To all landlords, pool team captains and players,

The Ashford Pool League have received information that a breakaway league is being formed in Ashford. Firstly, we would like to make it known that this has nothing to do with the current league and is not endorsed or supported by us in anyway.

The founders of the new league have for many years held back the progress and development of not only Ashford pool but also new and improving players and we would like to make it clear that the Ashford Pool League is run by players for players.

We, as a league, have sought to progress the league by introducing world rules and by establishing a successful interleague structure which is currently showing how effective it can be, with 2 of our 3 teams already qualifying to compete in National events. Now we understand that it isn’t everyone’s ambition to play anything other than a pub game on a Thursday night with friends but for the new, keen and up and coming players in the town, we as a league feel it is important to let everyone know that these opportunities exist for them.

The new breakaway league may be looking to slur and mar the reputation of teams and venues in this league but the Ashford Pool League will not resort to that level of name calling and abuse. We understand that people may have questions and concerns over issues and allegations made by the founders of the new league. We can address any concerns if these are written to the committee who will reply once a committee meeting is held. League accounts are available for anyone at any time and will be widely available for any team registering a team at the league registration evening.

Naturally it’s your decision which league you want to play in, but we would ask that as part of your considerations, you ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you and your teams want to play in a league under a committee that stands in the way of progression and was so anti world rules?
  • Do you and your teams want to play in a league that has no interest in developing the potential talent in the league?
  • Do you and your teams want decisions to be made based on who makes the largest charitable contribution (such as venue selection & promotion/relegation)?
  • Do you and your teams want to play in a league where the main focus is charity rather than pool?
  • Do you and your teams want to play in a league run by a committee with members involved in match fixing scandals?
  • Do you and your teams want to play in a league where unsporting actions are accepted and condoned?

Or would you prefer to stay in an established league that:

  • Is run by pool players for pool players
  • Is competitive and fair for all teams
  • Pioneered the move over to World Rules instead of blocking the move
  • Actively promotes development amongst all players and actively encourages players to look further than Ashford Pool
  • Where pool is the first and foremost consideration in all decisions
  • Where the pool players and venues get given back to with things like pool exhibitions from world champions
  • With professionally prepared trophies relevant to the game