To: All Staff Participating in the District’s Health Insurance Plan
Date: 04/27/16
Re: Wellness Visit Confirmation Form(s)
In Fall 2012, the Board of Education approved the following SFSD Wellness Guiding Beliefs:
The St. Francis School Board and District:
§ We care deeply about the overall health and well-being of every employee;
§ We are motivated for developing and maintaining employee overall wellness in order to increase the quality of life for every employee;
§ We believe a Wellness Program will foster interconnectivity between employees, leading to a healthier psychological work environment;
§ We believe that healthy employees are more productive, effective and have higher attendance rates resulting in lower costs and better educational experiences for students;
§ We believe adults should model healthy behaviors for the children and community they serve.
In alignment with these beliefs, the Board of Education also approved the Health Risk Assessment Option for employees participating in the District Health Insurance Benefit.
The Health Risk Assessment serves two purposes:
· First - the employee would be getting the necessary preventative care screening on an annual basis. The cost for the annual wellness exam with an in-network physician is covered 100% by the District.
· Second - the employee would begin to establish a relationship with a primary care physician. Whether or not there are any alarming findings that come from the results of the screening, that physician can work with the employee on goal setting and next steps to improve overall health.
In the 2016-2017 school year, all St. Francis School District employees who are eligible for the District medical plan are eligible to participate in the 2016 Health Risk Assessment (wellness exam). Those employees who complete and submit the Wellness Visit Confirmation form will maintain the 10% contribution to their health premiums. Those who do not complete and submit the form will contribute 18%. Dependents on the health plan are also eligible for the covered screening as well, but completion of a form is not required to be eligible for the discounted premium rate.
IMPORTANT: To qualify for the 10% contribution rate towards the health insurance premium during the 2016-2017 school year, staff are required to submit the “Wellness Visit Confirmation” form completed by their physician to Lisa Jarosh in the District Office by the following deadline(s):
12-Month Staff On or before June 1st annually
10-Month Staff On or before August 1st annually
New Staff Three (3) months from start date
10 month staff includes all teaching staff for the District. If you have had a physical with your primary doctor during the 2016-2017 school year, you may have your physician complete the Wellness Visit Confirmation form. However, it may be necessary to schedule an appointment for any additional biometrics/lab tests.
Staff members who do not participate will be subject to the 18% contribution rate.
Memo to All Staff Participating in the District’s Health Insurance Plan
April 27, 2015
Attached are “Wellness Confirmation” forms. Staff may begin to use these forms immediately. Please bring both forms along with you to your scheduled wellness exam with your physician.
Page 1 is for your records only. Your physician may keep a copy, as well. Please do not submit this page to the District Office.
Page 2 requires signatures from both you and your physician upon completion of your annual wellness exam. Once signed, please submit this form to Lisa Jarosh in the District Office. This signed form is required to be submitted annually to the District Office to qualify for the lower employee contribution of 10% towards the health insurance premium. Once again, staff members missing the afore-mentioned deadline requirement will be subject to the 18% contribution rate.
If you have concerns regarding the costs covered under the Wellness benefit, please contact Jonathan Mitchell at (414) 747-3912.
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