Wednesday 8th June 2016
To:All members of theIlsington Parish Council Planning Committee.
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the planning committee to be held in Ilsington Village Hall on Tuesday 14th June 2016at 7.30 p.m for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below.
Mrs C Retallick. (Clerk to the Council)
Councillors are reminded that they must declare any prejudicial interests they may have in any item to be considered at this meeting, prior to the commencement of the meeting.
- Election of Chairman
- Election of Vice Chairman
- Apologies
- Review of Terms of reference
- Declaration of interest in items on the agenda.
- To confirm the minutes of the last meeting on 10th May 2016
- PUBLIC FORUM& MEMBERS COMMENTS– (limited to 10 minutes)
(Applicants with planning applications for consideration may speak for up to 3minutes on behalf of their own application)
- To consider planning applications received from Teignbridge District Council and Dartmoor National Park Authority.
(a) TDC 16/01290/COU – Change of use of land to four gypsy pitches including mobile home and touring caravan parking on Land opposite Chapel Lane, off Old Liverton Road.
(b) DNPA 0276/16 – construction of an earth house for holiday accommodation as enabling development to support repair and restoration of Atlas Mine, Ilsington
(c) DNPA 0277/16 – construction of an earth house for holiday accommodation as enabling development to support repair and restoration of Atlas Mine, Ilsington
(d) TDC 16/01485/TPOThe pruning of one oak tree, - 22 Shapley Way, Liverton
Grant of conditional planning permission
- DNPA 0175/16 – First floor bedroom and en-suite extension at Heather Cottage, Haytor
Refusal of Planning Permission
- TDC 16/00654/NPA – Application for prior approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) and paragraph W of the GPDO for change of use of an agricultural building from agricultural use to a dwelling at Barn Conversion , Ingsdon
- Erection of storage shed; retention of small storage building and bird hide plus creation of new track at land to west of Liverton at Lounston.
- DNPA 0193/16 – Use of building as a separate dwelling house and gardens at The bungalow, Sycamore House, Ilsington
- DNPA 0186/16 – Rear extension to form new kitchen with additional bedroom over at Little Sigford Cottage, Sigford.
The next meeting of the planning committee will be Tuesday 12th July 2016