


NEMA Headquarters

Rosslyn, VA

5 January 5 2005


(Meeting #14)

Members ParticipatingUSNC PositionAffiliation

R A WilliamsUSNC VP – TechnicalUL

J G AbbottMemberPhilips Medical Sys

H S BermanLiaison MemberECCB/IECQ

A P BrazauskiMemberUL

L M FersonMemberISA

W T FiskeMemberIntertek Testing Svcs

H E Fletcher, Jr MemberCooper Power Sys

K E Gettman TA, DTA, TAG AdminNEMA

W F Hanrahan MemberEIA

T A HansonMemberCorning

D N HeirmanMemberLucent Technologies

B LieblerMemberAdvaMed

K L LippertMemberEaton Electric Group

L McMahillMember (IAEI)City of Phoenix

K L McManamaLiaison MemberUL, USNC/IECEx

R L PescatoreHewlett-Packard Rep USNC/IECEE, CAB Alt

R H ReimerMemberRockwell Automation

S A Seeker (PT)USNC PresidentCooper Power Sys


E M YandekMember (NEMA)GE Lighting

C T ZegersGeneral Secretary - USNCANSI

Guests Participating

T de Courcelle-IEEE

G Eckhart (PT)TAG Ad – COPANT TC 151NEMA


S C Hoyler Member – Council – Rep/SB4 TIA

F K KitzantidesMember – Council – Fmr VP NEMA

D Lee (PT – Telecon)Rep ITIHP

J McCabeConsumer Interest ForumANSI

E F Mikoski, Jr.Member – CouncilEIA

J O RasdallBallStateUniversityAHEE

A Scolnick-NEMA

C Sierk (PT – Telecon)TAG Ad – TC 10ASTM

C Silcox (PT)-NEMA

P StavrianidisMember – CouncilFM Approvals

J J ThurstonMember – CouncilITI

J Wells (PT)Member – Council Pass&Seymour/Legrand

(PT – Part Time)

Section 1.Organizational Matters
1.1Welcome, Opening Remarks and Introductions

Chairman Williams called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. He wished everyone a Happy New Year and thanked them for their participation. He extended a special thank you to past members, John Rennie and Lori Tennant and a special welcome to new members, William Fiske, Kevin Lippert and Howard Wolfman. This was followed by self introductions.

1.1.1Discussion of Meeting Format, Agendas and Minutes
Messrs Williams and Zegers reported that ANSI-wide templates for minutes and agendas are in the process of being implemented. Also, members were asked to consider whether or not they wanted to have detailed minutes or abbreviated, action oriented minutes. If the latter, it was suggested that the format of future TMC meetings would have to change to an action, results oriented format rather than the kind of informational meeting that has existed in the past. Comments and suggestions were invited.

1.2Approval of Agenda

1.2.1Approval of the Consent Agenda

The Chairman called attention to the Consent Agenda (USNC/TMC 280 – REVISED) and asked if any items should be removed for detailed discussion. None were suggested. It was moved, seconded and
VOTED #1To approve the Consent Agenda (USNC/TMC 280 – REVISED)as revised. (This motion was approved unanimously.)
By this action the following items were approved:

  • Minutes of the 22 September 2004 meeting (USNC/TMC 279)
  • Nomination of Mr Kelvin Hecht as Chairman of IEC/TC 105 – Fuel Cell
  • The following were appointed/reappointed to the position indicated:
    V NedzelnitskyTA – TC 29
  • The following CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATIONwere approved:
    E M BrieschDTA – SC 31A
    A BroadwinDTA – TC 87
    T L BrooksTA – SC 59K
    J J KellyTA – TC 10
    P T KellySecretary – SC 31A
    J T KinsellaMember – TMC
    W G Lawrence, Jr TA – SC 31A
    J D MillerTA – SC 31L
    C V RobinsonTAG Admin – SC 31A, SC 31L, Sec – 31L
    L L TennantMember, TMC
    An invitation to host the following meeting in the US was approved:
    IEC/TC 22 – Power Electronic Systems and Equipment and its SCs –
    12 – 16 September 2005
  • Balance of the Agenda

Mr Williams invited any additions or changes to the balance of the agenda and Mr Zegers called attention to several that were announced prior to the meeting:
It was moved, seconded and
VOTED #2To approve the Balance of the Agenda (USNC/TMC 280 REVISED)as revised. (This motion was approved unanimously.)

