17January 2017CommRef: 2017 /001
To:All Sec 3Parents/Guardians
1. Welcome!
We warmly welcome all students back to Damai Secondary. We hope our Damaians have had a great time bonding with their family and friends during the year-end vacation. By now, we trust that all Damaianswould have settled comfortably into their school curriculum and routine.
2. New Staff@Damai
We also welcome the following new staff to our Damai family:
Ms LiyanaAthirahBte Zainal Abidin / Art TeacherMr Muhammad Fazly Bin Abdul Rahman / PE Teacher
Mr Mohamed Said Bin Embi / Design & Technology Teacher
Miss Kimberly Rachel Teh Yu Ling / Literature Teacher
Mrs Judy Goh May Ling / School Counsellor
Mr Muhammad Siddiq Khan / ICT Executive
3. School Vision, Mission and Values
The school’s vision, mission and values are:
Vision: Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow.
Mission:We Nurture our Students to be Committed, Competent and Compassionate
Values: F - Full Commitment
A – Aspirations and Achievement
I – Integrity
T – Teamwork
H – High Expectations
4. Student Handbook 2017
The Student Handbook contains useful information for both students and parents on the school. The section on Academic Programme includes information on the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Applied Learning Programme (STEM ALP) in the domain of Health Sciences and Healthcare Technologies, Promotion Criteria and Post- Secondary Educational Pathways which would help students to set clear academic goals to support their aspirations for their post-secondary education. Important information on English, Maths and Science have also been included which will be useful to students to support their learning.
The section on the Co-Curriculum Programme provides information on the school’s Learning for Life Programme (LLP), which aims to develop our students to be Committed, Competent and Compassionate Leaders through Water Sports, the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) and Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs).
The section on Student Management and Discipline provides information on school expectations and rules with regard to daily attendance, punctuality, attire and grooming as well as students conduct and behaviour within and outside school. A list of discipline offences and consequences as well as information on conduct assessment is provided.Parents/Guardians are requested to familiarise themselves with the school expectations and rules as well as conduct assessment so that they can guide their child/ward to meet these expectations and observe the rules. Please note that your child/ward’s conduct grade at the end of the year will determine whether he/she iseligible for the Good Progress Award, Edusave Scholarship or Edusave Merit BursaryAwards. Only students with ‘Good’, ‘Very Good’ and ‘Excellent’ conduct grade will beeligible for the above awards.
To provide a safe and secure learning environment, we seek your cooperation to go through the sections onStudent Safety and Security as well as the Special Room Safety Regulationswith your child/ward. For safe road safety practices, you can also refer to our website for Road Safety guidelines for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists.
The Student Handbook also contains a section on My Personal Development Plan for students to pen down their academic goals and manage their time better through the monthly planners. It also contains information to manage their mindsets for success.
5. School Calendar
The 2017 School Calendar is available on the school website. The calendar reflects all planned assessments, level programmes as well as school terms and holidays.
Please note that 27January 2017, being the eve of Chinese New Year, will be a half-day for students and school will be dismissed at 10.00am. Students will only return to school on Wednesday 1 February.
We would like to wish all our Chinese students, parents/guardians and staff a blessed and prosperous Chinese New Year!
6.Healthy Meals in Schools Programme (HMSP)@Damai
Our school has been on board the My Healthy Meals in Schools Programme since 2016. School canteen operators are trained on the guidelines so that they can prepare meals that are good for growing teenagers. They follow strict criteria to ensure they serve well balanced meals consisting of foods from the 4 major food groups. This includes brown rice & wholemeal bread, meat & other proteins, fruits and vegetables. The cost of a set of rice dish starts at $2.30 while noodles and pasta will cost about $1.80 per set. Below are examples of the different sets:
Rice(mix of white & brown rice) + 2 dessertspoon vegetables + meat/egg/poultry + a wedge or a slice of fruit / $2.30Noodles/Pasta + vegetables + meat/egg/poultry + a wedge or a slice of fruit / $1.80
7. Snack Break
To further enhance student well-being, the school will incorporate a 5-min snack break within the lesson from 1.25pm to 1.30pm on days in which classes are dismissed after 2.00pm. Students will be allowed to consume dry snacks such as biscuits, sandwiches or fruits during this break.
8.GCE N level Results 2016
The class of 2016 posted good results in the GCE ‘N’ Level Examinations.About 81.3% of our Sec 4 Normal (Academic) students qualified for the 5NA course in 2017 which is above the national average of 75.2%. Our Normal (Technical) students have also performed well with 100% of them qualified for ITE. Our students performed well for the following subjects: Art, Chinese Language, Malay Language, Combined Humanities and Design & Technology for the 4 Normal (Academic) and also English Language and Basic Malay for the 4 Normal (Technical) by attaining percentage distinctions higher than the national average.
The class of 2016 also delivered good performances across many subjectsThe subjects with percentage passes above national average for the 4 Normal (Academic) includes English Language, Malay Language, Combined Science (Physics/Chemistry), Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, Combined Humanities, Design & Technology, Art and Food.
Subjects with percentage passes above national average for the 4 Normal (Technical) includes English Language, Mathematics, Science, Design & Technology, Elements of Business Skills, Basic Chinese and Basic Malay.
