*To be completed at home using the approved book checked out from the library.*

Report Due: December 14, 2015


1. Choose a poem from your poetry book to recite to the class. (It doesn’t have to be memorized, you can read it.) Practice reading it clearly, with lots of expression, at a reasonable pace.

2. Make a collage on the 12 X 18 inch paper provided, using magazine cutouts, objects, leaves, drawings, etc. that represent the poem that you have chosen to recite. Think of ways to exceed the criteria! Use your imagination! Make it exciting! Make it interesting! Impress us!

3. Complete the poetry flap book provided by your teacher. Information to be included in the flap book are: a copy of the poem you chose on the front (written or typed), title of the book it came from, the poet’s name, form of the poem (lyric, narrative, free verse, haiku, etc…), number of lines, number of stanzas, how the poem makes you feel (mood), the main idea of the poem, the theme or message, and examples of literary devices in the poem such as personification, similes, metaphors, alliteration, etc.... This flap book will be glued in the center of your collage. Make sure that your handwriting is small and neat. Think of creative ways to exceed the criteria!

4. Be prepared to recite your poem and share your collage and flap book with the class. Think of creative ways to exceed the criteria! Your presentation should be no longer than 3 minutes.


THE ORAL PRESENTATION of the REPORT will be evaluated based on the Oral Presentation Rubric below.

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Eye Contact / Holds attention of audience with use of direct eye contact / Makes eye contact with some of the audience, some of the time / Seldom makes eye contact with audience / No eye contact with audience
Body Language / Stands poised and uses gestures that help the audience visualize / Stands still and uses some descriptive gestures / Displays some nervous movements; uses a few descriptive gestures / Slouches or nervously moves about ; no descriptive gestures
Speaking Voice
Expression / Speaks clearly, with lively expression and at a reasonable pace / Speaks clearly, with some expression and at a reasonable pace / Difficult to understand at times, with little expression; pace is too slow or fast / Cannot be heard, with no expression; pace interferes with audience’s ability to understand
Introduction and Closure / Delivers opening and closing remarks that capture the attention of the audience / Uses clear introduction and concluding remarks / Uses either introduction or closing remarks, but not both. / Uses no introduction or closing remarks
Content / Is logical, concise, and sequential; shows thorough understanding of subject matter / Shows understanding of subject matter, however material is not summarized / Shows little understanding of subject matter; material is not summarized / Shows no understanding of subject matter; disorganized and rambling thoughts
Visual / Exceeds criteria; presented neatly, legibly and with obvious effort / Meets criteria; presented neatly, legibly and with obvious effort / Required element(s) are missing; presented neatly and some effort / Required elements are missing; work is messy and shows little or no effort
Time Limit / Within the time limit / Not within the time limit
Preparation of Presentation / Is extremely well prepared and practiced; maintains the interest of the audience / Shows preparation and practice / Is somewhat prepared and practiced / Shows lack of preparation or practice
Total Points ______
Grade ______29-32 points =A; 26-28=B; 23-25 points =C; 22 and below=F