APRIL 19, 2012

CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL: Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Supervisors Roland Anderson, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger, Kenneth Dickinson, Greg Booth, Lee Shade and Clerk/Treasurer Faith Broberg. Sign-In Sheet Attached.

Agenda: Supervisor Dickinson moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Clerk Treasurer’s Report

Minutes: April 5, 2012 Regular Board Meeting- Supervisor Anderson moved to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Public Input

Camp Ripley Keith Ferdon –Operations Officer – Officer Ferdon presented the Camp’s Mission which is to train soldiers, protect the environment and to support and maintain positive community relations. The Camp’s schedule for May, 2012 through August 2012 was also presented to the Town Board. June is going to be their busiest month with over 8500 soldiers at the camp for training. In July the Camp will have a Battalion from Illinois and in August a Battalion from the State of Georgia.

Some construction will be done this summer replacing some streets and a time line was presented that listed the Range & Training Area Improvements that will be constructed from 2012 through 2016. The Camp also won an environment award for their work in protecting the environment.

They have various Community Outreaches planned to take place during the year. (i.e. Youth Archery Deer Hunt, Disabled American Veterans Hunts, etc.)

The Camp schedule specific burns to reduce any hazard and to enhance the training land. There was discussion on the notice of burning that is given out before the burn. The weather plays a big part on when these burns take place. When there is a change in plans a phone call would be appreciated.

The ACUB accomplishments –With the DNR the camp has 15 land deals, with BWSR there are 65 land deals and 227 parcels that are landowner pending.

Jay Rardin – Woodlawn Drive SW Driveway Request – The landowner, property located at 12018 Woodlawn Drive SW Brainerd, is requesting a 40’ approach to back into the garage that is built on the parcel. The Township’s standard is 24’ maximum. Previously, the Road Supervisors had given approval for a 36’ wide driveway. The plan is to concrete the approach. Supervisor Anderson in thinking on this request decided that: 1) if granted 40’-- how was this going to effect the maintenance of the road – no effect, 2) Would people in the area be effected—no and

3) The water situation – water flows to the east. There would have to be a new driveway application filled out if the Board allows the 40’ width. Supervisor Dickinson moved to leave the driveway at the already approved 36’ driveway, seconded by Supervisor Shade. The question was called and the motion failed unanimously. The structure on this parcel is 52’ feet from the edge of the road. Bryan Drown, of Bolton & Menk, was present to ask some pertinent questions regarding this request. The building that exists on the property is 40’ x 60’. The water flow was discussed and the amount of impervious surface that would be on the property. In the driveway standards, the ordinance states that the Board can decide on a case by case basis for any deviation from the ordinance. Supervisor Dickinson moved to approve the 40’ wide approach with the culvert extended and the ditch protected with erosion control and make sure the expectations of the Township Engineerhave been met, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried with Supervisors Anderson, Adelman-Dullinger and Booth for and Supervisors Shade and Dickinson against.

The Board took a five minute recess.

Road Engineer’s Road Project Reports

25th Avenue SW – Bryan Drown, Bolton and Menk, - the culvert has been installed. Anderson Brothers will touch up the road and it has tentatively been scheduled for paving on either Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Township’s Sign Inventory – Bolton and Menk have the technology to do the sign inventory for the Township if the Township wants them to assist in this area. They could give us a proposal. Supervisor Dickinson moved to have Bryan Drown of Bolton and Menk give the Township a formal proposal for assisting with the sign inventory that the Township needs to complete, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Crow Wing Power Brushing Letter – the Township received a letter from Crow Wing Power regarding some vegetation management project in the Township along with a map of the area they will be working in. The Clerk will put this information on the Township Website.

Township Welcome Signs – Supervisor Shade presented samples of the Welcome Signs that the Township is looking at having installed. The signs will be 5’ x 10’ made of alumicord (plastic cardboard). These signs are for both ends of State Highway 210. A lighter blue background might make the letters stand out more. The Board would also like to see the little bit of pink behind the trees on the right side of the sign be spread out more to look like a sunset. Supervisor Dickinson moved to allow Supervisor Shade to pursue having the two Welcome signs completed as discussed here at the meeting tonight and ready by June 1, 2012, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried. Mr. Gilson on the West side of the Township is okay with the Township putting up a sign and any brush hogging of the Poplar trees if necessary. There was discussion on doing easements with the property owners. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger will check with the Planning Commission regarding the Township obtaining a sign permit. The small green and white signs would go on 122nd Street, Hradsky Road SW, and the back way from Sylvan to Pillager. Supervisor Shade will ask Minnesota Association of Townships why cities can put up signs along State Highway 210 in the road right-of-way and Townships cannot. There was discussion on after we find the spot where we want to put the signs we should contact MNDot and running this by them before actually installing them.

