Syllabus for CEE 142A/242A – Sustainable Development

Class /


Class 1 – Tuesday, January
Course Introduction / Course Overview and Logistics
Win as Much as you Can (Prisoners Dilemma Case) – Stan Christensen
Seven Elements of Negotiation
Preparation for Next Class: Fairmont Case Study (Negotiation between Client and Contractor on contract terms for a green Building)
Reading: Porter, Hart, Wheeler

Class 2 – January 17th

/ Case Debriefing –Fairmont Case Study
Barriers to Sustainable Development – The Four Quadrant Analysis
Development on Bay Island (in-class exercise)
Reading: Chan & Mauborgne, Hawken, Lewicki
Preparation for Next Class: Stone Container Case Study (Multi-party negotiation case – Stone must deal with Environmental groups and Human Interest groups in S. America)

Class 3 – January 24th

/ Case Discussion – Stone Container Case Study
In Class Exercise—The Coalition Exercise
Meetings and Process Design
Reading: Development at the Crossroads, Negotiating Inside Out, Brief Guide to Facilitation
Preparation for Next Class: 3M Case Study (A case on Negotiating Pollution Credits – 3M must strategize and negotiate their best approach)

Class 4 – January 31st

Economics for Sustainability / Case Discussion –3M Study – Stan Christensen
Reading: Lewicki on Multi-Party Negotiations, Home From Nowhere
Preparation for Next Class: Menehune Bay Case Study (Multi-party Negotiation exercise over land use and property development—to be negotiated in-class)
Analyze: Bunjagali Dam Case

Class 5 – February 7th

Multi-Party Processes / Review Bunjagali Dam
In Class Exercise –Menehune Bay Case Study – Stan Christensen
Reading for next week:
  • Packet of reading on Coyote Valley

Class 6 – February 14th

Community Involvement
Field Trip: Thursday February 16th, 1:15-2:15 / Guest Speaker: Tom Steinbach, The Greenbelt Alliance
Reading: See class website for readings
The Hewlett Foundation. This will be a tour of a recently constructed “Green Building.”
Class 7 – February 21st
Process and planning for a renewable energy future
Field Trip—Saturday, February 25th / Guest Speaker – Mike Pasqualetti, ASU
Third Journal Entry Due
Prepare Case: The Third Battle of Bull Run

Reading: See course website

We will be touring Village Homes, a master planned community built in the ‘70s using sustainable land use and design principles. We will leave at 10:00am from Stanford and bring our lunch. We will return mid-afternoon.

Class 8 – February 28ty

The Disney Experience / Guest Speaker: Ben Schwegler
Case: Disney: The Third Battle of Bull Run
  • Disney’s Historical Park, Chapter 11
  • Green Cities, Growing Cities--Campbell
Preparation for next Class : Conoco Case Study (Multi-party negotiation case – Conoco must deal with Environmental groups and Indigenous people in S. America)
Journal Due Next Week

Class 9 – March 7th

Community Involvement
Evening Session: March 9th, 7-9pm
Field Trip—Saturday, March 11th / In Class Exercise –Conoco – Stan Christensen
Reading: Suburban Nation, Chapter 10

Guest Speaker: Don Weden, Former Director of Planning, Santa Clara County

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve

We will meet at Stanford at 10:30 and have a brief drive to Jasper Ridge. There we will tour the grounds of this preserve and be introduced to the green building that Stanford designed there. Philippe Cohen will guide our tour. Plan on two hours.

Class 10 – March 14th

Sustainability Locally
Evening Session: March 15th, 7-9pm /
  • Guest Speaker – Ray Levitt, CIFE/CRGP Research Overview
Michael Freedman from Friedman Tung & Bottemly Urban Design

March 21st

Final Presentations

/ Final: Presentations of Group Projects