High School
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Algebra I is designed to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned through the end of middle school. A complete understanding of Algebra Iis necessary in order to be successful in Algebra II and Geometry. Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year if you feel that your child could use some extra help. I am always willing to set up a time to work with your child during school hours or immediately after. Please see my website or contact me for specific times that I am available.
To be successful in this class, each student will need the following materials:
- A 3 ring binder
- A pocket folder
- Pencils - NO PENS!
In this course we will cover parts of the first 9 units of the textbook. Please encourage your child to use the available tools in their textbook. Their textbook provides many examples, explanations, and online assistance.
You can go to my school website at any time for this information. I also post each homework assignment on my website for you to reference. If there is anything you feel that I should know about your child please feel free to contact me via letter, email or phone. Please sign below and have your child return this to me so that I know that you have read it. I look forward to a successful and rewarding year with your child!
Mrs. Ferencuha
Mrs. Ferencuha,
I have read each of the pages enclosed.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature
Classroom Rules:
- Follow Directions
- Be prepared for class with necessary materials
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Name-calling, bullying, and put-downs are not allowed
Severe infractions such as fighting, vandalism, overt defiance, or anything else that stops the class from functioning will be immediately referred to the administration.
The grading system is based on the number of points achieved and the total number available. The following formal assessments will be used as follows:
- Tests/Quizzes (quizzes maybe be announced or unannounced):80%
- Graded homework:15%
- Do Now Quizzes (unannounced, open notes): see above (as part of tests and quizzes)
- General Homework: checked daily for completion, points are awardedbased on a percentage of completedassignments, students must SHOW ALL WORK for credit.
- Participation: 5%
There may also be projects or activities throughout the year worth varying point totals. The student will be given a rubric with the available points possible before beginning such projects.
It is the student’s responsibility to make up any assignments that they have missed. There is a “Missed Class” folder in the classroom containing work and assignments for each day.
Make-up work must be turned in within the number of days missed.
Classroom Procedures:
- Get all necessary paper/scratch paper & sharpen your pencil at the beginning of the period
- When the bell rings you should be in your seat working quietlyon your DO NOW.
- You may not have any food, drink, or gum in this classroom
- At the beginning of class, quickly look at yesterday’s notes to remind yourself of what you’ve worked on recently.
- Listen and concentrate during class. Do not allow yourself to be distracted. While you take notes, it is important to also listen to what is being said.
- Be an active participant. Think about what is being taught & ASK QUESTIONS!
- DO ALL HOMEWORK!! Math is learned by solving and practicing problems.
- Before starting your homework, review your notes and examples to reinforce what you did in class.
- As you complete your homework, write down any questions that you want to ask the teacher (you will probably forget later).
- Use your notes and book as a resource if you don’t know how to do a problem. Read your book! There are examples and explanations. There is also a lot of online help & videos available through your book. Please see me if you do not have internet access at home & we can try to get you to a computer lab at school.
- Take your time! Use homework as a tool for learning - not just to get something done for a few points.
- Work neatly and do not take shortcuts. Write out all of your work on paper.