To Assist You with Your Project We Ve Created This (Helpful) Project Brief Template

Client Project Brief

To assist you with your project we’ve created this (helpful) project brief template.

The more information you can provide, the better Eddie will be able to respond in the first instance. We know of course that things can and most probably will change later.

Please answer each question as clearly as you can and if something isn’t relevant just mark it N/A.

When you’re ready, please fire it back to

About you

What's the name of your company?

Who are the main contacts for this project and what are their roles?

Are you the decision maker? If not, who is?

Describe your company

Describe the concept/product/service your site will provide

Do you have a website address for the project?

Do you have a deadline?

What is your specific reason for these dates?

(eg, tradeshow, product launch?)

Your budget dictates how much time we can spend on your website and functionality that we can implement. What are you looking to spend to achieve your vision?
(eg, £1-2k, £3-4k, £5k+)

What are your objectives?

Why a new website?

In order of importance (most important first) what are the business objectives for your site
(eg, more sales, increase customer satisfaction, better presence)

What are you hoping to achieve and what will be your measure for success?
(ie, 20% increase in sales, smaller bounce rate)

What aspects of your current site do you feel work well and what makes them successful?

What are you not so happy with and why?

Do you have any analytics and if so can we see them?

Who are you doing it for?

Who is your audience? If possible, describe the different types of visitors to your website.

How do you think your audience currently perceives your company and the services you offer?

What do you imagine people are using your site for? What will they want to do there?

Why do you think people will choose your site over others?

What ideas for features do you have for your site?

How do these features support your business goals and the goals of your user?

Design Concept

How do you want people to feel about your company on their first visit?

Who are your main competitors and why (including their website addresses)?

What works for them? What doesn't?

Have you seen any sites in any industry recently that you've liked the look of? What did you like about it?

Aside from the features discussed above, what else do you want your site to do?

Do you require an application or content management system?

All our sites are built using our own Content Management System. What feature would you like it to do?

(eg, stock control, user moderation, accounts integration)

Additional Comments

We’ve tried to keep this worksheet as general as possible, but every project is unique. Please provide any extra information you think will be helpful.