Charnwood Housing Residents’ Forum (CHRF)
Minutes of meeting held on
Wednesday 17 September 2014 | 10am – 1pm | The Hut
Attendees: / Cath BiddlesTrish Edwardes
Mike Brown
Jim Cregeen
Marie Cregeen / SCRA
SCF / Lynne Drewery
Helen Isaac / Community Rep
Leaseholder Forum
Officers: / Julie-Anne Byrne
Leesa Smith
Vicky Coomber
David Platts
Michael Coppock / Customer Engagement Officer
Customer Support Team Leader
Marketing & Communications Officer
Head of Revenues, Benefits & Customer Services
Repairs & Investment Manager
Item / Action
1.1 / Welcome and Apologies
Cath welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from June Bush, Sheila Ayres, Alix Glazier and Phil Walden.
2.9 / Minutes of 20 August 2014
The date of the last meeting was corrected to 20 August and the minutes of the previous meeting to 16 July 2014.
To clarify, the doors referred to in 4.2 are entrance doors to properties.
To clarify, Trish Edwardes was elected as Vice Chair of the HMAB, taking over from Helen Isaac.
Matters Arising
Nicola Clarke from Quadron has yet to contact Lynne Drewery as promised. Julie to contact Nicola. Lynne was expecting the site visit to take place mid-August. Julie is organising a day to visit various schemes. Julie asked members of the group to notify her of any other schemes or gardens that could be included.
Martin provided an update with regards to the stock condition surveys. Approximately half of the properties had been surveyed. However when the data was transferred to QL, some of it was cloned causing anomalies. A new list is now being put together so that the outstanding surveys can be carried out. Mike confirmed that all properties will be re-surveyed starting with the ones that have not previously had a survey.
Lynne reported that she had had feedback from residents regarding the communal areas at Toothill Road. Tenants are not permitted to have anything in these areas however Wates have been leaving new kitchens there overnight. The problem is now over however the feelings are strong about the communal areas. Mike noted this and will speak to Wates.
Mike advised that the next Core Group meeting is on 18 September so the details of how many refusals and no access will reported at the next CHRF meeting.
Julie confirmed that the next Repairs Scrutiny Group will be held on 29 September, details will be posted over the next few days.
Julie confirmed that the direct telephone number to the Customer Engagement Team is up and running.
Helen advised that Cllr Sharp will report to Cabinet on behalf of the HMAB in relation to the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan. Helen encouraged members of the group to attend Cabinet. / JBy
3.11 / Contact Centre Update
David advised that the Council’s contact centre takes calls for the vast majority of services that are provided. The contact centre responds to requests from individual services. In line with the Council’s policy, Landlord Services use the contact centre to take its telephone calls. Agreement was reached with Landlord Services on what information they required from the scripts and processes.
The group raised concerns about when they call on behalf of others they are required to give their own details too. David explained that this is a requirement as details cannot be given out or discussed with third parties. The Council is bound to provide information in a certain format.
Lynne advised that she makes calls on behalf of elderly people but the contact script cannot accommodate that and she is told that they have to call themselves. Some are unable to do this and there is no facility to help them.
David confirmed that regular meetings are held with services to provide feedback regarding any issues or recurring problems that the contact centre advisors had identified.
Lynne asked why callers trying to get through to a specific officer are asked what the call is about. David explained that this was part of a professional handover and to ensure that the caller is being put through to the appropriate officer.
More specific concerns were raised regarding the use of the contact centre for Landlord Services and lack of involvement of and consultation with tenants and leaseholders. It was agreed that this discussion would be more appropriate to have with Christine Ansell.
David advised that the contact centre had taken 211,000 calls, 50,000 of which were for landlord services and 5,000 emails last year. The customer satisfaction ratings for this period regarding the service that users had received is 95% good, 3% average and 2% poor.
22,500 calls and 1300 emails had been received between April and August this year. The customer satisfaction ratings for this period are 94% find the service good, 4% average and 2% poor.
The satisfaction figures are based on an average of 60% of people using the contact centre or face to face or website giving feedback. The survey is either carried out at the end of a call or sometimes call backs are made later. The contact centre calls around the waste service won a govmetric award last year for the highest rate of customer satisfaction.
Jim added that the service that he has received from the contact centre had been brilliant however sometimes the length of waiting time is a problem.
David advised that the contact centre consisted of 49 members of staff, most working on a part time basis. The volume of calls is looked at every month and rotas are changed if necessary to cover peak times. Having part time staff also offers flexibility for cover during absences. The abandonment rate is currently running at 13%.