9.GCE O level Results 2016
The class of 2016 posted a commendable performance in the GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations with 96.7% of Secondary 4Express(4E) students and 89.8% of Secondary 5Normal Academic(5NA) students achieving 3 ‘O’ Level passes whereas 77.2% of Secondary 4E students and 50.8% of Secondary 5N students achieved 5 ‘O’ Level passes.
The class of 2016 also delivered good performances across many subjects. The subjects with 100% passes include Art, D&T, F&N, French, Malay, Higher Malay, Higher Tamil, Hindi, (for Sec 4E), and Art and Malay (for Sec 5N). The subjects with percentage passes that are above national averages for Sec 4E are Art, D&T, French, Malay, Higher Malay, Higher Tamil and Hindi. For Sec 5N, the subjects are Art, Chinese, D&T, F&N and Malay.
The students have also excelled in the following subjects by obtaining percentage distinctions that are above the national average: Art, D&T, Higher Malay, Higher Tamil, Hindi and D&T (for Sec 4E), and D&T and Chinese (for 5N).
10.Start Right Programme
The school has designed this programme to help the students start the year on the right note. Students are provided information on the syllabus taught and the focus and schedule for assessments for the year in the various subjects. Students are also reminded of various academic expectations with regard to bringingall learning materials, proper decorum during lessons, quality and timely submission of homework, regular revision and consistent effort to keep pace with lessons and consultations with teachers.
Academic Target setting is also done for every student in Week 4 Term 1. Students are encouraged to manage their learning such that they are able to meet or exceed the targets set as they journey towards academic excellence. These targets will be reviewed at the end of every term against performance and students are encouraged to reflect on how they can improve on their results.
11.Afternoon Remedial Programme
Subject teachers will organise afternoon remedial programmes for selected students from 16 January onwards. This programme is compulsory as additional support and guidance will be provided to allow these students to cope better with the rigour and demand of the respective subjects. The schedule for these sessions will be communicated by the respective subject teachers.
In addition to this, all students are encouraged to be proactive and approach their teachers for academic consultations after school as and when necessary to clarify doubts and address concerns
12.Upper Secondary NT Modular Programme for Social Studies
The Social Studies for Normal Technical students will be conducted according to the following schedule:
Subject / Semester 1 / Semester 2Social Studies / 3NT and 4NT / NA
13.English Language and Literature Programme
Daily Reading Programme
All students are required to bring along a story book every morning to read before and after the flag-raising ceremony. The main aim of this programme is to inculcate a love and passion for reading and to enhance and improve English Language competencies.
English Compilation Booklets
All Express and Normal Academic students are required to purchase a set of compilation booklets as part of their English Language curriculum. The booklets are ready for collection at the school bookshop.
Supplementary Reading Materials
In order for students to acquire knowledge beyond the school textbooks, the school places great emphasis on reading and takes meticulous care in choosing the appropriate and suitable reading materials for all students. Students are expected to subscribe to a set of reading materials for the whole year. The subject teachers will be using these articles for discussion, vocabulary and comprehension exercises. Payment for the reading materials will be done through Edusaveaccount for Singaporean students. A separate letter will be given out at a later date. Students without Edusave accounts or with insufficient funds in their accounts will need to pay in cash.
14. Mother Tongue Languages (MTL)
In our effort to create a conducive environment to promote MTL usage and learning beyondMTL lessons and to instill in our students a passion for learning the various cultures, the MTL Department has planned the following department activities for your child/ward in 2017.
Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) Fortnight
This year, the MTL Fortnight will be conducted from 23 Jan to 3 Feb 2017. This is to create an immersive environment for the learning of MTL. A range of activities related to MTL and cultures will be conducted for the students to participate. Please note that some activities will be conducted after school and your child/ward is expected to participate actively.
(Refer to Annex A for more details on the MTL Fortnight Activities Schedule)
Reading Programme
The MTL Dept believes that it is important to instill in students the passion for reading and to enhance the students’ language ability through writing.
Chinese Language (CL)
As part of our CL Reading Programme, we will encourage your child/ward to subscribe
to“zbCOMMA”《逗号》, the student paper of LianheZaobao《联合早报》as their reading material.
Your child/ward’s CL teacher will be using the reading material to conduct a variety of reading activities in the class, to provide your child/ward with a different reading experience that will help to strengthen their interest in learning the Chinese Language whilst keeping them abreast with current affairs.
The subscription fees are as below:
Type ofReading Material / Subscriptions Fees / Classes subscribingzbCOMMA《逗号》 / $10.00 (10 issues) / Sec 1- 4 Higher Chinese Classes
Sec 1-4 Express Classes
Collection of subscription fees will be done through the class Chinese Language teacher.
Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES)
The CPES “文化随意门” 计划is an initiative by the school to promote Chinese Language Learning through exposing students to Chinese Language-related cultural performances and programmes by local and foreign artistes. To enhance the theatre experience for students, the CL unit has arranged for Chinese Language classes to view cultural performances in venues such as The Esplanade. Further notice on the performances will be provided to students at a later date.
