(To be filled-in by candidates for Ph. D. programme only in addition to Form - A)
1. Name of the applicant (in Block Letters)………………………………………………………….
2. Teaching / Research experience:
(Mention level of teaching – UG/PG/College/Institute/Courses taught/ Area of research)
3. Tick () the category of candidature sought:
Full time SponsoredPart timeProject
4. Seminar / workshop / conference attended after post graduation:
(Use separate sheet if necessary)
5. If employed, details of employment:
Organization / Duration / Position / Regular/Temporary/Ad Hoc etc / Nature of duties6. If employed, whether leave will be granted / already granted:
(No objection certificate from the employer to be enclosed)
7. Specialized training (if any):
8. Scholarship/ fellowship awarded for research (if any):
(give details)
9. Qualified in NET / JRF or similar with year (Enclose Certificate):
10. List of publications (if any):
(Enclose separate sheet if necessary)
For Office Use Only
- Verified by: Name ______Designation ______
- Recommended / Not Recommended:
Name ______
Chairman, Selection Committee
Head, Dept. of ______
Format for Sponsorship Certificate in Official Letter Head
(For Ph. D. Candidates only)
The Controller of Examinations,
Tezpur University
Tezpur 784 028, Assam
Sub:Sponsorship of Mr. /Ms. ______
for Ph. D. Programme at Tezpur University.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that Mr./Ms. ______who has been working in this organization as ______has been sponsored for joining the Ph. D. programme in Tezpur University for ______years from the Academic session ______as a full time student.
The employee shall be released from his / her present position to enable him / her to join the Ph.D. programme of Tezpur university.
Seal of sponsoring authority
Format for No-Objection Certificate from Employer
(For Ph. D. Candidates only)
(This should be typed on the official letter head of the sponsoring organization)
Ref No:
The Controller of Examinations,
Tezpur University
Tezpur 784028, Assam
Dear Sir,
This organization has no objection if Mr./ Ms……………………………………….. who has been working in this organization as…………………………………., if admitted to Ph. D. programme in Tezpur University from the Academic session…………………… as a part time student.
This organization will grant him / her leave to attend course work / research work at Tezpur University for a period of not less than 12 months.
The employee shall be released from his ./ her present position during the leave period for the Ph. D. programme of Tezpur University.
Seal of the Sponsoring authority
Format for No – Objection Certificate from Principal Investigator
( This should be typed on the official letter head of Principal Investigator)
(For Ph. D. Candidates only)
Ref. No.Date:
The Controller of Examinations,
Tezpur University
Tezpur 784028, Assam
Sub: No objection certificate.
Dear Sir,
Certified that Mr. / Ms………………………………………………………………………………….. is working as a …………………………………………. In the project……………………………………….. under the department / Centre………………………………….. funded by………………………………..
Since………………………………… . I have no objection in allowing him / her to join the Ph. D. programme at Tezpur University under the category of project fellow.
Further, he / she will be allowed to do his course work / research work without hampering the project work.
Date :Signature…………………………………..
Seal of the sponsoring authority