TMS Performing Arts Department


Discovery Times Square Exhibition Center, NYC

Thursday, October 14, 2010

September 15, 2010

Dear Parents,

On Thursday, October 14, members of the TMS Performing Arts Department (band, chorus and theatre arts) will be going to the Discovery Times Square Exhibition Center in New York City for a special concert performance of the Elton John musical, AIDA, as well as visiting the King Tut exhibit and learning about the culture of ancient Egypt, as well. The cost of the trip is $45, which covers both the cost of the ticket and transportation. Because we will be leaving around 10am and will miss the lunch periods here at TMS, students will need to bring a BAG LUNCH WITH THEM to eat on the buses.

THERE ARE A LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE, so please return the completed form (attached) and a check or cash for $45.00 made out to Tenafly Middle School S.O. as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, SEPT. 24. If you have any questions regarding this trip, please feel free to contact me at . We would like to include every student in this trip, so please contact us if there is a financial concern.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Dr. Kimberly Burja, Mr. Peter Enblom, Mrs. Donna Girvan and Mrs. Elise Campbell

Cut here, fill out, and return bottom portion with your check / cash of $45.



Parent/Guardian Permission

Date: Wednesday 15, 2010

I give my child______(please print neatly) permission to attend DISCOVERY TIMES SQUARE AIDA FIELD TRIP. I understand that they will travel by bus on Thursday, October 14, 2010, leaving at 10am and returning around 3:30pm (after school ends; please arrange for transportation). I have enclosed $45.00 (cash or check made out to TMS S.O.)


Signature of Parent or Guardian

++Due to present world conditions, it is possible that this field trip might have to be cancelled or postponed, even at the last minute. Neither Tenafly Middle School nor the Board of Education can be financially responsible for any monies which will be lost. Every attempt will be made to refund your payment, however, this cannot be guaranteed.