Malay Language (ML)
As for students taking Malay Language, they will subscribe as follows:
Type of Reading Material / Subscriptions Fees / Classes subscribingBeritaHarian / $5.00 (10 issues) / Sec 3-4 Express Classes
Sec 3-5 Normal Academic Classes
Sec 3- 4 Normal Technical Classes
We would like to seek your support for this programme to cultivate a strong reading culture for your child/ward.
15.Common Tests 2017
There will be a Common Test week in Week8 which will be reflected in the Student Handbook in due course. The Common Test schedules and Rules and Regulations will be made available nearer the date.
The Common Test is designed to check on your child/ward’s learning so that further support can be given to enhance their learning.
Please supervise your child/ward closely during this period. We also seek your support in this and in ensuring that your child/ward reports for all his/her tests punctually. Your child/ward will resume normal lessons after the end of each paper daily.
16. Learning for Life Programme (LLP) for 2017
The following has been planned for the students as part of the school’s LLP.
Term/Week / Date / ProgrammeT1W4 - T1W10
T2W1 - T2W6
T3W1 - T3W10 (Sec 1 - 3)
T3W1 - T3W6 (Sec 4N)
T3W1 - T3W7 (Sec 4E/5N)
T4W1 - T4W2 (Sec 1 - 3) / Every Monday and Friday / Fitness Programme
3T1: Term 1 Week 6
3A2: Term 1 Week 7
3A1: Term 1 Week 7
3E4: Term 1 Week 9
3E3: Term 1 Week 9
3E2: Term1 Week 10
3E1: Term 1 Week 10
Reserve: Term 2 Week 1 / 3T1: 9 February (Thu)
3A2: 14 February (Tue)
3A1: 16 February (Thu)
3E4: 28 February (Tue)
3E3: 2 March (Thu)
3E2: 7 March (Tue)
3E1: 9 March (Thu)
Reserve: 21 March / Sec 3 VIA - Waterways Cleanup
Outward Bound School (OBS) Camp 2017
As part of the school’s LLP programme to further develop and harness character and leadership competencies in our Secondary 3 students, the cohort will be going to the OBS camp from 27 March to 31 March.
(Please refer to AnnexC, Course Registration Form and Vaccination Consent Form for details on the requirements of the camp)
17.Secondary 3 Parents’ Dialogue with Principal-cum-OBS Camp Briefing
There will be a Secondary 3 Parents’ Dialogue-cum-OBS Camp briefing held in school on 25 January 2017 at 7.00 pm in the school hall.
This dialogue is an important platform for us to work closely with you in the holistic development of of your child/ ward. We would like to share with you important information to help you to guide and support your child/ward to manage the various challenges as he/she starts preparation for the two-year academic programme.
We will also be using this opportunity to share more on the upcoming OBS camp that the cohort will be embarking from 27 to 31 March.
(Please refer to AnnexB for more details on the Secondary 3 Parents’ Dialogue with Principal cum OBS Briefing)
18.Co-Curricular Activity Attendance
Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) forms an integral part of the school’s co-curriculum and it is compulsory for every secondary school student. CCA provides students the opportunities to learn outside the classroom context, and is a platform for inculcating the school values (FAITH) and encourages students to develop skills and competencies that would enable themto lead a meaningful and purposeful school life.Students are developed through a student-centric co-curricular experience, and CCA plays an important role in the holistic development of the child.
As part of the Start Right programme for CCA, all students were informed on the importance of regular attendance and active participation in CCA. The weekly schedule for all the CCAs in the school is also uploaded on the school’s website for your reference. The school seeks your assistance in monitoring your child/ ward’s attendance in his/ her CCA throughout the year.
Please note that once the CCA is allocated to your child/ ward, there should not be any changes. CCA transfers are only allowed at the beginning of each year, and students are expected to attain at least 75% attendance for the year, including holiday trainings, before they are allowed to change to another CCA.Any discontinuity of the allocated CCA can lead to the loss of all accumulated CCA points. Students are encouraged to stay in the same CCA throughout his/her secondary years to attain the maximum possible CCA points at the end of Secondary 4 or 5 and these CCA points can be converted to a grade which is used for admission to JCs / CIs / Polytechnics and ITE.
19.Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation for Secondary Schools 2017
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) is a biennial eventorganised by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to celebrate the achievements of youths in the CCAs. Starting in April and culminating in a month-long celebration in July, students in schools across Singapore involved in the performing arts are engaged in the preparations to be part of the SYF Arts Presentation.
In line with MOE’s vision to develop the child holistically, the CCA is a platform for your child/ward to develop lifelong values such as resilience and teamwork. This upcoming SYF preparation will require your child / ward to put in longer hours and intensive CCA trainings and rehearsals over the weeks leading up to the actual event in the month of April. The school seeks your kind understanding and cooperation in ensuring that your child / ward attend his / her CCA regularly during period. The following table shows the details of the SYF Arts Presentation for the various performing art groups, for your information.
We welcome all parents / guardians to join your child / ward on the day of the Arts Presentation. Tickets to the actual event may be requested, on a first-come-first-serve basis, through your child’s / ward’s CCA teachers.