Applicant Profile / FY2015

To complete the Applicant Profile:

1.  Log into e-snaps

2.  Select the appropriate applicant from the drop down field

3.  On the left side of the screen select the Applicants tab

4.  Click on the orange folder icon to open the Applicant Profile

5.  At the bottom of the table of contents on the left side of the screen, click section 6 Submission Summary tab

6.  On the Submission Summary page, click the Edit button at the bottom

7.  Now that the Applicant Profile is editable review all pages to ensure that all of the information is up-to-date

8.  Under section 5 you must click into the following links separately:

  1. HUD Form 2880 – NOTE: You must use the amount requested as noted on the Grant Inventory Worksheet – Section 3. One 2880 per project is required.
  2. SF-LLL
  3. HUD Form 50070
  4. Survey on EEO
  5. Non-profit declaration and code of conduct must be attached but updated versions are not required

9.  Within each link you must click on the red X which is located left of the document name. You can then upload the updated version for each required form

10.  Once completed, return to the Submission Summary page and click the Complete button at the bottom of the screen

11.  From the table of contents on the left, click the Back to Applicants List, and confirm that there is now today’s date listed under the Last Submission column