Section 2Status of Action Items from Previous Meetings

The General Secretary called attention to the list of pending Action Items and reported on each. He noted that some items would be addressed during today’s meeting and several are still pending and will be addressed at the next TMC meeting. The following were highlighted:

2.1 / Action Item
2001-09-28 #1
It was agreed that a Task Force would be established to work with the General Secretary in developing this document. (Guideline document on Category D Liaison).
Continuing Action Item. Draft being reviewed by USNC Officers. Will be circulated to Task Force for comment prior to May TMC meeting. / Task Force
L Ferson
T Hansen
B Hanrahan
J Kinn
C.T. Zegers
2.2 / Action Item
2003-01-17 #3
It was agreed that the General Secretary would communicate with Mr. Cornish to determine the status of the ANSI-ISO effort (attribution) and that he and Mr. Heirman would work to develop a USNC proposal for possible submission to IEC.
Pending-to be accomplished by May 2005 meeting. / C.T. Zegers
D N Heirman
2.3 / Action Item
2003-01-17 #8
It was agreed that the General Secretary should communicate with those TAGs that only just meet the viability requirement and recommend that an effort be undertaken to build membership.
General communications sent. More specific communication to follow. Pending / C.T. Zegers
2.4 / Action Item
2003-05-12 #2
Mr. Yandek recommended and it was agreed that he would work with Mr. Seward Ford, the TA, and with Mr. Zegers in a focused effort to solve this problem before the deadline date.
Extension until work of newly established Task Force on TAG Participation is completed. / E Yandek
C T Zegers
2.5 / Action Item
2003-05-12 #3
It was agreed that Mr. Mikoski would be given until the next TMC meeting to rejuvenate the USNC TAG for IEC/TC 49 and to bring it into compliance with USNC Procedures including number of members required for viability, appointment of a TA and use of the TAG Model Procedures.
Mr Zegers working with Mr Mikoski to address this Action Item by May 2005 TMC meeting. / E. Mikoski
C.T. Zegers
2.6 / Action Item
2003-09-18 #1
Mr. Zegers agreed to discuss the subject with CISPR/I contacts and with ANSI Staff responsible for the ISO TAG Procedures and to provide guidance to the TC 108 TAG management. (Re: One Company/One Vote Rule)
Completed. / C.T. Zegers
2.7 / Action Item
2004-01-15 #3
Mr. Zegers was asked to contact the TA, Mr. Richard F. Lyke, to discuss the subject. (Category D Liaison vis-à-vis ASTM)
Pending / C T Zegers
2.8 / Action Item - Internal USNC Policy on Adoption/Adaption of IEC Standards
The subject policy was approved by the USNC Council on 18 September 2003 and now must be implemented. It has been circulated to the USNC constituency.
At the 21 May 2004 meeting of the USNC Council, this subject was discussed in some detail and the General Secretary was given an action item to gather information on the “best selling” IEC Standards and to discuss with the related USNC TAG’s their intent with respect to National adoption/adaptation. This action is currently underway.
Statistics being developed and when available will be circulated to related TAs and TAGs for consideration. / C.T. Zegers
2.9 / Action Item
2004-09-22 #1
Mr. Mikoski, representing EIA, TAG Administrator for TC 94, agreed to work with the National Association of Relay Manufacturers to nominate a TA and activate the TAG as soon as possible.
Mr Zegers working with Mr Mikoski to address this Action Item by the May 2005 TMC meeting / E F Mikoski, Jr.
C T Zegers

Section 3SMB MEETING – 9 – 10 February 2005 -Geneva, Switzerland

Mr. Williams reported that the official agenda for the SMB February meeting has not, as yet, been circulated, however, he called attention to document USNC/TMC 284 which ismeant to record USNC positions on items that are likely to be included. Concentratingon Questions of Principle where the USNC has yet to vote, the Chairman and General Secretary reviewed each item, the comments received from the membership and a USNCposition was developed where needed. These positions are recorded in ATTACHMENT A.

The following items were highlighted:

  • The Brazilian National Committee now serves on the SMB rather than Mexico.
  • Ad Hoc Group 18 – Global Relevance of IEC Standards and the work of the SMB to help SC 23H address the comments received on the 1st EDR submitted by the USNC. Mr Williams is a member of this Group and he suggested that the outcome of discussion is extremely important to the future of Global Relevance in IEC.
  • Ad Hoc Group 17 – Development Stages of Standards – Convened by Mr Zegers – It was reported that many members of the Ad Hoc Group were reluctant to reduce the 5 months voting time at the CDV level. Even in the USNC, although the majority of respondents recommended a reduction, a significant number argued for no change. This subject will again be discussed in Geneva. TMC agreed that while the USNC should support the development of performance criteria for Secretariats/Secretaries it should not support term limits for TC/SC Secretariats. Also the TMC is supportive of an effort to document the root causes of delay of projects.
  • Ad Hoc Group 19 – IEC Standardization Strategy – This Group is working to develop a living strategy document for the SMB similar to the one that now exists for the ISO TMB and the IEC CAB. It is intended to be a stand-alone document that will compliment the IEC Master Plan and be revised on a regular basis. It is anticipated that at the February SMB meeting the Strategy is likely to be approved for submission to the Council Board for approval and an implementation plan will then be developed. Mr Williams is a member of this Ad Hoc Group.
  • With respect to the proposed merger of SC 15E and TC 98, the USNC has supported this merger and the establishment of a new TC. Also the USNC will likely request assignment of the Secretariat of the new TC and if more than one NC asks for this assignment the SMB will decide.
  • It was noted that the new TC 111 – Environmental Standardization for Electrical and Electronic Products and Systems, had been established with Italy as Secretariat and Mr Koichi Mori of Japan as Chairman. The 1st meeting of the TC has been scheduled for March in Milan.
  • With respect to SMB membership, it was noted that currently Messrs Williams and Seeker serve as USNC Representative and Alternate, however, because of a pending change in the IEC Statutes and Rules of Procedure, in the very near future, Mr Zegers can again be named as Alternate. In the meantime, the USNC should communicate officially with the Central Office asking for Mr Zegers to be able to attend the February SMB meeting.

3.1ITI – Industry Proposal, Guidance Document for Development

of IEC International Standards for Regulatory Use
At this point, Mr David Lee of HP joined the meeting via teleconference and, along with Mr James Thurston of ITI, provided a brief up-date on the subject proposal. Mr Williams called attention to the results of TMC E-Mail Ballot 92 and to the comments that were submitted. This proposal has been approved for submission to the SMB for consideration at its February 2005 meeting. Mr Thurston was asked to provide the final text of the proposal to Mr Zegers for transmittal to the Central Office as well as the name of the representative ITI would like to see attend the SMB meeting to answer questions. During discussion a number of editorial changes were recommended for the proposal and because the February SMB meeting is imminent it was suggested that consideration be given to postponing the presentation to the June SMB meeting. Mr Williams indicated that this decision would rest with Mr Thurston and ITI but, if it is decided to wait until June, the proposal had to be given to Mr Zegers well in advance of the meeting for inclusion in the agenda.

3.2USNC Appeal to SMB Re Decision to Limit Membership on
SC 77A/WG 1

Mr Zegers provided a brief report on the USNC’s appeal of the decision by SC 77A to limit the number of Experts on WG 1 to 3 from any one National Committee. This appeal has been submitted to the IEC General Secretary but has not yet been acknowledged. It is hoped that the SMB will be asked to consider the matter at its February meeting.
Section 4Management Decisions
4.1Appointment of TA – TC 10 – Report of Voting on TMC E-Mail Ballot 93

At this point Ms Christi Sierk, ASTM and TAG Administrator for the USNC TAG for IEC/TC 10, joined the meeting via teleconference to discuss the results of TMC E-Mail Ballot 93 concerning the appointment of Ms Maria Eklund of Sweden as TA. Ms Sierk confirmed that Ms Eklund represents NYNAS USA Inc on the USNC TAG and was nominated by the TAG as TA because of her excellent technical qualifications. She acknowledged that one of the elements that led to the TAG’s decision had to do with the funding support for meeting participation. During discussion, several member spoke against the nomination, not against Ms Eklund personally, but because of the difficulty she might face in representing US interests at a meeting where Swedish interests may differ. It was also noted that Ms Eklund is currently listed as the Swedish Convenor of TC 10/WG 18 and this was felt to represent divided loyalties. Ms Sierk noted that Ms Eklund no longer serves as Convenor of WG 18. She agreed to confirm this fact. (General Secretary’s Note: Subsequent to the meeting Ms Sierk confirmed that Ms Eklund has been removed as Convenor of WG 18.)

Mr Williams confirmed that the ballot passed, that ANSI and USNC rules appear to have been followed in this situation and that Ms Eklund has been appointed as TA for TC 10. However, there appear to be some outstanding concerns on the part of the TMC membership that should be considered. It was agreed that a small Task Force would be established consisting of Messrs Reimer and Heirman to look into this subject and to make appropriate recommendations for consideration at the TMC meeting in May. (ACTION ITEM #1) Manager Assignments

After brief discussion, it was agreed that Mr Fiske would assume the Group Manager assignments handled formerly by Mr Rennie, that Mr Lippert would take those assigned formerly to Ms Tennant and Mr Wolfman those formerly assigned to Mr Kinsella. In addition the following assignments were made:
TC 38Mr Fletcher
TC 108Mr Brazauski

TC 111Mr Reimer

4.3 Assignment of TAG Administrator – USNC TC for IEC/TC 111

Mr Zegers reported that two organizations, EIA and NEMA, have requested to be assigned as TAG Administrator for the USNC TAG for IEC/TC 111 and the TMC must decide. As soon as this decision is made, the TAG will be established and a nomination for TA generated as soon as possible considering the 1st meeting of the TC is scheduled for March. Mr Williams indicated that a paper ballot of the TMC members would be conducted and votes were to be given to the General Secretary over the lunch break. Following lunch the Chairman reported that NEMA had been assigned this TAG Administrator responsibility.

