ECB Community Coach Education – Course Details (indicative for ECB L2 Certificate- Child Coach/ YPA Coach)
Course title / ECB Certificate in Coaching Children’s Cricket (including Intro to Coaching Cricket) / ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults Cricket (including Intro to Coaching Cricket)Outcomes/ indicative content /
- The role of the children’s coach
- HOWZAT! and the ECB Player Development Model
- The ‘Coaches Kitbag’; The Coaching Tools and different Practice Types
- Your coaching philosophy
- Different types of Practice; Fixed, Variable and Game-based; what skills do they develop?
- Safeguarding and protecting children, player welfare and safe coaching
- Player development; Technical, Tactical, Mental and Physical (Early and Basic stages of Player Development)
- Early and Basic Cricket skill- including the ‘core skills/ principles’
- The ECB Player-centred Planning Process- coaches’ language and actions v session outcomes and player learning
- How children learn
- The Coaching Tools within: Fixed, Variable and Game-based learning practices
- Planning coaching sessions
- Building and designing practices and training
- Designing and running Integrated Practices
- ‘Individualisation’ and player need
- Applied Coaching Practice – planning and practice
- Self-development and action planning
- The role of the young people and adults coach
- HOWZAT! and the ECB Player Development Model
- The ‘Coaches Kitbag’; The Coaching Tools and different Practice Types
- Your coaching philosophy
- Different types of Practice; Fixed, Variable and Game-based; what skills do they develop?
- Safeguarding and protecting- player welfare and safe coaching
- Player development; Technical, Tactical, Mental and Physical (Basic and Enhanced stages of Player Development)
- Basic and Enhanced Cricket skill- including the ‘core skills/ principles’
- The ECB Player-centred Planning Process- coaches’ language and actions v session outcomes and player learning
- How young people and adults learn
- The Coaching Tools within: Fixed, Variable and Game-based learning practices
- Planning coaching sessions
- Building and designing practices and training
- Designing and running Integrated Practices
- ‘Individualisation’ and player need
- Applied Coaching Practice – planning and practice
- Self-development and action planning
Who should attend? /
- Coaches who are going to coach children U13 (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)
- Coaches who are going to coach young people and adults- ‘open age’ cricket (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)
Who can attend? /
- New coaches entering the system
- Existing UKCC1/ ECB L1 assistant coaches (or equivalent)
- Existing YPA Cert (L2) coaches (no need to attend modules 1&2)
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA) who wish to access ‘child specific’ content
- New coaches entering the system
- Existing UKCC1/ ECB L1 assistant coaches (or equivalent)
- Existing CC Cert (L2) coaches (no need to attend modules 1&2)
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA) who wish to access ‘young person and adult specific’ content
Where and what does it allow me to coach and do? /
- Typically children U13 (pre ‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically children within EARLY and BASIC (some)playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- EARLY PDM Environments: Child Club age 6-10; Child Primary Years 1-5.
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- Typically young people and adults (‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically young people and adults within BASIC (some) and ENHANCED playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- ENHANCED PDM environments: Young Person Secondary Year 8-11; Young Person Club Junior; Young Person FE; Young Person Adult Club; Adult Club
Length and structure (modular) /
- Cert- 4 days (incorporating Intro to coaching- 1 day)
- Modular format (8 modules- 3 hours per module) with flexible delivery options- flexible and modular delivery will be retained. Options will be presented and guidelines regarding optimum delivery structure provided to CBs.
- 3 days if completed after ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People & Adults (no need to repeat generic content from ‘introduction to coaching’ day 1 content)
- Coaches will be required to complete ‘off-course’ home-study online ‘e-learning’ tasks in between modules
- Cert- 4 days (incorporating Intro to coaching- 1 day)
- Modular format (8 modules- 3 hours per module) with flexible delivery options- flexible and modular delivery will be retained. Options will be presented and guidelines regarding delivery structure provided to CBs.
