To Convert from Millibars to Station Model Code Take the Last Three Numbers

To Convert from Millibars to Station Model Code Take the Last Three Numbers


Station Model Code

To convert from millibars to “station model code” take the last three numbers.

For example 1234.5 turns into 345.

To convert from “station model code” to millibars, do the following:

If the value is “500” or higher, put a 9 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

If the value is lower than, put a 10 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

Millibars / “station model” / Millibars / “station model”
1 / 1028.0 / 11 / 281
2 / 1008.4 / 12 / 206
3 / 992.2 / 13 / 080
4 / 976.6 / 14 / 168
5 / 994.8 / 15 / 800
6 / 1000.1 / 16 / 888
7 / 1008.2 / 17 / 165
8 / 987.1 / 18 / 768
9 / 988.8 / 19 / 000
10 / 1022.2 / 20 / 987


Station Model Code

To convert from millibars to “station model code” take the last three numbers.

For example 1234.5 turns into 345.

To convert from “station model code” to millibars, do the following:

If the value is “500” or higher, put a 9 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

If the value is lower than, put a 10 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

Millibars / “station model” / Millibars / “station model”
1 / 1026.0 / 11 / 280
2 / 1008.3 / 12 / 216
3 / 993.2 / 13 / 070
4 / 976.4 / 14 / 178
5 / 994.4 / 15 / 600
6 / 1000.1 / 16 / 888
7 / 1007.2 / 17 / 164
8 / 989.1 / 18 / 766
9 / 988.8 / 19 / 000
10 / 1012.2 / 20 / 987


Station Model Code

To convert from millibars to “station model code” take the last three numbers.

For example 1234.5 turns into 345.

To convert from “station model code” to millibars, do the following:

If the value is “500” or higher, put a 9 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

If the value is lower than, put a 10 in front of it and add the decimal for the last digit.

Millibars / “station model” / Millibars / “station model”
1 / 1018.0 / 11 / 206
2 / 1018.4 / 12 / 281
3 / 982.2 / 13 / 080
4 / 975.6 / 14 / 168
5 / 984.8 / 15 / 888
6 / 1000.1 / 16 / 800
7 / 1018.2 / 17 / 987
8 / 989.1 / 18 / 768
9 / 988.8 / 19 / 000
10 / 1011.1 / 20 / 165