SIP Code: 52.0800





Accounting is a discipline, which involves the planning, keeping, and interpreting of financial records. Many of the skills emphasized in accounting are useful to students in their personal activities as well as their educational, career, and entrepreneurial pursuits.


  1. Define and apply accounting terminology.
  2. Application of accounting concepts, principles, and practices.
  3. Demonstration and application of accounting procedures.
  4. Preparation and interpretation of financial statements.


Please treat others as you wish to be treated. This philosophy can be examined in the Dearborn School District Core Values.

No food, beverages, or candy in our computer room. You will be referred to your administrator with this guideline sheet every time you are in violation of this FHS policy.

You are tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. Please stay in your seat for the entire class period. Standing around, either before or after class, mandates a 2 point deduction in class participation.

Disruptive behavior will not be permitted. Please raise your hand to let me know that you have a question, and be patient!

Take care in using the facilities, especially the hardware and software. Please be careful handling the hardware and NEVER change any software settings on your computer. If you do, a participation deduction and you will be refereed for disciplinary action to the appropriate administrator. Permanent loss of computer privileges may result from your actions.

NO means NO! Please do not repeat a request that has already been denied by the teacher.


Every day – you must bring your textbook, workbook, notebook, and a pen/pencil to class. Your notebook should be up to date and available for inspection at all times.

Failure to have daily supplies will result in a 2 point participation loss for each violation.


You are tardy if you are not in your seat working on your bell work when the bell stops ringing. You are considered late if you arrive more than five minutes after the start of class. If you must leave school for an appointment during the class hour, it counts as an absence.

Regular attendance is required, as per the DPS policy. When you miss a class, you are responsible for obtaining and completing the daily assignment. You have 2 days to make-up any absent work before receiving a 50% deduction. NO make-up work is allowed for students exceeding the limits of the DPS attendance policy (9 absences).


All assignment descriptions will define the point value & due date when they are given. It is then the student’s responsibility to complete the work to the best of their ability.

Class participation is 10% of your grade. You are initially given 90 points. Class participation and responsibility are very important parts of this class. You need to be here, ready to participate, every day to do your best in this course. Your participation log is your responsibility and should be complete and on time.

2 pointsof the 90 that you were given, will be deducted from class participation for each tardy and absence that you have in this class.


  1. Copying work will not be tolerated. A zero grade will be given to all parties involved in this poor choice of judgement.
  2. A letter will be given to your assistant principal, counselor and parent describing the exact details.
  3. Continued plagiarism will result in your semester grade being reduced one letter grade (20%) and removal from class.






A 100-93A- 92-90B+ 89-87B 86-83

B- 82-80C+ 79-77C 76-73C- 72-70

D+ 69-67D 66-63D- 62-60E 59-00


Improvements of our present class policies may be added at any time deemed necessary by the teacher.

Homework/Make Up Work: Homework is not optional. My expectation is that you complete every assignment to the best of your ability.

  • Assigned work (classwork/homework) must be completed at the beginning of class for the deadline given.
  • Late work will be accepted only at the discretion of the teacher. If it is accepted, you can only receive partial credit, losing 10% per day that the work is late up to a maximum of 50% off.
  • When you miss a class, for any reason, (including suspension) it is YOUR responsibility to obtain and complete the work missed. Contact me prior to, or during an absence in order to return to class caught up. Unless serious incident or illness prevents you from doing so, work due on the day that was missed must be turned in the day you return to class, unless other arrangements are made with teacher approval.
  • If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you must take it during the next lab hour date, unless other arrangements have been made with me. Note: tests that need to be made up will not necessarily be the same test given in class.
  • Retakes on summative assessments are not automatically granted. They may be allowed only when all of the following are met:You can only retake a test if your test score is less than 70% (Cheating does not allow for a retake

Work Based Learning:Students are expected to participate in job shadowing or externship opportunities, and find and coordinate these opportunities in the community.

Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) or Community Service Expectations: BPA and DECA are student CTSOs. Students are highly encouraged to join and participate in BPA and/or DECA as well as attend meetings and competitions. Students are also encouraged to participate in activities that encourage community service and finance career exploration.

Post-Secondary Articulated Credit:Students may be eligible to receive free college credit for FHS accounting classes that they successfully complete. The qualifications and number of college credit hours available varies by program and the college with which it is affiliated. This course sequence has articulated credit agreements with the following colleges/universities:

Baker College

Henry Ford College

Accounting 1 covers the following segments: 1, 5, 8, 12


Timeline for Accounting 1 (tentative; times scheduled to change based on student progress)

½ week: Intro to class

Week 1: Chapter 1: Starting a Proprietorship: Changes That Affect the Accounting Equation

Week 2: Chapter 2: Analyzing Transactions into Debit and Credit Parts

Week 3: Chapter 3: Journalizing Transaction in a General Journal

Week 4: Chapter 4: Posting to a General Ledger

Week 5: Chapter 5: Cash Control Systems

Week 6: Reinforcement Activity 1 Part A & Writing (mid-term) (**may be combined with week 11)

Week 7: Chapter 6: Work Sheet & Adjusting Entries for a Service Business

Week 8: Chapter 7: Financial Statements for a Proprietorship

Weeks 9 & 10: Chapter 8: Recording Closing Entries & Preparing a Post-Closing Trial Balance for a Service Business

Week 11: Reinforcement Activity 1 Part B & Writing (pre-final)

Weeks 12-14: Simulation Project

Weeks 15-17: Intro to computerized accounting; review for final exam

(Any statement in these classroom expectations are subject to change based on the needs of the classroom and/or individual situations that may arise.)