superintendents prior to the contest.
·  If the original judges cannot attend to represent your county, County Extension Agents are responsible for substitutes.
Contest Room Superintendents: / If you are assigned as a contest room superintendent, you are will need to bring the following items to be used by contestants in your contest room:
·  Standing easel
·  LCD projector
·  Laptop (to run PowerPoint .ppt and /pptx files)
·  Extension Cord
·  Electrical Strip


Change of Entry Form

Completed form should be submitted to the District Office prior to the contest or to the contest superintendent at registration on the day of the contest.

County: / CEA Signature:
Change #1
Participant’s Name / Age Division:
Change From:
Change To:
Change #2
Participant’s Name / Age Division:
Change From:
Change To:
Change #3
Participant’s Name / Age Division:
Change From:
Change To:
Change #4
Participant’s Name / Age Division:
Change From:
Change To:
Change #5
Participant’s Name / Age Division:
Change From:
Change To:


Contestant Information

District 4-H Roundup: / Educational Presentations, Public Speaking, Share-The-Fun, Horse Quiz Bowl, Beef Quiz Bowl, Invitational Swine Quiz Bowl
Event Date: / Saturday, April 12, 2014
Location: / View the map with the locations!
Meridian High School & Meridian Elementary School
500 CR 2515
Meridian, TX 76665 / First Baptist Church
207 N. Hill Street
Meridian, Texas 76665 / Meridian Civic Center
309 West River Street
Meridian, Texas 76665
(this address will not show up in Google Maps or on a GPS unit)
Entry Deadline: / Check with your County Extension Agent for county entry deadlines.
Schedule: / 8:00 am Agent Committee & Council Officers Arrive
8:00-8:15 am Judges/Superintendents Check-in
8:30 am Judges/Superintendent Orientation
9:00-9:30 am Contestant Check-in in Contest Rooms
9:30 am Contests Begin
(Educational Presentations, Share-The-Fun, Public Speaking)
10:00 am Quiz Bowl Check-in
10:30 am Quiz Bowls Begin
Awards will be immediately following judging in each contest room.
Resources: / General Roundup:
Educational Presentations & Public Speaking:
Quiz Bowls:
Changes in Categories: / ·  The Computer Educational Presentation category has been discontinued.
·  A new rule has been implemented that will allow some Senior 4-H members the chance to return to participate again in events at Texas 4-H Roundup where they previously placed 1st. See the Texas 4-H Roundup Guide (pages 9-10) for details.


TENTATIVE Contest Locations · Meridian, Texas · Saturday, April 12, 2014

·  All Judges should check in between 8:00-8:15 am at the Meridian High School Library for Orientation.

·  All Contestants should check in at their contest room between 9:00-9:30 am.

Judge Orientation / Meridian High School Library
Tabulation / Meridian High School Library
Information/Photo Area / Meridian High School Cafetorium
Beef Quiz Bowl, Horse Quiz Bowl, Invitational Swine Quiz Bowl / Meridian Elementary School Library
Share-The-Fun – Poetry/Prose / Meridian High School Science Lab
Share-The-Fun – Vocal / Meridian High School Band Hall
Share-The-Fun – Musical/Instrumental / First Baptist Church Sanctuary
(piano available)
Share-The-Fun – Choreographed Routines / Meridian Elementary School Cafeteria
Share-The-Fun – Celebrate 4-H, Solo/Band Performance / Meridian Civic Center
(piano available)
Educational Presentation Room #1 / Meridian High School 101
Educational Presentation Room #2 / Meridian High School 102
Educational Presentation Room #3 / Meridian High School 103
Educational Presentation Room #4 / Meridian High School 104
Educational Presentation Room #5 / Meridian High School 105
Educational Presentation Room #6 / Meridian High School 106
Educational Presentation Room #7 / Meridian High School 107
Educational Presentation Room #8 / Meridian High School 108
Educational Presentation Room #9 / Meridian High School 109
Educational Presentation Room #10 / Meridian High School 110
Educational Presentation Room #11 / Meridian High School 111 (Ag Classroom)


General Rules & Guidelines

1.  Rules and Guidelines

All District contests will be conducted by the rules printed in the District 8 General Rules and Guidelines and in the 2014 Texas 4-H Roundup Guide. If an inconsistency exists, the Texas 4-H Roundup Guide rules will always supersede District policies, rules, and guidelines. All contests listed in the Texas 4-H Roundup Guide will be included in District Contest provided there are sufficient entries.

2.  Membership

Participants must be a bona fide 4-H member, currently enrolled in their respective county program.

3.  Age Divisions

There will be three (3) age divisions (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior) in all contests, except those listed below where there will be two (2) age divisions (Junior and Senior). The Food Show will be for the Senior age division only.

