555 Dixon Road
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 1H8
Telephone: 416-248-6211
FAX: 416-248-6212
The Toronto Trucking Association is pleased to have Marilyn Otten, President of Live to Learn coming to do a presentation on how technology is taking over our lives.
Everyone’s connected. Everything’s instant. When information needs to be circulated quickly, there’s no better way than using the available technology. Unfortunately, the benefit of speed also presents some challenges that aren’t always predictable. We’ve all experienced a misunderstood email or text message. How much time did it take to recover from that one?
Join us to learn some best practices for using text, email and social media in the workplace. We’ll review the top 10 Do’s & Don’ts of communicating electronically. Although technology is ever-changing, basic rules of etiquette still apply.
Date:Thursday, April 7, 2016
Time:Registration 11:30 a.m.
Lunch 12:00 p.m., Presentation to follow
Location:Weston Golf and Country Club, 50 St. Phillip’s Road
Cost:TTA Members: $80.00 (+HST)
Non-Members: $135.00 (+HST)
Presenter - Marilyn Otten - President, Live to Learn
Marilyn has helped organizations achieve success in a number of performance-related areas. As an experienced facilitator and instructional designer, she specializes in Leadership and Management Development, Communications, Team Building, Customer Service, Building Trust, Time Management and DISC Certification. Her focus is to utilize proven strategies and “best practices” to optimize the personal and professional success of her clients.
During her corporate career she began in the sales arena progressing through to Director of Sales for a national transportation provider. Recognizing her passion for facilitating learning and growth she accepted a Corporate Training & Development role responsible for Management Development, Sales Training, Corporate Communications and Succession Planning.
Since investing in her own business in September 2000 she has partnered with small and large, private and public sector organizations throughout Canada to help them develop the “people” side of their business.
Marilyn holds a Certified Training and Development Professional (CTDP) accreditation from the Institute for Performance and Learning. She has achieved the academic requirements for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation as well as a multitude of certifications in Adult Education, Instructional Design, Facilitation, Communications and Organizational Development.
Marilyn is an award winning Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC® and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. She is a Certified DiSC® Trainer, an MBTI Qualified Instructor, and serves as Past Chair for the Peel/Halton Chapter of the Institute for Performance and Learning. She is an active faculty member of the Canadian Management Centre and a member of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).
Yes, please register the following people for the April 7th Luncheon Presentation. Confirmation of your registration can be made by calling our office.
Please check: Member ______Non-Member ______
Non-Members must pay in advance. Fax registration to (416) 248-6212 or email
Company: ______Phone No. ______
Contact: ______
Email: ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
HST #105325013RT
Notice of your cancellation must be received at this office by noon April 1st; otherwise, you will be charged for this event; however, substitutions are in order.
To pay by credit card please fill in the information below, sign and fax back to our office
(416) 248-6212.
Type of Card: Visa MasterCard
Total Amount: ______
Credit Card # ______
Expiry Date: ______
Security #: ______
Cardholder’s Name: ______(Please Print)
Signature: ______