- 3 days if completed after ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (no need to repeat generic content from ‘introduction to coaching’ day 1 content)
- Coaches will be required to complete ‘off-course’ home-study online ‘e-learning’ tasks in between modules
Supported practice? /
- Yes- building on existing structure of supported practice (6 sessions, 4 of which must be linked and progressive- starting after Module 4), coaches will be expected to demonstrate that they have applied specific concepts covered on-course within planning and delivery of SP sessions
- Yes- building on existing structure of supported practice (6 sessions, 4 of which must be linked and progressive- starting after Module 4), coaches will be expected to demonstrate that they have applied specific concepts covered on-course within planning and delivery of SP sessions
Pre requisites (1st aid, SPC, CRB) /
- No change- as existing pre-requisites but SPC on line and integrated to the course
- No change- as existing pre-requisites but SPC on line and integrated to the course
Age requirements to attend / be assessed /
- 17 to attend course- advisable that experience is required in relation to coaching children
- 18 to be assessed
- 17 to attend course- advisable that experience is required in relation to coaching children
- 18 to be assessed
Facility needs (SH, classroom, Nets) /
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)- Modules 3-8 will be largely practical in nature. Nets are desirable but not essential
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)- Modules 3-8 will be largely practical in nature. Nets are desirable but not essential
Assessment methods and needs (practical, kids) /
- Assessment via formative ‘home-study’ tasks demonstrating understanding and application of course concepts (supported practice, completing a task, self-reporting questions etc) and summative assessment of delivery and review of practical coaching session
- Appropriate practical space and participants required for assessment
- Assessment via formative ‘home-study’ tasks demonstrating understanding and application of course concepts (supported practice, completing a task, self-reporting questions etc.) and summative assessment of delivery and review of practical coaching session
- Appropriate practical space and participants required for assessment
QA / IV needs /
- No change planned- as existing QA/ IV/ EV
- No change planned- as existing QA/ IV/ EV
Tutor to coach ratios /
- See supplied appendix documentation for further guidance
- See supplied appendix documentation for further guidance
ECB price to CB /
- £53.66 (same price!)
- £53.66 (same price!)
Able to join the CA? /
- Yes
- Yes
How long have I got to be certified? /
- As existing qualifications (2 years)
- As existing qualifications (2 years)
The re assessment process is. /
- As existing qualifications
- As existing qualifications
ECB Community Coach Education – CPD Course Details (indicative for post ECB L2 CPD- Child CPD/ YPA CPD)
Course title / ECB Game Based Learning for Children (Child Coach CPD)ECB Creating the Learning Climate for Children (Child Coach CPD)
ECB Skill Development for Children (Child Coach CPD)
ECB Coaching in Primary Schools (Child Coach CPD) / ECB Performance and Video Analysis (YP & A Coach CPD)
ECB Training Interventions and Methods (YP & A Coach CPD)
ECB Coaching Teams (YP & A CPD)
ECB Coaching in Secondary Schools (Child and YP & A CPD):
Outcomes/ indicative content / ECB Game Based Learning for Children (Child Coach CPD):
- Cricket Game Based Learning: conceptual framework and curriculum
- Games (practices) centred workshop and the underpinning methodology
- Designing Practices
- Intervention methodology
- Planning
- Developing the learning player (role of the coach)
- Child learning strategies
- Creating learning windows
- Coach Behaviour
- Early/ Basic skill curriculum and delivery
- Differentiation
- Creating Early/ Basic practices, & drills
- Skill development circuits
- Learning through discovery, helping children create their own practices
- Technical and Physical development
- Simple skill acquisition
- Adapting equipment
- Integrated practices
- Working with teachers and supporting curriculum delivery
- Primary P.E curriculum
- Working with large groups
- Differentiation
- Engaging children in ‘lifelong’ interest
- Using Howzat!
- Planning primary cricket sessions
- Working with single sex groups
- Working with mixed groups
- Performance Analysis (Observe and Analysis, Video Analysis, Performance Analysis)
- Batting
- Bowling
- Fielding
- Wicket Keeping
- Game and Match analysis methods
- Training Interventions for:
- Batting
- Bowling
- Fielding
- Wicket keeping
- Use of nets, bowling machines, fielding machines and practice scenarios
- How and when to intervene
- Creating the ‘team’ environment
- Planning a year
- Before the game
- During the game
- After the game
- Working with captains
- In-season practice
- Coaches role and behaviour
- Working with teachers and supporting curriculum delivery
- Secondary P.E curriculum
- Working with large groups
- Differentiation
- Engaging children in ‘lifelong’ interest
- Using Howzat!
- Planning secondary cricket sessions
- Working with single sex groups
- Working with mixed groups
Who should attend? /
- Coaches who are coaching children U13 (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)- those wanting to develop ‘child specific’ knowledge
- Coaches who are coaching young people and adults- ‘open age’ cricket (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)- those wanting to develop ‘YPA specific’ knowledge
Who can attend? /
- Coaches who have undertaken ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (L2 Certificate equivalent)- able to access Child CPD options
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA) who wish to access ‘child specific’ CPD content (these coaches able to access CPD from both Child and YPA strands)
- Coaches who have undertaken ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults (L2 Certificate equivalent)- able to access YPA CPD options
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA) who wish to access ‘young person and adult specific’ CPD content (these coaches able to access CPD from both Child and YPA strands)
Where and what does it allow me to coach and do? /
- Typically children U13 (pre ‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically children within EARLY and BASIC (some) playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- EARLY PDM Environments: Child Club age 6-10; Child Primary Years 1-5.
