Learning Area: English Home LanguageLesson: Module 4: A True Sense Of Freedom / Grade: 9 / Integration: / Content:
Duration: / Date/Week:
Learning Activities: / Learning outcome: / Assessment Standards: / Teaching methods and Lesson Progression: / Resources: / Assessment:
Activity 1:
To use language to reflect on own awareness and application of rights and responsibilities / LO 5
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 5.5uses language to reflect:
5.5.2reviews own critical reading, writing and listening skills, habits and experiences, and notes strengths and areas for development.
Activity 2:
To use abstract nouns to develop vocabulary in context / LO 6
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 6.1works with words:
6.1.5explains and uses word families and words of the same field to develop vocabulary in context.
Activity 3:
To communicate ideas accurately and coherently / LO 2
The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations. / 2.2communicates ideas, facts and opinions on challenging topics accurately and coherently, using a wide range of factual oral text types (e.g. explanations of technological processes such as how to use a computer or video player).
Learning Activities: / Learning outcome: / Assessment Standards: / Teaching methods and Lesson Progression: / Resources: / Assessment:
Activity 4:
To evaluate writer’s point of view and use language to investigate questions / LO 3
The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts. / 3.8responds critically to texts:
3.8.1evaluates writer’s point of view.
Activity 5:
To question and weigh options / LO 5
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 5.2uses language to investigate and explore:
5.2.3questions and weighs options.
Activity 6:
To modify own views, where relevant, after hearing or reading the views of others / LO 5
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 5.5uses language to reflect:
5.5.4modifies own views, where relevant, after hearing or reading the views of others.
Activity 7:
To produce an advertisement for a specific purpose, using visual and design elements / LO 4
The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes. / 4.2produces a wide range of factual written and multimedia texts for various purposes, using a wide range of visual and design elements where appropriate by means of
e-mail, reports on current issues, advertisements, posters, book reviews, film reviews, eyewitness accounts, newspaper reports, curriculum vitae, agenda and minutes of meetings.
Learning Activities: / Learning outcome: / Assessment Standards: / Teaching methods and Lesson Progression: / Resources: / Assessment:
Activity 8:
To choose appropriate information from various sources and individuals and synthesise contributions with own ideas into a coherent presentation on
(a)a profile of a respected person;
(b) a day in the life of a figure such as Nelson Mandela and(c) a visit to an institution for children with special needs. / LO 5
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 5.3processes information:
5.3.2chooses best and most appropriate information from various sources and individuals, and synthesizes contributions with own ideas into a coherent piece of work or presentation.
Activity 9:
To make a speech paying attention to social conventions / LO 2
The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations. / 2.5gives oral presentations confidently and creatively.
Learning Activities: / Learning outcome: / Assessment Standards: / Teaching methods and Lesson Progression: / Resources: / Assessment:
Activity 10:
To express ideas in a letter to the press / LO 4
The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes. / 4.1write a wide range of imaginative text:
4.1.1to express imagination, ideas and feelings about self and others.
Activity 11:
To identify and use direct and reported speech correctly / LO 2
The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations. / 2.5gives oral presentations confidently and creatively.
Activity 12:
To examine how language is used to construct gender, race, the environment, health, etc. and to suggest ways of rewriting texts to create other possibilities / LO 6
language structure and use
The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts. / 6.5develops critical language awareness, for example:
6.5.3examines how language is used to construct gender, race, the environment, health, etc., and how the reader is positioned – suggests ways of rewriting texts to create other possibilities.
Activity 13:
To express ideas and feelings about self in a reflective essay / LO 4
The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes. / 4.2write a wide range of imaginative text:
4.1.1to express imagination, ideas and feelings about self and others.
Teacher reflection: