To: 7690 Club Presidents

Hi Club Presidents,

For the 2017-2018 Rotary year,our RUSH team would like to track theimpactour clubs are havingcombatting food insecurity in ourlocal communities. We believe this documentation will help raise awareness and enhance public image throughout our 15 counties. Consequently, I have a small request that will potentially take you a few minutes to complete.

Each month I will be sending out a survey for you to completeand send back to Wayne and to This will allow us to publish our collective impact in theDistrict Newsletter and on our RUSH website. For this month, please report your RUSH activities by Saturday, October 28 at 5pm*.
(* I will be asking for this report one week before the end of each month.)

The three-item survey follows:

1.  Briefly describe the RUSH projects that were completed for the past month.

2.  Did you have any other clubs or community or corporate partners that assisted in your project?

3.  What were the results?

a)  How many volunteers were engaged in your projects? ______

b)  How many volunteer hours were accumulated? ______

c)  What were total dollar contributions? ______

d)  Did you incur expenses, what amount? ______

e)  How many meals/backpacks were donated? ______

f)  If cans & packages donated/collected, how many? ______

Thank you for your assistance in documenting your volunteer achievements and all that you do for Rotary and your communities! You are an example of RotaryMaking a Difference!

Jon Spillman, PDG

2017-2018 RUSH Chair