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- Typically young people and adults (‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically young people and adults within BASIC (some) and ENHANCED playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- ENHANCED PDM environments: Young Person Secondary Year 8-11; Young Person Club Junior; Young Person FE; Young Person Adult Club; Adult Club
Length and structure (modular) /
- 3 hour workshops + 1 home study online ‘E-Module’ (per CPD option) apart from Coaching in Primary Schools CPD which is 6 hour workshop and 1 online ‘E-Module’
- Flexible delivery options- flexible and modular delivery will be retained.
- 3 hour workshops + 1 home study online ‘E-Module’ (per CPD option) apart from Coaching in Primary Schools CPD which is 6 hour workshop and 1 online ‘E-Module’
- Flexible delivery options- flexible and modular delivery will be retained.
Supported practice? /
- No- but contains element of ‘applied’ home study and online tasks (related to actual coaching practice with Children)
- No- but contains element of ‘applied’ home study and online tasks (related to actual coaching practice with Yong People and Adults)
Pre requisites (1st aid, SPC, CRB) /
- No change- as existing CDW pre-requisites
- ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (or ECB L2/ UKCC2 equivalent)
- No change- as existing CDW pre-requisites
- ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults (or ECB L2/ UKCC2 equivalent)
Age requirements to attend / be assessed /
- 17 to attend course
- 18 to be assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level
- 17 to attend course
- 18 to be assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level
Facility needs (SH, classroom, Nets) /
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)
- Nets required for ECB Skill Development for Children
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)
- Nets required for ECB Training Interventions and Methods
Assessment method and needs (practical, kids) /
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
QA / IV needs /
- None
- None
Tutor to coach ratios /
- See supplied appendix documentation for further guidance
- See supplied appendix documentation for further guidance
ECB price to CB /
- £15
- £15
Able to join the CA? /
- Yes
- Yes
How long have I got to be certified? /
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
The re assessment process is. /
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
- Attendance workshop- knowledge assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
ECB Community Coach Education – Course Details ECB Coach Support Worker)
Course title / ECB Coach Support Worker (CSW)Outcomes/ indicative content /
- Simple Laws of the game
- Safety and risk assessment
- Organising warm-ups and cool-downs
- Roles and responsibilities
- Working relationships with coaches
- Game and activity management
- Setting up activities and practices
Who should attend? /
- Individuals wishing to assist in the delivery of high quality cricket coaching session within a club environment
Where and what does it allow me to support, assist and do? /
- This course allows candidates to assist in the delivery of practical coaching sessions, normally under the direct supervision of an ECB qualified cricket coach
- This is an assisting and capacity-building role designed to support the delivery of high quality cricket coaching sessions within clubs, as such this course does not qualify candidates to coach participants
- The Coaching Support Worker course does not equip people to coach and should not be viewed as part of a pathway towards becoming a coach (for individuals wishing to pursue coaching qualifications please see ECB Certificate in Coaching Children or ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults)
- Act as a responsible adult within MQS if over 18
Length and structure (modular) /
- 6 hour workshop plus on line SPC
- 2x 3 hour modules
Pre requisites (1st aid, SPC, CRB) /
- Online SPC, CRB
Age requirements to attend / be assessed /
- 16 to attend course
- 17 to be assessed
Facility needs (SH, classroom, Nets) /
- Sports Hall. ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)
Assessment methods and needs (practical, kids) /
- ECB CCED endorsed qualification, attendance based with practical assessment component
- Appropriate practical space required
QA / IV needs /
- None
Tutor to CSW ratios /
- 1:12 2 tutor min
ECB price to CB / £15
Able to join the CA? /
- NO
How long have I got to be certified? /
- No stand-alone assessment
The re assessment process is. /
- NA
ECB Community Coach Education – Diploma Course Details (indicative for Child Diploma/ YPA Diploma)
Course title / ECB Diploma in Coaching Children / ECB Diploma in Coaching Young People and AdultsOutcomes/ indicative content /
- Day 1: Pedagogy – understanding of child coaching practice
- Development of philosophy and role frame
- Working with other coaches
- Leading and mentoring a coaching team
- Playing the lead role in a club
- Understanding mentoring
- Long term planning
- Structuring competitions
- Talent Identification and skill acquisition
