June 6, 2017


FROM:Fashion Revue Committee

University of Maryland Extension

4-H Youth Development Cecil County


The Cecil County Fair is approaching fast and that means it is time for the 4-H Fashion Revue. This is an excellent opportunity for 4-H members in clothing and fashion revue projects to have their projects judged and exhibit their work. Judging for the Cecil County Fashion Revue will be held on July 8th at the Cecil County Extension Office at 8:00am. Please make note, this year there will only be one judging day.

This year we will have teams of judges who will be judging the participant on topics including but not limited to value of investment, quality, cost effectiveness, and care requirements. Judges will also ask participants to model their garment; this will involve walking and areas to be judged include self- confidence, eye contact, and pride.

To register for Fashion Revue Judging, please complete the page 1 registration form that is enclosed and return it to the 4-H office by Friday June 30th. You must complete the additional forms contained in this packet and bring them to the judging on July 8th. You will need a separate set of forms for each garment that you enter for judging. For example, if you have one Constructed entry and two Ready to Wear entries, you should complete a narrative/photo page and Constructed Garment form for the constructed garment and a narrative/photo page and Ready to Wear garment form for EACH of the Ready to Wear garments. After judging you may leave; all class placing will be announced at the Cecil County Fair. PLEASE REMEMBER you can only enter 4 garments total.

You will have the opportunity to walk the runway at the County Fair 4-H Fashion Revue Show. This is scheduled for Sunday, July 23, 2017 at 4:30 P.M. in the Stafford Pavilion or the swine barn (weather permitting). Ribbons and placement will be announced on this date. If you are not lined up and ready to walk at 4:15pm you will not walk at the Fashion Revue Show. Clovers will NOT be judged but need to attend judging day in order to have photos taken for program.They WILL be able to model their outfit on July 23rd and will receive a participation ribbon. Once judging is completed another letter/email will be sent out regarding the Fashion Revue Show “lineup” and the outfit that the model should be prepared to wear; if you do not receive the letter by July 15th please contact us at 410-996-5280 or by email r .

Fashion Revue participants will be enrolled by the 4-H staff in the appropriate 4-H Fashion Revue class in the county fair to receive fashion revue premiums for your entries. If you wish to have your Constructed Garment (not Ready to Wear) judged at the fair as an indoor exhibit in a clothing class, you must enter it yourself with your other fair entries. You will be able to remove your garment from the Home Arts Building prior to the Fashion Revue Show.

If you would like a study guide or helpful tips for writing your narrative go to our website and look under the Fashion Revue event page.

E-mail or or call 410-996-5280, if you have any questions.