5th September 2016 at 8 p.m.


16/188Apologies for absence

16/189Declarations of Interest - particular to this meeting.

16/190Minutes of meeting on 1stAugust2016to be signed

16/191Aldbury Pond

Cllrs to discuss approach to clearance and maintenance of pond and agree way forward.

16/192Parish Council Grants

Cllrs to discuss grant applications received

16/193Filming within the Parish

Cllrs to discuss request to film within Parish. Clerk to have circulated draft agreement for discussion.

16/194Matters concerning railway developments and parking at Tring Station.

To be deferred to next meeting

16/195Parish Mowing

Cllrs to agree approach for mowing Millenium Orchard.

Cllrs to discuss mowing of Recreation Ground and agree approach should Sports Club no longer be able to continue the mowing

16/196Repair of Stocks

To be deferred to next meeting

16/197Tesco Grant

Clerk to update on decision


To be deferred to next meeting


To be deferred to next meeting

16/200Diocesan Leases

Cllrs Pearce andEggar to update.

16/201Works to Trees

Clerk to update

16/202Parish Warden Vacancy

Clerk to update


Cllr Tollinton to update on any urgent issues

16/204Highways/Transport (including buses)

Cllr Tollinton to report on progress of working party on Pedestrian Safety

16/205Planning Matters

To discuss the following applications and any others receivedby 5hSeptember:

4/02073/16/TCA – The Spinney, Toms Hill Road, Aldbury

Works to Beech Tree

Planning Decisions made by Dacorum BC:


  • Payments made

L Bancroft (SO) / £298.35 / Clerk’s salary for July
DBC (DD) / £48.00 / Rent for Garage
EON (DD) / £41.77 / Street Lights - power
Cllr R McCarthy / £23.85 / Expenses
Cllr R McCarthy / £15.75 / Expenses
  • Receipts

INV0035 – Baker / £6.00 / Allotment Rent
INV0021 – Dockree / £18.00 / Allotment Rent
INV0007 – Cobb / £6.00 / Allotment Rent
INV0010 – Kent / £12.00 / Allotment Rent
Interest / £0.95 / Interest
  • Bank Balances at 13/08/16

Natwest a/c 60669756£22,956.88

Natwest a/c 06501141£300

NS a/c£33,607.59

Resolution Required to make the following payments:

Cllr Cobb / £11.09 / Tennis Court Expenses
Sworders / £900.00 / Consultancy Diocesan Leases
M Walters / £240.00 / Parish Mowing – July-August
  • Funds available going forward£55,713.38
  • External Audit
  • Dropbox – Clerk to update

16/207Areas of focus for the Council

  • Making Parish look more attractive – to note items (pond & Stocks)
  • Pedestrian Safety – covered under item 16/204
  • Safe Parking – covered under item 16/204

Cllrs to raise any further issues

16/208APC Website

Clerk to update and Cllrs to agree quotation

16/209Ashridge Management Plans

-Cllr Juniper to update if needed

16/210Parish Defibrillator(s)

Carry forward to next meeting

16/211Annual Parish Assembly 2017

Cllrs to discuss speaker for 2017 Parish Assembly


Update from DBC on Concurrent Services Review

16/213Any Other Business and to consider items for agenda of next meeting

  • Sponsorship of 2016 Christmas Tree
  • Road signs – Stocks Road

16/214Meeting open to the public

Next Council meeting –Monday 3rdOctober 2016

Aldbury Parish Council website – .

Lucy Bancroft,

Clerk to the Aldbury Parish Council 29thAugust 2016