TANF Pursuit of Assets Cheat Sheet
TANF client must actively pursue any asset for which they have a legal right or claim. Active pursuit means the client must apply and satisfy all requirements to receive benefits from other programs. It also means the client will pursue legal remedies to obtain assets from any other source if they can secure legal counsel on a contingency fee basis. Clients are not required to pursue or apply for loans.
We can accept an applicant’s statement that they have applied for UC or SSB, which meets the pursuit of UC and SSB asset. The worker would check at a later date to determine the outcome. Individuals are not required to apply for SSI.Only pend for pursuit of UC if there is a VALID claim per screens, or reason to believe an out-of-state claim exists.
Potential Assets to pursue:
- Unemployment
- Vehicle/non-related vehicle accident
Unemployment Claim
When determining if a client has a UC asset to pursue, there are two places to look.
The first is EPC2 (F22 from the WAGE screen):
The EPC2 screen may show a non-valid claim:
If the EPC2 screen shows a non-valid claim then the next step is to look at the ECLM claim list (F5 from ECLM). Do any of the active claims have a future BYE date? If yes, this is a claim from which the client may be able to start claiming benefits. Whether or not they are eligible for benefits from this claim will be determined based upon their job separation.
Was it determine whether the client has good cause not to pursue a claim?
Current Example
Wage shows potential BYE of 2/16 but this has expired. The worker needs to look further.
Here is what the BYE 2/16 claim looks like.
Shift F9 from eclm will give you info on the qrtrs used for that claim
This is her current potential claim since BYE 2/16 has expired (second week of 2016)
As of 6/06/17, she has a new potential claim with BYE 22/18 (22nd week of 2018). This client has not pursued this claim. UC is basing potential eligibility off of the new base qrts below.
You can type over the Date of Claim on the previous EPC2 screen or start at wage and press F10. It will give to current info.
More information on potential claims
Things to look for potential SSB claim:
- It is reported on application a parent is deceased
- DHR screens show a deceased parent (UCMS, W204, WVIR, BEIN)
- Client reports during interview absent parent is decease
- Documents on EDMS/file showing a deceased parent
- Pass TRACS narration reports a deceased parent
Check to see if deceased parent had a WAGE history. If you can see they had a work history or narration/interview reported he had a work history then there is a potential claim to pursue SSB.
Vehicle/Non-Vehicle Related Accident
Things to look for potential Vehicle/Non-Vehicle related accidents:
- Client reports during interview (unable to participate JOBS due to injury)
- Application reports an accident (why they left their job)
- Pass narration reports an injury
- Incomplete MSC451 or MSC451NV in file/EDMS
AMSC 451 or an MSC 451NVshould be submitted to Personal Injury Lien, if one of the two circumstances applies:
- The individual has a pending claim against a third party that caused an injury; or
- The individual was involved in an accident within the last two years, but does not have a pending claim.
Look for Good Cause. Is there a narration?Good cause for not pursuing assets:
A client may have good cause for not pursuing assets if any of the following is true:
- The assets are unavailable because:
- They are not in the client’s possession (e.g., a client has the title to a car, but the car is stolen, or client and another person’s name is on a car title); or
- They are jointly owned with others who are not in the financial group, who are unwilling to sell and the client’s interest is reasonable saleable.
- The client is incompetent and there is no legal representative to act on behalf of the client. The client’s condition must be verified by a doctor or other authorized person on the form designated by DHS.
- The client is a victim of Domestic Violence and pursuing assets will put the client or the client's children at risk of further, future violence;
- The asset is an irrevocable or restricted trust and cannot be used to meet the basic monthly needs of the financial group.