- Day 2: Applications of coaching (coach in action), coach development log, reflective practice and portfolio + paperwork
- Day 1: Pedagogy – understanding of child coaching practice
- Development of philosophy and role frame
- Working with other coaches
- Leading and mentoring a coaching team
- Playing the lead role in a club
- Understanding mentoring
- Long term planning
- Structuring competitions
- Talent Identification and skill acquisition
- Day 2: Applications of coaching (coach in action), coach development log, reflective practice and portfolio + paperwork
Who should attend? /
- Coaches who are coaching children U13 (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)- those wanting to develop ‘child specific’ expertise
- Coaches who are coaching young people and adults- ‘open age’ cricket (ID process supported via CB/ ECB)- those wanting to develop ‘YPA specific’ expertise
Who can attend? /
- Coaches who have undertaken ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (L2 Certificate equivalent)- who have accessed/ attended all Child CPD workshops
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA)- who have accessed/ attended all Child CPD workshops
- Coaches who have undertaken ECB Certificate in Coaching Young People and Adults (L2 Certificate equivalent)- who have accessed/ attended all YPA CPD workshops
- Existing UKCC2/ ECB L2 coaches (or equivalent MCC, NCA)- who have accessed/ attended all Child CPD workshops
Where and what does it allow me to coach and do? /
- Typically children U13 (pre ‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically children within EARLY and BASIC (some) playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- EARLY PDM Environments: Child Club age 6-10; Child Primary Years 1-5.
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- Typically young people and adults (‘open-age’ cricket)
- Typically young people and adults within BASIC (some), ENHANCED and TALENT DEVELOPMENT (some) playing environments from ECB Player Development Model (PDM)
- BASIC PDM environments: Child Primary Year 6; Child Secondary Year 7; Child Club age 10-12; Child District 10-12; Young Person District 12-15; Child County 12 & under.
- ENHANCED PDM environments: Young Person Secondary Year 8-11; Young Person Club Junior; Young Person FE; Young Person Adult Club; Adult Club
- TALENT DEVELOPMENT PDM environments: Young Person 13-16 County Rep; Young Person EPP; Adult Premier League; Adult HE
Length and structure (modular) /
- 2 days (1 day workshop with break plus 1 day REGIONAL assessment)
- Day 1 hosted a club or facility locally
- Assessment days held regionally
- 2 days (1 day workshop with break plus 1 day REGIONAL assessment)
- Day 1 hosted a club or facility locally
- Assessment days held regionally
Supported practice? /
- No- but contains element of ‘applied’ home study and applied tasks via online ‘E-learning’ modules prior to regional assessment day (related to actual coaching practice with children)
- No- but contains element of ‘applied’ home study and applied tasks via online ‘E-learning’ modules prior to regional assessment day (related to actual coaching practice with children)
Pre requisites (1st aid, SPC, CRB) /
- No change- as existing pre-requisites (1st aid/ SPC/ CRB)
- ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (or ECB L2/ UKCC2 equivalent)
- Attendance and completion of all Child CPD workshops (face to face/ online ‘E-learning’ modules applied tasks)
- No change- as existing pre-requisites (1st aid/ SPC/ CRB)
- ECB Certificate in Coaching Children (or ECB L2/ UKCC2 equivalent)
- Attendance and completion of all Child CPD workshops (face to face/ online ‘E-learning’ modules applied tasks)
Age requirements to attend / be assessed /
- 18 to attend course and to be assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level (decision required in relation to QCF mapping and accreditation)
- 18 to attend course and to be assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level (decision required in relation to QCF mapping and accreditation)
Facility needs (SH, classroom, Nets) /
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)
- ECB guidance will be provided in relation to integrated sports hall delivery (but not prescriptive in order to accommodate local and facility variations and flexibility)
Assessment method and needs (practical, kids) /
- Appropriate participants required for regional assessment
- Knowledge from Child CPD workshops to assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
- Appropriate participants required for regional assessment
- Knowledge from YPA CPD workshops to assessed at QCF/ ECB ‘Diploma’ level qualification
QA / IV needs /
- Advice to be provided
- Advice to be provided
Tutor to coach ratios /
- Advice to be provided
- Advice to be provided
ECB price to CB /
- Advice to be provided
- Advice to be provided
Able to join the CA? /
- Yes
- Yes
How long have I got to be certified? /
- As existing qualifications (2 years)
- As existing qualifications (2 years)
The re assessment process is. /
- As existing qualifications (Club Coach)
- As existing qualifications (Club Coach)