Faculty set-up funds are extremely critical as they are linked to faculty recruitment and the concomitant program development that recruitment represents. These funds also represent a sizable investment for the School in equipment, software, renovation and materials that are essential to the enhancement of our curriculum. The Executive Vice Chancellor allocates these funds to be administered under the Dean’s discretion. Development of instructional programs that new faculty may engage in receive a high priority by the Dean in allocation of these funds. It is vital that the expenditure of these funds be leveraged whenever possible. Working with the department Chair, fundraising efforts for private funds or gifts may be opportunities to meet program needs when combined with set-up funds. Additionally, set-up funds need to be expended carefully and wisely to avoid redundancies across departments or other problems that might arise in the area of staff resources and on-going technology support for program development.
Funds allocated to support activities of new faculty are spent out of the Dean’s Office. A discussion will be conducted between the faculty member, department chair and Dean in which a mutually agreeable plan for expenditure will be developed. The following guidelines should be followed:
- Each new faculty member will be provided one computer with appropriate peripherals suitable to their needs for both teaching and research from set-up funds. A faculty member may choose from a standard, intermediate or advanced hardware and software configuration in either PC or Mac format. The CTSA computer policy can be found at the following location:
- Expenditures for set-up are designed to support research expenditures for a new faculty member. Typical expenditures include travel for research collaborations, performances, workshops, presentations, etc.; books and other materials or specialized software. Professional development activities that will facilitate progress toward tenure are a high priority for use of these funds. Specialized non-computer equipment may also be purchased for support of faculty research or programmatic development in the department. Examples of this type of equipment include musical instruments, art studio equipment including photographic and video, theatrical equipment, etc. The Regents of the University hold title and ownership to all equipment purchased with University funds. Research assistants may also be paid from set-up funds.
All funds allocated upon the arrival of a new faculty member must be expended within three years of their arrival or those funds shall revert to the Dean for re-allocation.
Rev. 4/11