David left the meeting at 11.10am / All
4.3 / Tenant Inspectors
Helen advised that the HMAB considered the report at their last meeting. It was agreed that this item would be passed to the CHRF to seek their views and that the matter be reconsidered at the next HMAB meeting. The report produced by IP was circulated with the previous minutes however LD advised that she had not received it.
The CHRF are generally in favour of having Tenant Inspectors however requested that the decision be deferred until the next meeting to enable them to read the report.
Julie advised that Ian was keen to capture the interest of tenants and leaseholders that had shown interest in becoming a member of the HMAB. He has drafted a letter acknowledging their interest and encouraging them to take up other involvement opportunities.
5.11 / Group updates
Senior Citizens Forum
Mike advised that their latest meeting had been postponed until 3 October 2014.
The car park at Arnold Smith House had been repaired last week however it was already breaking up. Mike confirmed that a re-active responsive repair had been carried out and that a substantial surface will be put down when the planned work is carried out.
Community Rep Toothill Road
Lynne reported that tenants were happy with the finished decent homes work.
Helen raised concerns that there is not mention of the HMAB in Your Homes Matter and had provided feedback to Vicky Coomber regarding this.
Staveley Court
Trish advised that the installation of gas central heating had commenced.
Nicola Clarke and Sarah Ritchie have visited Staveley Court which had been very positive. They are prepared to work with the residents and Nicola or a manager will attend most of the meetings.
Work on the toilets at The Hut will commence on 22 September 2014.
The Summer Fair was a success and a Christmas party is being planned again for the children that use The Hut.
Cath reported that the community garden had produced well and a new gardener was now helping out. It is hoped that an open day and BBQ will be arranged for next summer.
The group has registered to use the new community room at Tesco. The facilities are good and there is no charge. Free Wi-Fi, tea and coffee are also provided.
Funding has been secured from the university to publicise the group and get it back on track. Volunteers are still being sought to help run the group.
Lynne left the meeting at 11.50am
6.8 / Any Other Business
Members of the group challenged why the length of the meeting and number of items on the agenda had been reduced. Cath advised that the Chair and Vice Chair had made the decision as agenda items and timings were not being adhered to.
Members considered that changes to the format of the meeting should be discussed with the group. Cath noted this and agreed to include it as an agenda item for the next meeting.
Julie distributed the Wates performance information. It was agreed at the last meeting that they would attend the meetings on a quarterly basis to present the information and take questions. The group will receive a written monthly update at the meetings.
Jim queried the amount of work that Wates had invoiced for the first 6 months and that it was less than expected. Mike confirmed that the Wates contract had been slow to start but was catching up now with the core items. Additional projects will be starting soon so this will also increase the spend.
Mike confirmed that the Council will be looking at the Key Performance Indicators given to Wates to ensure that they are being met and to address any that they are failing on.
Julie distributed Tenant Bid application forms and advised that the closing date was the end of September. If the scheme becomes over-subscribed, there will be increased competition for the budget.
Helen requested that the following items be included on future agendas:
· Service Area Delivery Plans
· Complaints Procedure
· Restructure of Landlord Services
· Customer Engagement Review
· Tenant Inspectors – decision
Mike informed the group that this would be his last meeting as he was leaving CBC in October. Members of the group wished him luck and expressed their thanks for the work and support he had shown the CHRF.
The meeting ended at 12.08pm / CB
7) / Date of Next Meeting
15 October 2014, starting at 10.00.
CHRF / Charnwood Housing Residents’ Forum / SCF / Senior Citizens’ Forum
TSG / Tenant Scrutiny Group / HMAB / Housing Management Advisory Board
EMTPF / East Midlands Tenant Participation Forum / ASB / Anti-Social Behaviour
KPIs / Key Performance Indicators / CIH / Chartered Institute of Housing
FRA / Fire Risk Assessments / HRA / Housing Revenue Account
NM / Neighbourhood Monitors
Charnwood Borough Council Officers
Christine Ansell / Head of Landlord Services / 01509 634952 /Ian Philp / Landlord Services Manager / 01509 634608 /
Michael Coppock / Repairs and Investment Manager / 01509 634669 /
Julie-Anne Byrne / Customer Engagement Officer / 01509 634955 /
Emily Clarke / Supported Housing Project Officer / 01509 634974 /
CHRF Meeting dates, venues and times 2014
Date / Venue / Time15 January / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
19 February / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
19 March / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
16 April / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
21 May / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
18 June / Committee Room 2, Southfields / 10.00am – 13.00pm
16 July / Committee Room 1, Southfields / 10.00am – 13.00pm
20 August / Committee Room 1, Southfields / 10.00am – 13.00pm
17 September / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
15 October / The Hut / 10.00am – 13.00pm
19 November / Committee Room 1, Southfields / 10.00am – 13.00pm
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