District 8 Contests with two (2) age divisions:

Food Challenge

Dairy Judging

Leaders 4 Life Skillathon

Quiz Bowls (Beef, Horse, and Nutrition)

A 4-H member’s 4-H age is determined by his or her age on August 31, 2013 and is as follows:
Division / Ages / Birth date between:
Junior / 8 years old and in 3rd grade or 9 - 10 years / Sept 1, 2002 – Aug 31, 2005
Intermediate / 11-13 years of age / Sept 1, 1999 – Aug 31, 2002
Senior / 14 - 18 years of age / Sept 1, 1994 – Aug 31, 1999

Only Senior aged members may advance to the state qualifying competition at Texas 4-H Roundup.

4.  Participation/Entries

4-H members must be certified by the County Extension Agent to participate at any District 4-H event.

Each county may enter the following number of entries at District 8 Contests:

Judging Contests 3 teams per county per age division

Educational Presentations 3 entries per county per age division

Public Speaking 3 entries per county per age division

Quiz Bowls 3 entries per county per age division

Share-The-Fun 2 entries per county per age division per category

Rifle 3 entries per county per age division

Food Show 1 entry per county per age division per category (Seniors only)

Food Challenge 2 entries per county per age division

Fashion Show 1 entry per county per age division per category

Fashion Storyboard No limit

Leaders 4 Life Skillathon No limit

All team members must be from the same county and within the same age division. Exception: in team presentations, Juniors can move up and participate in the Intermediate category with an Intermediate team. Intermediates may not move to the Junior division. Juniors or Intermediates may not participate in the Senior division.

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Acceptable double entries:

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Example #1

Quiz Bowl

Educational Presentation

Example #2

Quiz Bowl

Public Speaking

Example #3

Quiz Bowl


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Unacceptable double entries:

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Example #1

Beef Quiz Bowl

Horse Quiz Bowl

Example #2

Educational Presentation

Public Speaking

Example #3



Example #4

Educational Presentation


Example #5

Educational Presentation

Educational Presentation

Example #6

Public Speaking


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*At Texas 4-H Roundup, ALL Share-The-Fun contest categories will be conducted on THURSDAY.

4-H members may only participate in one Share-The-Fun category each year. If a 4-H member participates in any Share-The-Fun category, he/she may NOT participate in any other Thursday Roundup contest. See the Share-The-Fun guidelines for more details at the following link:

Procedure for participating in multiple District Roundup Events

4-H members that are participating in Quiz Bowl and another event (Educational Presentations/Public Speaking/Share-The-Fun) need to compete in the other event first, and then immediately report to the Quiz Bowl contest location in time for the contest to begin. If a 4-H member does not return to the Quiz Bowl area immediately, he/she may forfeit his/her eligibility to participate in the Quiz Bowl round.

Seniors Qualifying for more than one Texas 4-H Roundup event

Senior age members who qualify for state in contest areas that conflict at Texas 4-H Roundup must choose the contest in which they will advance. Members qualifying for advancement in more than one category will need to report to the district hub prior to leaving the contest to designate the category in which they will advance. Members who do not report their decision to the district hub by the conclusion of District Roundup will have the first reported contest declared as the contest in which they will advance, and the state opportunity in the other contest will be offered to the next qualified placing participant.

Substitutions for Districts 4-H Contests

Each county should determine their own guidelines to follow in their County 4-H Roundup regarding substitutions when they advance to District Roundup.

Senior Substitutions for Texas 4-H Roundup

District 8 will follow the substitution rules as outlined in the current year’s Texas 4-H Roundup Guide. To be an eligible substitute, he/she must have attended and competed in another competitive District 8 4-H event.

5.  Senior Contest Categories with Single Entries

Senior aged 4-H members in the following contest categories have the option to participate at District 8 4-H Roundup if they are the only entry at the District level. These contestants are still highly encouraged to attend and compete at District 8 4-H Roundup to improve their skills and to gain feedback from judges. The contests eligible are as follows: Educational Presentations, Public Speaking, Share-The-Fun, Beef Quiz Bowl, and Horse Quiz Bowl.

If the single entry does not attend District 8 4-H Roundup, the County Extension Agent MUST witness and certify the entry after the District 8 4-H Roundup entry deadline. The County Extension Agent must notify the District Office by the Texas 4-H Roundup registration deadline.

6.  Academic Eligibility of Participants

According to the Texas Education Code, a 4-H member must be deemed “eligible” to compete in an event that takes place on a weekday or weekend. All 4-H youth, including youth in public, private, and/or home school must adhere to the following guidelines regarding extracurricular activities and academic eligibility:

-  Complete a “Declaration of Eligibility Form”