Michigan Dahlia Association

Affiliated with


September 2014 Newsletter


Reminder: The AfterShow Picnic and Dahlia Seedling Judging is fast approaching. Please call Jim & Shirley Grobbel’s to RSVP.

I wish toThank all who helped with this year’s Dahlia Show. To all who helped set up, clerk & judge and with clean up. Many hands do make less work and it is a pleasure to work with so many dedicated Dahlia growers. Also many Thanks to Don Warden, our Show Chairman and Phyllis Warden for organizing a delicious lunch.

September 21, 2014 – Sunday

After Show Picnic and Dahlia Seedling Judging at 2 pm

Jim & Shirley Grobbel, 586-751-4254

5140 Martin Road

Warren, MI 48092

We have invited Southeastern Michigan Dahlia Society to join us and look forward to their participation.

Please RSVP to Grobbel’s if you plan to attend.

The main course and beverages will be provided, Please bring a dish to pass and if you desire, your favorite beverage. Also bring your favorite lawn chair if you have one.

If anyone has any seedlings blooming, bring them for a seedling presentation and judging. It is interesting to see what surprises spring forth from these little seeds. We will have our White Elephant Auction after dinner. If you wish, bring a wrapped gift marked male or female valued at $5-10 to be auctioned off. Anyone interested in being the Auctioneer????

October 11, 2014 – Saturday

MDA Awards Banquet

Arrive: 5:30 pm

Dinner: 6:00 pm

Hungarian Rhapsody

14315 Northline Road

Southgate, MI

The cost will again be $15.00 per person, Please RSVP by Monday, 10/6 to Annise Nicholas, 734-429-5796. Come celebrate with your fellow Dahlia growers the end of another Great growing season. It’s a good time to share your Dahlia experiences with other growers and to get some of your questions answered. Also maybe start working on some tuber swapping for next spring. Our Treasurer, Annise Nicholas will also be collecting ADS & MDA dues for 2015 at this time. We will have our election for next year’s officers and hopefully distribute the new MDA Bylaws to all.

October 19, 2014 – Sunday

A Fall Tuber dividing demonstration

Learn several methods of dividing and storing your tubers for the winter.

If you have some clumps that you are not sure what to do, bring them for some guidance. Food and refreshments will be available.

2:00 – 4:00 pmFred & Annise Nicholas, 734-429-5796

5780 Saline Waterworks Rd.

Saline, MI 48176

As all who attended know, the Mahoning Valley Dahlia Society put on an outstanding Midwest Dahlia Conference Show this year and will be a tough act to follow. Also congratulations to all MDA members who attended, as all made it to the Court of Honor.

Reminder: The Michigan Dahlia Association will again be hosting the Midwest Dahlia Conference Show, at the Washtenaw Community College, September 4–6, 2015. We will need more help to get things done, but many hands do make less work. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a position on the Court of Honor or donating gifts, gift certificates or any monetary value, please contact Annise Nicholas 734-429-5796.

It is with sadness I report the passing of two Dahlia growers: Louis LaPlante passed in his sleep last Saturday and Dan Burlingame on Sunday. Please keep these two Dahlia growers and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Reminder: We have MDA Member Garden signs available for $25.00 each.

Hope to see you September 21st.

Fred Nicholas