4.4Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Group on Gratis Copies –

Report of Voting – TMC E-Mail Ballot 91

Mr Zegers called attention to the report of voting on TMC E-Mail Ballot 91 – Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Group on Gratis Copies and indicated that, while the ballot was approved, a number of comments were received that appear to warrant additional consideration. It was agreed that the Ad Hoc Group would be asked to review these comments and, if appropriate, prepare a revised draft for TMC’s consideration.

Section 5Technical Issues for Consideration

5.1Pre-selection of Plastic Materials as Alternate to End Product Testing

Mr Williams reminded the TMC of the very successful Workshop that was held at ANSI Offices in New York City on 17 August 2004 on the subject of Pre-selection of Plastic Materials. It was decided, at that time, to sponsor a survey of the USNC constituency to gain insight into attitudes on this subject in order to be able to determine an appropriate future course of action. This survey had now been completed and will shortly be circulated to the USNC’s contacts.

5.2Proposed TMC Workshop on AWGs

Mr Williams reported that another Workshop has been proposed on the subject of AWGs and the possibility of processing an EDR under the IEC Global Relevance Policy to IEC/TC 20 – Electric Cables. The primary contacts for this activity are being approached to determine their level of interest in this activity.

5.3Other Possible Topics of TMC Sponsored Workshops

The Workshop technique appears to have a great deal of potential in areas that might lend themselves to a coordinated approach across IEC and into multiple TC and SCs. If it could be decided in such a Workshop that a coordinated approach could be developed and presented as a uniform USNC proposal across multiple committees, the chance of success might be significantly improved. Mr Williams invited TMC members to consider this technique and to advise him and the General Secretary of any subject that they feel might benefit by this approach.

5.4Information Item – Consumer Safety and Home Appliances

(Dr Joyce Rasdall, Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences Department, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana for the Association of Home Equipment Educators (AHEE))

Mr Jim McCabe, ANSI’s Director, Consumer Relations and Public Policy, introduced Dr Joyce Rasdall who provided insights on the Family and Consumer Sciences Profession and on the structure, related activities and priorities of the AHEE. (ATTACHMENT D)

Mr Zegers reported that the USNC and Mr McCabes’ Consumer Affairs Departments were in the process of developing a top to bottom proposal the goal of which will be to maximize and enhance consumer involvement in the USNC. From the possibility of recommending Council and TMC seats for consumer advocates to facilitating consumer membership on TAGs, this proposal is targeted for TMC and Council’s consideration at their May meetings.

Section 6.Anti-trust Protection Under NCRPA

NEMA’s Legal Counsel, Mr Clark Silcox, provided a brief overview of the anti-trust protection provision of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993 and its expansion to include standards developing organizations (SDOs). Mr Silcox highlighted what NEMA has done to comply with this legislation and other SDOs in attendance reported on their experiences as well.

Section 7Review Challenges Concerning Management of the TAG

Technical Work of the USNC

Mr Zegers highlighted a number of challenges that are currently facing the USNC TAGs including the following, among others:

  • A Significant number of TAGs are at the viability lower limit of 3 voting members or possibly 4.
  • USNC TAG Participation Fees are being increased from $250 to $275 and this is likely to have a negative effect on TAG membership.
  • Two TAGs, TC 4 and TC 97, have been without TAG Administrators for several years and significant, yet unsuccessful, efforts have been made to find organizations will to serve primarily because of the fees involved.
  • In a number of areas, it has become increasingly difficult to find TAs for TAGs in areas where US industry is not longer a prime mover. Also, generating funds to support TAs to attend meetings and serve as head of delegations is becoming more and more difficult.
  • Government involvement in USNC TAGs is not what it should be and many government employees who are involved find it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain funding support.
  • The number of USNC Secretariats and US Chairmanship is getting smaller and smaller as committees merge and as current officers withdraw.
  • The USNC is currently a Non-Member of 12 IEC TCs/SCs and some question if US interest can be generated.

A discussion followed and it was agreed that a small Task Force would be established toscope out this entire issue and to prioritize the challenges with which the TMC is faced. In this way, decisions might be made on an issue-by-issue basis making solutions a bit more manageable. Mr Yandek agreed to chair this Task Force and Messrs Hanson and Liebler agreed to serve as members. (ACTION ITEM #2)