Our Vision Strong Women, Strong Nation

Shared with Fundasaun Alola

Feto Forte, Nasaun Forte

Our Mission Partner with Fundasaun Alola (FA) in enabling women and families in Timor-Leste to build a strong future by:

·  Raising awareness, funds and creating links in Australia

·  Building a strong and sustainable organisation in Australia

Our Values

Our behaviours that promote these values

Solidarity Standing by in good and challenging times; continuing support; enduring friendship; patience

Volunteerism Deciding to offer something; willing to step out of our comfort zone to be involved; transcending personal objectives

Integrity Carrying through on our promise to ensure donations go to Fundasaun Alola; honesty and openness

Cultural understanding Meeting and talking with Timorese; listening; using and valuing our experiences in and from Timor-Leste; hosting Alola visitors; use the presence of people visiting from Timor-Leste when giving presentations to the public; inform ourselves – including our own website and newsletter

Accountability Reveal what we are doing honestly; transparent financial recording and reporting; comply with legal requirements; clear and honest with each other; do what we say / agree we will do; understand, implement and abide by good governance practice; admit and work to correct our mistakes

Inclusiveness Be welcoming of difference – gender, religion, age, nationality, political affiliation; and of difference of style of and opinion

Respect Internally listening to everyone’s opinion; listening to broader opinions even if critical; respect Fundasaun Alola’s program decisions and directions; communicating openly about our activities

Flexibility Go with the flow; be willing to listen; to change, including changing direction depending on circumstance; be open – not sticking to a formulated plan if the plan cannot be adapted to new circumstances

Our Strategy 2012 – 2015

·  Contribute to the development of women and children in Timor-Leste. Take our lead from Fundasaun Alola – respond to FA strategy

·  Become Australia-wide with a significant presence in Melbourne

·  Raise awareness of the work of FA within Australia

·  Encourage further interactions between FA and AA:

o  Share stories to inform awareness raising

o  Gather information to inform our strategy

o  Conversations about what FA needs from AA

o  Identify opportunities for visiting FA staff and Board members to promote awareness of their work while in Australia

·  Build AA organisational capacity (strong and sustainable) by having a space (desk/office/shop) and to provide a market for Timor-Leste products

·  Expanding and actively engaging volunteers – train and support these volunteers

Our Key Aspirations

·  Live the partnership with FA, supporting initiatives and supporting development in a spirit of co-operation towards the common objectives of raising awareness in Australia and supporting development in Timor-Leste.

·  Diversity of membership

·  Linking, learning, communicating

·  AA & FA seek to become more aware of each other’s plans and activities

·  Our fundraising leads to change for woman and children in Timor-Leste

·  Build an organisation that reflects the vibrancy and colour of Timor-Leste and engages a diverse range of the Australian community in understanding development.

·  Promote fundraising within the Australian community aiming for a target of $100,000 per year

Fundasaun Alola Fundraising Priorities 2012

The 2012 fundraising priorities for Alola Australia are to:

Support Fundasaun Alola administration and operations (including salaries) and support funding gaps identified in Fundasaun Alola’s program implementation.


STRATEGY: 1a) Sharing


·  All involved in Alola Australia know/are up to date with what is happening at FA

·  Clear lines of mutually agreed communication between AAL and FA. One to

one with program managers

·  A meeting with FA’s CEO to put the above in place

·  All AA fundraising proposals checked against FA priorities

·  The fundraising application includes a checkpoint added to ensure that FA priorities are



Convenor: Board oversight

Members: Board members and those delegated by the Board

STRATEGY: 1b) Building a vibrant organization


·  Strategic Plan approved and regularly reviewed

·  All Board members regularly attend Board and Committee meetings

·  Successful recruitment and succession plan for Board

·  Governance process continue to improve and develop

·  On-going strategic leadership by Board including recruitment of additional key allies and partners


Convenor: Board Chair

Members: Board members and those delegated by the Board

STRATEGY: 2a) Fundraising


·  DGR status achieved

·  AA fundraising and certificate campaigns monitored and on track

·  Encouraging other groups to fundraise

·  Donations and sponsorship targeted


Convenor: Wendy Mayne

Members: Wendy Mayne, Melanie Atkins, Maria Bohan, Christine Perkins, Sue Finucane,

STRATEGY: 2b ) Awareness raising


·  Increase awareness in Australia of the development issues facing women & children in Timor-Leste

·  Quarterly newsletter edited and distributed

·  Website maintained and current

·  Facebook entries made regularly and ‘likes’ increased


Convenor: Wendy Mayne

Members: Wendy Mayne, Melanie Atkins, Maria Bohan, Christine Perkins, Sue Finucane

STRATEGY: 3) Audit, Risk and Governance


·  Revenue security

·  Succession planning

·  Board planning

·  Fundraising target reached


Convenor: Alice Forsyth

Members: Alice Forsyth, Jan Donovan, Maria Bohan, Erin McKinnon, Chris Perkins

STRATEGY: 4) Volunteers


·  Agreed plan for engaging volunteers

·  Mentoring process is in place

·  Succession plan for volunteers departing (permanently or temporarily)

·  Regular fun, purposeful activities both educational and contributing opportunities

·  Volunteers fill key positions

·  Website is actively used to promote opportunities, tasks and reports


Convenor: Jill Forsyth

Members: Jill Forsyth, Melanie Atkins, Chris Perkins