Road Supervisors Report –

Golf Course Circle SW and Rainwater Circle SW – the Township received a complaint regarding trees being cut down and laid in the road right-of-way, blocking the 4 wheeler trail. The area in question is located at 13311 Rainwater Circle SW, Pillager. Supervisor Dickinson presented some pictures for the Board to view of this area. Rainwater Circle SW is a public road but not maintained. The Board can view this road on their Annual Road Review this Saturday, April 21, 2011. The Township could contact MAT, (Minnesota Association of Townships) to see if the resident can legally block the road right-of-way or the Township could send a letter to the resident saying that he needs to remove the materials from the road right-of-way as it is a public road and would need to be cleared for public safety. The Board will view this situation on Saturday during the Annual Road Review.

Supervisor Anderson had some pictures for the Board to see.

Camp Ripley’s Fire – covered about 3,000 acres and picture of the smoke plume. Supervisor Anderson was up in the DNR plane.

125th Avenue SW – surface has some scratches in the road and Board will look at on Saturday.

Upper Sylvan Road SW – hole in the road and Holmvig Excavating, Township’s Road Maintenance Contractor will take care of this when the hot mix plant is up and running.

Beaver Dam Road – this is a minimum maintenance road. There is usually a rise in the water here because of the beavers. No problem this year.

37th Avenue SW – beaver dam – water flowing nicely.

37th Avenue SW – facing south – by Randy Lee’s, 12962 37th Avenue SW, Pillager,beavers are gone. This portion had class 5 added last summer. There was discussion on putting a counter on this road. Dave Enblom, County Road Engineer, will loan the Township two of their counters.

Boyer Tree on Upper Sylvan Road at 125th-Supervisor Anderson had a picture of this tree coming down. He had coned the road till the tree had been removed. There wasn’t any damage to the road. There are some dead aspens that need to be removed also. Again, the Board will look at on Saturday. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger mention that a semi had gone on Upper Sylvan Road and traveled both ways and did not touch any branches on the trees.

Sweeping – had received a complaint regarding the sweeping. Supervisor Anderson reported that Holmvig had not done any sweeping as they have broken equipment. Holmvig will start tomorrow with the sweeping. Supervisor Anderson will also check (with David Enblom, Cass County Road Engineer) into the hazards caused by sweeping the salt/sand off the roads.

Weight Limit for Upper Sylvan Road – the weight limit sign should be 900’ back from State Highway 210. The same with 24th Avenue SW as it is a 9 ton road.

Planning Commission

Letter to Lynne Putzke - Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger has written a letter to Lynne Putzke in response to her email. After discussion, Supervisor Dickinson moved to send the letter, seconded by Supervisor Shade and the motion carried.

Carl Christensen – Supervisor Shade had talked with Mr. Christensen is hauling oak logs from Camp Ripley and storing them on his property that runs parallel with State Highway 210 and he will be hauling them to the Amish. Mr. Christensen has been working there every year. Park – Mr. Christensen thinks he owns the road that is located just south of the park. If the Park Board wants it he will give it to them. He will also haul the entire fill that the Park would need for this project at no cost.

Park Report & Budget – Supervisor Anderson gave the Park report. The Park Board is looking at making a parking lot south of the park for overflow parking. There needs to be some asphaltadded to the road where people come off of Highway 1 into the park. It was brought up at the meeting that Sylvan Township is to do the budget. The Park Board, at their last meeting, worked on the budget for 2013 to present to the Sylvan Town Board. The bathrooms at the park are filthy and need cleaning and sanitizing. Supervisor Dickinson moved to approve the Park budget and add $3500.00(transfer from Money Market) for tar and cement for improvements other than building, bringing the Park budget to $11,760.00,seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

New Business:

Pine River State Bank – Resolution for Signatures Supervisor Dickinson moved to authorize all Board members, Clerk, Deputy Clerk sign the Resolution with Pine River State Bank, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullingerand the motion carried.

Stripe the Town Hall Parking Lot – Supervisor Dickinson moved to have Supervisor Shade check into having the parking lot re-striped, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Other Township Business - Correspondence

Crow Wing Power- Notification of boring under a Township Road. The question came up that maybe we should be charging for a permit. Clerk will check with MAT.

Review Claims – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the payroll check #’s 14618 – 14620 in the amount of $1,700.33 plus the claims #’s 14621 – 14627 in the amount of $105,479.95 for a total of $107,180.28, seconded by Supervisor Shade and the motion carried.

Unity Bank Collateral Forms–Supervisor Shade moved to approve the Chair, Greg Booth signing the Pledges of Collateral Agreements with Unity Bank, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried.

Resolution 2012-03 Contract with Interested Officer – As Supervisor Shade does a lot of maintenance work in and around the Town Hall this Resolution is in keeping with Minnesota Statutes §365.327,§ 471.88 and §471.89. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve Resolution #2012-03, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried with Supervisor Shade abstaining.

Transfer of Funds – Supervisor Dickinson moved to approve the Clerk transferring $20,000.00 from the Money Market Fund to Unity Bank, checking account, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Adjournment - Supervisor Anderson moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Dickinson and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 10:40 PM.

Minutes submitted by,


Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/TreasurerChair, Greg Booth

Supervisor ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by Supervisor ______and the motion carried.



Regular Board Meeting April 19, 2012 Page 1